The Ultimate Husband

The Ultimate Husband In Chinese Chapter 5886

The Ultimate Husband In Chinese Chapter 5886

The Ultimate Husband In Chinese Chapter 5886

The ultimate husband in Chinese chapter 5886

“Yue Feng!”

At this moment, Ilona reacted and looked at Yue Feng with complex eyes: “The voice you shouted just now is really animal language?”

When asked, Ilona On his delicate face, he couldn’t hide his curiosity.

“Of course!” Yue Feng smiled and nodded in response: “Is this still fake?”


Ilona bit her lip lightly, very embarrassed, and whispered: “Then Can you teach me?” The voice was very soft, and there was a bit of anticipation in his eyes.

Having said that, Ilona has been suffering under Yue Feng’s hands all this time, and she is about to hate him to death, but then again, this animal language is really amazing.

Although Ilona is a daughter, she is very adventurous. Before she was called a female general, she wanted to go to the wild and strange realm to explore, but she put it on hold for various reasons.

More importantly, there are so many poisonous insects and beasts in the wild and strange realm, Ilona always has some concerns. If she learns the animal language, she will not be afraid to explore the wild and strange realm by herself in the future.


Hearing this, Yue Feng was stunned, thinking that he had heard it wrong.

What does Ilona say? Want to learn animal language? What a joke, this stunt cannot be learned in a day or two.

Thinking to himself, Yue Feng shook his head: “I’m not interested in accepting apprentices.”

Gone’s whereabouts have not yet been found, and the grievances between the Wudang faction and the Nalan family have not been completely determined. So many things are waiting for him to investigate. , deal, how can there be time to teach the disciples.

“Yue Feng!”

Seeing his refusal without hesitation, Ilona suddenly became anxious, she stamped her feet, hugged Yue Feng’s arm, and shook it gently: “Don’t be like this, I really want to learn, so just accept it. Is it okay for me to be a disciple?”

At this time, Ilona’s voice was soft, as if she was coquettish, and she completely lost her cold and arrogant attitude.

If there were Rakshasa cavalrymen present at this time, they would definitely be shocked to see this scene.

You must know that Ilona, as the sister of the general, and the only female general of the Rakshasa clan, is always aloof, and in her eyes, any man is not worth a slap. At this time, he acted like a spoiled child in front of Yue Feng.


Facing Ilona’s plea, Yue Feng scratched his head and hesitated.

At the same time, the feeling that Ilona was clinging to him also made Yue Feng’s heart shake. With such a hot body, who can resist this kind of request.

It’s just… I really don’t have time.

Seeing that Yue Feng still refused to agree, Ilona was completely anxious, bit her lip lightly and said, “Yue Feng, you can teach me, I promise, I will never go against you again, what you say is what it is, Are you alright?”

At the same time, Mona couldn’t help laughing: “Yue Feng, you promise her, and teach me by the way, this animal language is really interesting.”


See Meng Na said, Yue Feng had no choice but to nod: “Before returning to the palace, I will teach you when I have time.” That’s


Seeing that Yue Feng finally agreed, Ilona was very excited and cheered. Then, according to the etiquette of the Rakshasa clan, she bowed to Yue Feng and said with a smile: “The disciple pays respects to the master.”

Speaking of which, Ilona didn’t have a good impression of Yue Feng at first, but she has gradually realized that Yue Feng’s title of Hero of Kyushu is not in vain after contact in the past few days.

This man knows everything, and there is almost nothing he can’t do. Under such circumstances, Ilona’s view of Yue Feng has quietly changed.

At this time, seeing Yue Feng’s promise to teach the animal language, Ilona was naturally willing to apprentice.


However, at this moment, Yue Feng quickly waved his hand, looked at Ilona and smiled bitterly: “I can pass on your animal language, but you don’t need to be a teacher.”

This Ilona acted recklessly, she really wanted to do it Her master, won’t she often help her clean up the mess in the future?

What’s more, I promised to teach Mona just now. If I accept this girl as a disciple, won’t Mona also follow me to apprentice? After all, Mona is the queen of the Rakshasa clan, so this is very inappropriate.

“Okay then!”

Seeing Yue Feng say this, Ilona didn’t insist anymore, nodded and said, “If you don’t want to be a teacher, you have to give it all.”

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