The Ultimate Husband

The Ultimate Husband In Chinese Chapter 3341-3345

The Ultimate Husband In Chinese Chapter 3341-3345

The Ultimate Husband In Chinese Chapter 3341-3345

Chapter 3341

At this moment, on the battlefield!

Seeing Yabering’s unyielding death, Wen Liang couldn’t help but chuckle: “What you said is righteous and dignified, but don’t forget, it was the war that you provoked first by the Principality of Day by Day. You captured two cities in the Principality of the Crescent Moon, and now we are attacking them. It’s also a tit for tat.”

“Shut up!”

Abel was very excited, his eyes were blood red, and he shouted angrily: “We are in the Principality of Sunshine, with the support of the Goddess of Light, it is God’s will to unify the continent, and your Principality of Tianxing, in turn To help the Principality of the New Moon is to defy the will of God.”


Wen Liang was stunned when he heard this, not knowing how to refute for a while.


At this moment, Yue Feng’s heart was also moved, and he frowned secretly.

The goddess of light that Abel said was a fake, right? You know, the real goddess of light is still in the temple of light, and she taught her the formation last night.


Just when Yue Feng was muttering secretly, he saw Wen Liang react with a sneer on his face: “Even if it is really supported by the goddess of light, you have been deceived by you! Not much nonsense, this

Amaterasu City , I will definitely take it today, and since I don’t surrender, I’ll lead to death.”

“The whole army obeys the order, don’t leave one, kill me.”

Wen Liang almost howled out the last sentence.


For a time, the army of tens of thousands of stars rushed up like a tide. The soldiers under Abel’s men were almost exhausted at this time, and the formation was scattered all at once, and many soldiers fell in a pool of blood.

“Soldiers, swear to defend Tianzhao City to the death!”

Seeing his soldiers fall one by one, Abel was instantly blood red, almost fell into madness, howled loudly, and rushed into the crowd of enemy troops.

Bang bang bang…

At this time, Abel burst out with all his strength, like a tiger entering a flock. Under the swing of the big sword, enemy soldiers kept falling down. However, there were too many opponents. Gradually, Abel’s face turned pale. , The big sword in his hand was almost unsteady, and he looked extremely weak.


Seeing this situation, Wen Liang was indescribably excited. He laughed and sarcastically said, “Abel, your men are about to be killed by me. How long can you last? How much blood do you have left to shed?”

The words fell, Wenliang Shengli erupted, and he rushed forward thinking of Abel.

Looking at the gentle rushing, Abel looked terrified.

“Hehe, I, Abel, have been honored all my life and have been highly valued by the king. I originally wanted to help His Majesty the King, expand the territory, and complete the great cause of unification, but I didn’t expect that I would end up dying at the hands of someone like you. I…I’m not reconciled! “Abel clenched his sword tightly, looked incomparably sad and angry, and roared up to the sky.

As soon as the words fell, Abel was about to rush up and fight Wen Liang for the final battle.


However, it was at this moment that a figure burst out and stood in front of Abel.

It was Yue Feng.

At the same time, Wen Liang also rushed to the front.


At this moment, Yue Feng raised his right hand and slapped Wen Liang’s sword with his palm. He heard a dull sound, and Wen Liang was shaken back a few steps.


Seeing this scene, both Wenliang and Abel, as well as the soldiers on both sides, were stunned.

Who is this man and where did he come from?

Moreover, with one palm, the gentleness was shaken back, so strong.

Then, feeling the strength of Yue Feng, the audience was shocked again.

This… This kid only has the strength of a holy king, but he has shaken back the gentleness of the holy realm? How can it be?

Chapter 3342


Finally, Wen Liang took the lead in reacting and stared at Yue Feng: “Who are you? Dare to attack me and seek death?

” , how not to get angry?


At the same time, tens of thousands of soldiers of the Tianxing army also locked on Yue Feng, each with murderous intent flashing in their eyes.

Like Wen Liang, these soldiers all believed that Yue Feng was able to knock Wen Liang back with a single slap.

“Who am I, you don’t need to care!” Yue Feng looked at Wenliang, his tone was cold: “Anyway, I just don’t like you!” The

voice was not loud, but it showed deep contempt.

Before Yue Feng was hunted down by the Principality of Tianxing, he almost died. At this time, when he saw the Tianxing army, he naturally didn’t like it.

More importantly, Abel’s fear of death just now reminded Yue Feng of the time when Tianqi’s army attacked Donghai City, when he, the Great Sage, and Brother Wen were also preparing to coexist with Donghai City.

