The Ultimate Husband

The Ultimate Husband In Chinese Chapter 5658

The Ultimate Husband In Chinese Chapter 5658

The Ultimate Husband In Chinese Chapter 5658

The ultimate husband in Chinese chapter 5658


Under everyone’s attention, Gone secretly exhaled and said slowly, “I killed it.”

Everyone present was taken aback as soon as he said this.

This Nie Zhan can kill Ye Xuan, bragging right?

At this time, Gone scratched his head and continued: “At that time, I took Ye Yun and led Ye Xuan to the vicinity of Luochan Temple. I wanted to use the complicated environment there to capture Ye Xuan alive, but I didn’t know that Ye Xuan was trying to save people. Completely crazy, constantly attacking, and insisting on killing me.”

“So, I changed my strategy, and while dealing with him, I mocked him at the same time. I said that he handed over a scum like Ye Yun. I’m not right to wash off Liang Wei’, Ye Xuan couldn’t scold me, and finally got angry.”

“At that time, he went crazy and his whole body collapsed, so I took the opportunity to pierce his heart with a long sword.”

At the end of the story , Gonie made a happy look: “Speaking of which, I was lucky to be able to kill him.” The real situation cannot be said, it can be made up.

It turned out to be like this…

After hearing these words, everyone around was suddenly enlightened. Immediately, many disciples of the Nalan family, their views on Gone were also changed a lot.

“Junior Brother Nie, don’t be humble, you can kill Ye Xuan, and now you can become famous in the world.”

“Junior Brother Nie is very brave and knowledgeable. Master accepts you as a direct disciple. You really know the pearl.”

“Yes, Junior Brother Nie . If Ye Xuan doesn’t die, I don’t know how long this battle will take.”

Facing the praises from everyone, Gone was humble and smiled without saying a word.


At this moment, someone thought of something and asked Gone, “Where’s Ye Yun?”

The voice fell, and the others around looked at Gone again.

Gone took a deep breath, told the situation at the time, and said slowly at the end: “The hole was unfathomable, Ye Yun was seriously injured, and fell into the consciousness and realized the possibility of surviving. But we can’t take it lightly.” The

voice fell . , Nalan Hongzheng, who had been silent all the time, immediately ordered to the surrounding family disciples: “Everyone obeys the order, immediately search the underground cave near Luochan Temple, make no mistake, must find Ye Yun, live to see people, die to see Corpse.”


… the

other side!

Gululu…. In

the hole, Ye Yun’s whole body was like a ball, rolling towards the depths continuously, and after rolling for more than ten minutes, he slowly stopped.

Rolling all the way down, Ye Yun only felt that the world was spinning, and it took a while to slow down. At that time, when he opened his eyes and saw the surrounding environment, he was stunned.

You can see that, dozens of meters ahead, is the exit of the underground hole.

However, the place next to the exit is a simple earthen house. The earthen house was completely excavated by hand. It is not very large, and it looks like more than ten square meters.

In the center of the hut was a bonfire, and inside was a bed of earth covered with straw, and a short man was sleeping.

The man has a scruffy beard, wears a gray soft armor, and has sharp-nosed monkey cheeks. From a distance, he looks like a big mouse, but his body is filled with a powerful aura.

Anyone else here?

Seeing this scene, Ye Yun was inexplicably surprised.

Looking at it like this, the same person dug the hole where he rolled down.

At this time, Ye Yun didn’t know that the eccentric lying there, named Tu Xingsun, once served for Emperor Hou Yi, and was also famous in the Northern Ying Continent back then.

When Emperor Hou Yi died violently, Tu Xingsun always protected Chang’e. Later, Chang’e went to the holy sect to retreat and practice, and no longer needed protection, and Tu Xingsun began to travel around the world.

Three months ago, Tu Xingsun came to the vicinity of Luochan Temple and guessed that there was an ancient tomb under the temple, so he hit a secret road to the depths of the temple. At that time, he did find the ancient tomb, but unfortunately there was nothing inside. Sun was very depressed, so he planned to take a day or two to leave.


At this moment, Tu Xingsun, who felt someone approaching and was meditating with his eyes closed, suddenly opened his eyes and locked Ye Yun.

“Where’s the kid?” Tu Xingsun looked at Ye Yun up and down and asked coldly.


Feeling the aura of Tu Xingsun, Ye Yun took a deep breath, cupped his hands, and said politely: “I am sending Ye Yun to Wudang to disturb the senior’s rest, so don’t be surprised.”

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