The Ultimate Husband

The Ultimate Husband In Chinese Chapter 5793

The Ultimate Husband In Chinese Chapter 5793

The Ultimate Husband In Chinese Chapter 5793

The ultimate husband in Chinese chapter 5793

However, Mona was in the mood at this time. Hearing Yue Feng’s dissuasion, she shook her head: “I only drank a jar, how can this work?”

Said, Mona looked at Yue Feng, her eyes twinkling. Smile: “You guys in Kyushu have a saying, ‘When you meet a confidant, drink less than a thousand cups, and you don’t have a lot of speculation.’ Is it because you don’t think of me as a friend, so you don’t want to drink together?”


heard Yue Feng didn’t know whether to laugh or cry: “Why didn’t I consider you a friend?”

At this time, Yue Feng was very helpless. He could see that Mona was a little drunk, but he couldn’t bear to disturb her interest.

Just when Yue Feng was helpless, Mona opened another jar of wine.

“Do you know?”

Mona said softly while pouring wine: “Although I have become a queen, I have been unhappy all these years, and I have been stared at at everything.”

“Sometimes I think, If only I wasn’t the queen, I could go wherever I want, do what I like, go where I like, no one will interfere…”

“I often think of my father, my two brothers, It would be great if they were all there, so that I could have no worries…”

For a while, Mona took Yue Feng as the object of her confession, and said her thoughts without reservation.


Hearing these words, Yue Feng secretly sighed, and felt a little sympathetic to Mona.

Who would have thought that this tall, seemingly strong girl would be so lonely in her heart.

“Come on!”

After Mona finished her thoughts, she raised her glass: “Cheers.” After speaking, she was about to drink it up.

At this moment, Yue Feng’s eyes were quick and he stopped quickly and said, “Mona, you’ve been drinking too much, you can’t drink any more.”

“No, I’m not drunk…”

Mona shook her head stubbornly, thinking at the same time. He was about to take back the wine glass, but at this time, his delicate body suddenly trembled, his forehead was covered with beads of sweat, and his face that was flushed turned pale.

what happened?

Why is it so uncomfortable all of a sudden?

At this time, Mona clearly felt that a heat flow was moving around in the body, and the internal force seemed to be out of control. Soon, the whole body was getting hotter and hotter as if it was on fire.

“It’s so uncomfortable…”

Finally, Mona couldn’t bear it anymore, and let out a painful groan, her delicate body slumped on the soft collapse, trembling slightly, and her delicate face was full of pain.

I went….

Yue Feng was also taken aback when he saw Mona’s appearance.

But soon, Yue Feng calmed down and guessed something. Mona had taken a few pills before, and she had not fully absorbed the power of the pills, so she drank alcohol, which caused the disorder in her body.

You know, drinking alcohol is a big no-no when taking medicine pills.

I was just chatting with Mona just now, how could I forget this taboo?

Thinking about it, Yue Feng warmly comforted: “Mona, don’t panic, I’ll call someone in.” In this case, only taking the Phosphorus Grass can be used to solve this problem.

And Phosphorus is the most common herbal medicine. After all, this is the palace of the Rakshasa clan, so it should be easy to get Phosphorus.

With that said, Yue Feng was about to leave the bedroom and call for someone.

“Don’t go…”

However, before taking two steps, I heard Mona’s coquettish cry, and suddenly rushed into Yue Feng’s arms and hugged him tightly.


For a time, Yue Feng was blinded, and he felt as if he was hugging a stove, and with the soft touch, he couldn’t help swallowing.

“Yue Feng…”

At this time, Mona had gradually lost her mind, hugged Yue Feng tightly, and murmured, “Don’t go, don’t leave me alone…” Speaking of which, Mona has always been in love Yue Feng, just because of his identity, never expressed it face to face.

At this time, Mona was in a state of disorder because of her internal strength disorder, and she couldn’t restrain herself any longer when she was in a difficult situation.


At this moment, upon hearing Mona’s plea, Yue Feng’s mind was also confused, and he froze there, feeling a little helpless for a while.

“Hot, I’m so hot…”

Just when Yue Feng was stunned, Mona couldn’t help but let out a low cry, the burning sensation in her body became stronger and stronger, and in the next second, a flame emerged from her body come out.

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