The Ultimate Husband

The Ultimate Husband In Chinese Chapter 5932

The Ultimate Husband In Chinese Chapter 5932

The Ultimate Husband In Chinese Chapter 5932

The ultimate husband in Chinese chapter 5932

“What’s wrong?”

Seeing Ajiu staring at him blankly, Yue Feng couldn’t help laughing and said, “Stupid?”

Ajiu calmed down and jumped onto the sofa opposite, pretending to be an adult “I’m just sighing that I was adopted by Yue Feng, who is famous all over the world.”

Seeing her appearance, Yue Feng couldn’t help laughing: “Don’t be emotional, wait for someone to bring food in. , If you are tired, rest early, and I have to go see an old friend.”

“Okay, go and do your work, don’t worry about me.”

Yue Feng smiled, and after a few words, he walked out of the room.

Half an hour later, an exclusive plane landed in Yunfeng City several times. It was Li Heihu who came. Li Heihu was not in Yunfeng City, but after receiving the call from Yue Feng, he rushed over as soon as possible.

The arrival of Li Heihu caused a great shock in the business community of Yunfeng City. The local wealthy businessmen and families all visited him immediately, but they were all rejected by Li Heihu.

A private club in Yunfeng City.

In the largest box, Li Heihu was sitting there, his face full of excitement. Opposite him, Yue Feng was sitting leisurely on the sofa.

“Brother Feng!”

Li Heihu was full of smiles and said with emotion: “After so many years, you still have the same style, it’s rare to see each other, how about we have a few drinks?”


Yue Feng nodded and said with a smile, “You can have a few drinks, but you can’t drink too much. I have to go tomorrow.”

Li Heihu was very excited. He knew that there were not many opportunities to drink with Yue Feng, so he immediately called for service. Health, go get the most expensive wine in the clubhouse. Also let him get some snacks.

After a while, the wine and dishes were served, and the two chatted while drinking.

Yue Feng talked about his own experiences over the years, but Li Heihu was fascinated by it. He couldn’t help but sigh: “Brother Feng’s experience is legendary.” After

speaking, Li Heihu’s eyes were full of fascination: “I want to It’s not that I have too many industries in my hands, I want to go to the rivers and lakes.”

Yue Feng smiled: “You are not bad, the industries are all over Kyushu.”

Talking here, Li Heihu suddenly thought of something and scratched his head: “In recent years, , I have also been paying attention to the situation in Jianghu, by the way, Brother Feng, in a month, the Nalan family will hold a wedding, do you know?” The

Nalan family?

Hearing this, Yue Feng was stunned: “Who wants to get married?”

“Nalan is happy!”

Li Heihu took a sip of wine, his eyes flashing with a strange brilliance: “It was the female classmate who was with you in Shangwu Academy, The one who looks as beautiful as a fairy.”

“Speaking of which, in my opinion, a goddess of this level can only be controlled by someone like Brother Feng, but I heard that the person she is going to marry is a woman. What is the name of the little-known guy, Nie Zhan… I heard that the Nalan family has spread invitation posts, and the whole world has been sensational.”

Nie Zhan…

Hearing this name, Yue Feng couldn’t help but murmured in his heart.

Isn’t that the kid who just joined the Nalan family? It took a long time for Nalan to win the heart of Nalan…. To

be honest, there are many confidantes around Yue Feng, so Nalan is not too uncomfortable to marry happily, but instinctively feels that there is something wrong with this wedding. .

However, Yue Feng didn’t think much about it and continued to chat with Li Heihu.

After drinking for several hours, Yue Feng did not return to the hotel until the middle of the night.


As soon as she entered the room, she saw the door of the suite next to it opened, and Ah Jiu rubbed her eyes and walked out.

Yue Feng was stunned for a moment: “Why haven’t you rested yet?”

A Jiu’s delicate little face flashed complicatedly: “I…my legs are cold, so I just got out of bed and moved around.”

Cold legs?

Hearing this, Yue Feng was secretly surprised, how could he have cold legs at such a young age?

Thinking to himself, Yue Feng walked over: “Come on, let me take a look.” After saying that, he squatted in front of Ah Jiu and checked.

At this time, Ah Jiu, wearing a cartoon nightdress, was indescribably cute.

However, Yue Feng could clearly see that her exposed legs had a dark blue color on her skin, and her hands touched them, as if it was ice, cold to the bone.

At the bend of the leg, Yue Feng could clearly see that there were two faint scars on it.

This…it was bitten by an ice ring snake.

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