At this time, Abel was also in the same predicament. Under the same feeling, Yue Feng did not hesitate to help!


Hearing this, the army of tens of thousands of Tianxing immediately exploded.

This guy is so crazy, he actually said that we are not pleasing to the eye?

At the same time, Wen Liang’s face was blue and white, and he was about to explode with anger. He pointed at Yue Feng and howled: “What a arrogant boy, I think you are really tired of living.” The

voice fell, and Wen Liang burst into holy energy. , holding the big sword tightly, slashed towards Yue Feng fiercely.

With this sword, Wen Liang used all his strength, and wherever the figure passed, the air was distorted, which was amazing.

“Sir, be careful!”

Seeing this scene, Abel couldn’t help but exclaimed, his eyes full of worry.

This unfamiliar man helped him at a critical moment, which is very touching, but he is only the strength of the Holy King, what’s the matter with a gentle opponent?

At this time, Abel didn’t know that Yue Feng was just hiding his strength, not just the realm of the Holy King.

Hearing Abel’s reminder, Yue Feng smiled and signaled not to worry.


In the next second, Yue Feng’s internal power exploded, and at the same time he summoned Fang Tianhuaji and directly met Wen Liang.


Fang Tianhua halberd and the big sword collided fiercely. With a loud noise, I saw that the big sword in Wen Liang’s hand shattered instantly, and at the same time, Wen Liang let out a scream, and was directly shaken and flew out, flying dozens of meters away before landing heavily on the ground.

At this time, Wenliang clearly felt that his internal organs were severely traumatized.

“You…!” Wen Liang struggled to stand up, staring at Yue Feng, full of shock and resentment: “What the hell are you…” On the ground, breathless and dead.


In an instant, the entire battlefield was dead silent.

one move? Just one move to kill Wen Liang?

The strength of this person is too terrifying, right?

But he only has the strength of a holy king.

In particular, the army of tens of thousands of Tianxing was stunned and inexplicably frightened. I thought that in this battle, I could kill Abel and successfully occupy Tianzhao City, but I never thought that a strange man suddenly appeared and killed Commander Wen Liang with one move.

At this time, Yue Feng put away Fang Tianhua halberd and looked around the audience: “Who else will die, just come up.” The

thick voice spread throughout the battlefield, shocking people’s hearts.

Chapter 3343

For a time, the army of tens of thousands of Tianxing looked at each other, and no one dared to respond.

“Run!” In the

next second, someone shouted, then turned around and ran, followed by other Tianxing soldiers, who also fled desperately into the distance, like a frightened herd of beasts.

Commander Wen Liang is dead, who would dare to stay?

Did you win?

Seeing this scene, whether it was Abel or the wounded and wounded around him, all of them were stunned, unable to recover for a long time.

“Thank you!”

Finally, after more than ten seconds, Abel reacted to Yue Feng and said, “Thank you for helping this gentleman.” With that, Abel endured the pain and rushed towards Yue Fengshen. Bow deeply.

At the same time, the surrounding soldiers also looked at Yue Feng with admiration.

“You’re welcome!” Yue Feng smiled slightly, and said lightly, “I just passed by and saw that the soldiers of the Tianxing Principality were not pleasing to the eye, so I came to help. You are seriously injured, so take a good rest.”

After saying this, Yue Feng turned around to prepare Leave.

“Sir, stay!”

However, before Yue Feng took two steps, Abel hurriedly shouted!

“What, do you have something else to do?” Yue Feng stopped and looked back at Abel.

Abel said with sincerity and politeness: “I don’t know what Mr. is called? Where are you from? You saved the entire Tianzhao City. As the commander in chief, I must thank you.”

Yue Feng thought about it and said: ” My name is Fengtao, and I’m just a wanderer. As I said just now, I’m just passing by, and I don’t like Tianxing Principality, so you don’t need to be very grateful.”

He used to be a knight of the royal court in the Principality of Tianxing before, and then he was chased and killed. Yue, Feng didn’t want too many people to know about this, so he used the previous fake name.

However, Abel didn’t give up, walked up quickly, and said with a smile: “Mr. Fengtao, you are not high in strength, but you are not weak, you are a rare talent, it is a pity that you are just a wanderer. “

Now that we are in the Principality of Sunrise, with the support of the Goddess of Light, to unify the continent, it is the time to hire people. Why don’t you join us and make a career, how about that?”

