The Ultimate Husband

The Ultimate Husband In Chinese Chapter 5577

The Ultimate Husband In Chinese Chapter 5577

The Ultimate Husband In Chinese Chapter 5577

The ultimate husband in Chinese chapter 5577

Chapter 5577

Seeing Xiang Liu once again swore his allegiance, Su Qingyan stopped talking nonsense.


Su Qingyan took a step back and whispered to Liu Ruxue: “It’s in our hands now, don’t worry about what tricks it can play, and it can help it lift the forbidden spell.”

When saying this , Su Qingyan looked confident, in the world, only Yue Feng and himself could cure the poison of addicting spirit pills, and they were not afraid that Xiangliu would play tricks.


Hearing this, Liu Ruxue nodded, then walked slowly in front of Xiang Liu, and said angrily, “How to solve the forbidden spell?” To be

honest, Liu Ruxue resisted this valet from the bottom of her heart, and she didn’t want to. To lift the forbidden spell for it, but in order to return to it faster, it can only go against his heart once.

Xiang Liu was very excited, and quickly explained the method of lifting the forbidden spell in detail.

After learning the method, Liu Ruxue didn’t talk nonsense, sat cross-legged behind Xiang Liu, and began to help him break the forbidden spell of divine power in his body. Speaking of which, Liu Ruxue couldn’t fully utilize the divine power in her body, but it wasn’t very complicated to lift the forbidden spell.


Soon, after a few minutes, Liu Ruxue completed all the steps, let out a long sigh of relief, and then stood up slowly.

Xiang Liu’s face was full of excitement. He clearly felt that the forbidden spell of divine power in his body had been completely lifted. Without the forbidden spell, he would be able to leave this ghost place completely

. Arriving at the senior sister above, Xiang Liu was very excited, and thanked Liu Ruxue again and again: “Thank you, master…”


Liu Ruxue’s face was full of impatience, she waved her hand, and said coldly, “Stop talking nonsense, quickly find a way to take us up.” This place is dark and humid, and I really don’t want to stay for a moment.


Xiang Liu responded with a sound, then moved his muscles and bones, and heard a burst of crunching bones, and then changed into the shape of a giant hydra.

Liu Ruxue and Su Qingyan looked at each other, and after some hesitation, they jumped on Xiang Liu’s back.


At this moment, Xiang Liu’s huge body suddenly shook, rushed out of the cave, and flew upwards.


On the other side, the general altar of Xia Yinzong.

In the discussion hall, the God King Haotian sat on the main seat, his cold face was indescribably gloomy.

In front of him, several god generals stood with their hands lowered, all of them looked terrified and sweaty on their foreheads.

In the past few hours, several gods were ordered to bring thousands of divine soldiers, almost turning the entire Xia Yinzong altar upside down, but they could not find the entrance to the secret passage where Wen Chou Chou was hiding.

This made Haotian God King very annoyed.

“Waste, it’s all waste…”

At this time, the God King Haotian slammed the table and scolded: “Xia Yinzong is such a big place, let you find a secret way, but you can’t find it.

” The gods were all silent, and they didn’t dare to let out the air.

“Ah…” The

more he thought about it, the more angry he was, and he wanted to get angry. Suddenly, he heard a miserable howl from outside, and then, a divine soldier ran in covered in blood and said in fear: “God Your Royal Highness, it’s not good, there is…”

Before the last sentence was finished, the divine soldier fell to the ground and passed out.


Seeing this scene, whether it was the God King Haotian or the god generals standing on both sides, they were all shocked.

Especially the God King Haotian, his eyes suddenly became solemn, could it be that Gone is coming back?

Thinking to himself, the God King Haotian got up immediately and walked out of the hall quickly, followed by several gods.


As soon as he got outside, he heard a few roars coming from not far away, and the God King Haotian immediately looked up, and was immediately stunned.

I saw a few golden beasts rushing into the main altar of Xia Yinzong. The huge figure was filled with a powerful aura. Many divine soldiers surrounded and tried to subdue them, but they were all shaken and flew out.

These beasts, with golden hair all over their bodies, glittering with golden light from a distance, are the Jialan beasts that only exist in the God Domain.

Yes, these Jialan beasts were teleported from the Ziwei Continent with Prince Aotian. Half an hour ago, a few divine soldiers chased Yue Wuya and Hai Linger, but on the top of the mountain, they happened to meet the teleported one. Prince Aotian and several Jialan beasts.

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