The Ultimate Husband

The Ultimate Husband In Chinese Chapter 5786

The Ultimate Husband In Chinese Chapter 5786

The Ultimate Husband In Chinese Chapter 5786

The ultimate husband in Chinese chapter 5786

Said so, but couldn’t hide the tiredness on his face.


Seeing this situation, Mona couldn’t tell the worry, and immediately ordered to the people around her: “Take Your Excellency Yue Feng to rest.” Although the main hall was destroyed by the Golden Crow, the palace behind was still intact.

Soon, Yue Feng was sent to the bedroom to rest.

A few minutes later, Mona was in the side hall and gathered everyone to open the parliament. The nine golden crows were a disaster for the clan, causing countless people to die. In addition, among the casualties, there were many people from Kyushu who came to do business, and the entire palace was mostly ruined. for ruins.

It can be said that the entire Rakshasa clan was almost severely damaged.


After some detailed discussion, the solution was finally settled. Mona couldn’t help but sighed, and then thought of something, looked around the side hall and said softly: “Where is Itel? Why hasn’t it appeared yet?”

When asked , Mona’s delicate face showed a bit of displeasure.

This Itair shoulders the safety of the entire clan, but when a few strange birds were wreaking havoc, he was never seen. This is a serious crime of dereliction of duty.

Hearing the question, everyone in the side hall looked at each other in dismay.


Finally, a leader took a step forward and said cautiously: “As far as I know, when the vision was born, Itel went to investigate the forbidden area of the ranch. I don’t know if there was a change in the middle. When the

voice fell, the other leader seemed to think of something, and continued: “Before the nine strange birds appeared, many people saw the black armor chasing two people on the street. I heard that these two people were running from the restricted area. It came out. Maybe Ital hasn’t come back yet, and it has something to do with these two people.”

At that time, the black armored cavalry was chasing and blocking Tie Bowen and Nalan Wushuang on the street, and many people saw it.

Speaking of which, as the son of Timur, no one didn’t recognize Tie Bowen, but he was disheartened in the underground space before, so no one recognized him except the black armored cavalry who were chasing him.

There is such a thing.

Knowing these circumstances, Mona frowned, and at this time also realized that it was not accidental that the Rakshasa tribe suffered today.

If someone accidentally broke into the restricted area and released the strange bird sealed below, it must be strictly investigated.


At this moment, outside the side hall, a figure came from the sky in the distance and quickly landed at the door. He was wet all over, his hair was frantic, and he was in a state of indescribable embarrassment.

It was Itel who escaped from the pool.

At that time, after Itel dived into the bottom of the water, relying on his unique skills, he held it for more than half an hour, and when he heard that there was no movement on the water surface, he carefully drilled out of the water.

On the way to the Hui land, Itel was very careful, for fear of encountering the nine golden crows. He didn’t know yet that Jin Wu had been completely killed by Yue Feng.

“Who dares to trespass into the palace?”


Ital’s embarrassed appearance was completely different from the majestic general before, so the warriors guarding the side hall did not recognize him for a while. I came out, thinking that it was someone with ulterior motives who deliberately broke in.

At the same time, Mona in the side hall and the leaders present were also alert and looked out the door one after another.

Ital was very aggrieved, and said helplessly: “It’s me, Ital.”

The general of the dignified Rakshasa clan is really embarrassed to be like this.


Hearing Itel’s voice, the warrior who stopped at the door suddenly became respectful: “It turned out to be the general, disrespectful!” After saying this, he quickly stepped aside.

Ital didn’t bother to care, and strode into the side hall.

Huh ….

At this moment, seeing Yitai’s embarrassed appearance, both Mona and the surrounding leaders frowned secretly.

How did he do it like this?

Ital stepped forward quickly and saluted Mona: “Ital has seen the queen.”

Mona’s delicate face did not fluctuate at all, and said lightly: “Ital, what’s the matter with you? How can it be like this?” The dignified general, like a drowning dog, is really disgraceful to the Rakshasa clan.


The voice fell, and all the eyes of the entire side hall focused on Itair.

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