When he said this, Abel’s eyes were full of expectations.

to join you guys?

Hearing this, Yue Feng frowned, feeling a little conflicted in his heart.

Speaking of which, when he was in the Kyushu Continent, Yue Feng hated war the most, because once the war broke out, it was the people and the people who suffered.

At this moment, Yue Feng was about to refuse, and suddenly he thought of something, and asked Abel, “You said just now that you have received the support of the Goddess of Light in the Principality of the Sun?”

“Yes!” Abel nodded.

Yue Feng showed a smile and continued to ask: “Are you sure, is that the real goddess of light?”


Hearing this, Abel became instinctively alert: “Mr. Feng Tao, I don’t understand what you mean.”

Only she and His Majesty the King knew about Miss Miaoying’s impersonation of the Goddess of Light. It is impossible for Feng Tao to know . .

“Nothing!” Yue Feng smiled and said very relaxedly: “I have a little friendship with the Goddess of Light. I want to know if someone is impersonating her.”

Seriously, Yue Feng is not interested in these things, but why? Saying that he is also the Holy Venerable of the Temple of Light, if you know that someone is impersonating the Goddess of Light, and you don’t ask, it will be unreasonable.


At this moment, Abel was shocked and stunned.

what did he say? He has some friendship with the Goddess of Light?

This is a lunatic.

You must know that for thousands of years, the goddess of light has only been rumored, and no one has ever seen it with their own eyes. Even the temple where the goddess of light is located is extremely mysterious. Having a relationship with her, is this not a lunatic?

Chapter 3344

Seeing Abel’s expression, Yue Feng smiled: “What? Is there any problem?”


Abel reacted, shook his head and said, “Since Mr. Fengtao and the Goddess of Light know each other, wait until the fight is over. If there’s a war, I’ll take you to see her, how?”

No matter whether this person is Fengzi or not, he can kill Wen Liang with one move, which is definitely a rare talent, and he should be kept no matter what.

“Okay!” Yue Feng thought for a while and nodded in agreement.

Miao Ying didn’t have any clues, and she had nowhere to go for the time being, so she might as well stay in this Storm City temporarily.

Seeing his promise, Abel showed a smile, then greeted the surrounding soldiers and returned to Storm City.

the other side.

The news that Wen Liang led the army to attack Storm City and failed miserably soon spread to the Principality of Tianxing. For a time, the entire principality was in uproar.

You must know that Wen Liang, the youngest commander in the Tianxing Principality, died like this.

Soon, some rumors spread in the Principality of Tianxing, and some said that the Principality of Zuri had the support of the Goddess of Light, and the will of God was hard to defy, so Wenliang would fail miserably.

Located in the northwest of Arendis, there is a Guangwu Academy.

Guangwu Academy was founded by the Principality of Tianxing and specialized in cultivating cultivation talents. It is the highest institution of the Principality of Tianxing. Many famous cultivation talents in the Principality of Tianxing came from this Guangwu Academy.

Of course, including gentle.

At this time, in a courtyard of Guangwu Academy, an old man was sitting there, comprehending and meditating.

It is Mr. Fu Zheng.

Mr. Fu Zheng is the greatest sage of Guangwu Academy, close to the strength of the Holy Spirit, and also a gentle teacher. The status is extraordinary, even when the king sees him, he has to give three points politely.


At this time, several young men walked into the yard quickly, each with an extremely complicated expression.

These are Mr. Fu Zheng’s students. The one headed by him is called Dong Shen. He is burly and imposing. He is the most admired disciple of Mr. Fu Zheng.

Hearing the footsteps, Mr. Fu Zheng slowly opened his eyes.


At this time, Dongshen and a few people came to him and said, “Wen Liang led the army to attack the Principality of Ziri, but was killed, do you know this?”

When he said this, Dongshen’s eyes flashed with grief and anger.

Because they are both disciples of Mr. Fu Zheng, Dongshen and Wenliang have the best relationship. Now that Wenliang is gone, I am very sad.


Mr. Fu Zheng breathed a sigh of relief and said lightly, “I see, the two armies are fighting, casualties are inevitable, and Wen Liang’s death may be his fate.”

After speaking, Mr. Fu Zheng sighed: “In the end, this time Our Tianxing Principality is still too hasty to send troops.”

When he said this, Mr. Fu Zheng looked indifferent, and at his age, he has already looked down on life and death.

Hearing this, Dongshen and several disciples looked at each other.

In the next second, Dongshen took a deep breath and said seriously: “I’ve heard clearly, when Wenliang attacked Storm City, he had a fierce battle with Abel. He could have broken Storm City, but a strange man appeared out of nowhere and attacked him. Kill Wenliang.”

“It is said that this strange man is only the strength of the Holy King.”


Mr. Fu Zheng was stunned for a moment, then moved slightly: “The strength of the holy king?”

Wenliang is the strength of the holy venerable, but he was killed by a holy king, this…

At this time, Dongshen continued: “Teacher, if Wenliang died During the battle between the two armies, I won’t say much, but this matter is too strange. I think it is necessary for us to go to Storm City to meet this strange man.” The

voice fell, and the other disciples behind him , also nodded.

“I also think Wen Liang was killed.”

“Yes, how could a guy with the strength of a holy king kill Wen Liang?”

Chapter 3345

“Teacher, Wenliang is your most valued disciple. It’s unclear whether he died, so you must take care of it.”

The voices of the disciples kept coming, and Mr. Fu Zheng frowned secretly.


Finally, after a few seconds, Mr. Fu Zheng made up his mind and said slowly, “Go ahead and prepare, let’s set off as soon as possible.”

Seriously, Guangwu Academy should not have participated in the war between the two countries, but Wen Liang It was his favorite disciple, but he died so strangely, so he really had to check it out.

on the other side, Storm City!

At this time, in the hall of the city master, a sumptuous banquet has been prepared.

However, there were only three people on the huge dining table.

Yue Feng, Abel, and Hong Chang, the lord of Storm City.

Yes, the city owner of Storm City is a woman, and she is also a very arrogant and beautiful woman.

At this time, Hongshang, wearing a gorgeous long dress, was indescribably sexy and mature, but sitting at the dinner table at this time, her delicate face was indifferent.

If she sat with Abel, Hong Chang would definitely be in a happy mood, but when she saw Yue Feng, she was a little unhappy.

When Wenliang led his army to attack Storm City during the day, Hongshang was being summoned by the king in the king’s city, so he didn’t come back in time.

After returning in the evening, Hongshang was very happy to learn that Abel had successfully defended Storm City. However, when he learned that Wen Liang died at the hands of Yue Feng, Hongshang was immediately surprised.

The person in front of him, dressed in ordinary clothes, only had the strength of the Holy King, how could he kill Wen Liang.

Hongshang believes that it was Wenliang and Abel who fought fiercely at that time, and the holy energy was almost exhausted, so Yue Feng took advantage of it.

In this case, Hongshang became more and more unpleasant to Yue Feng. A bit of disgust appeared on his face from time to time.

If it weren’t for Abel who was going to have dinner with Yue Feng, Hongshang would have gotten up long ago and sat at a dining table with a person of unknown origin, which would be a shame.

Hongshang’s indifferent attitude, Yue Feng did not take it to heart at all, and talked and laughed with Abel.

After understanding, Yue Feng admired Abel very much.

After three rounds of drinking, Yue Feng smiled slightly, took out a healing medicine pill from his body, and handed it to Abel: “You are injured, drink less wine, this is my unique medicine for wound healing, it can speed up Your injury has recovered.”

This healing medicine was refined by Yue Feng before, and it has never been used. gave it to Abel.

During the day, Yue Feng admired Yabering’s unyielding performance.

A solitary remedy?

At this moment, Abel took the medicine pill and was a little stunned.

Is this Feng Tao still a pharmacist?

Before Abel could react, Hong Chang, who was sitting on the side, couldn’t help it.

“Abel, you can’t just take medicines!”

When she said this, Hongshang frowned lightly. This guy named Fengtao, dressed in such a normal way, and even took out a dirty pill, must be a liar.

However, Abel laughed and swallowed the pill directly, not forgetting to thank Yue Feng: “Thank you, Mr.

Fengtao . Thank you, thank you.” ? What’s more, he also killed Wen Liang during the day and helped himself defend Storm City.

At this moment, Hong Chang wanted to stop her, but it was too late, and she stomped her feet in anger.

The origin of this storm is unknown, how could Abel believe him so much?

A few minutes later, a scene that surprised Hong Chang appeared.

I saw that after Abel took the medicine pill, his face was pale, his face was rosy, and his spirit was much better than before.


At this time, Abel was very excited and laughed at Yue Feng: “This medicine is really amazing, Mr. Feng Tao, did you make this yourself?”

Yue Feng smiled slightly: ” Yes, I have learned some medicine.”

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