The Ultimate Husband

The Ultimate Husband In Chinese Chapter 5972

The Ultimate Husband In Chinese Chapter 5972

The Ultimate Husband In Chinese Chapter 5972

The ultimate husband in Chinese chapter 5972

“What are you panicking about?” Wen Chou Chou was already upset. Seeing this disciple’s panicked appearance, he immediately frowned and rebuked angrily: “What kind of style? What’s the matter?”

Feeling Wen Chou Ugly angry, the disciple wiped off his sweat, tried to calm himself down as much as possible, and said quickly: “Palace Master, before we secretly went to Wudang to investigate, and got bad news, Brother Feng failed this time in Wudang. , fought with the opponent in Wudang…”


Hearing this, whether it was Wen Chou Chou, Sun Dasheng, or everyone else present, their expressions changed.

I’m really worried about what’s coming. Soon, Wen Chou Chou was

the first to react and looked closely at the disciple: “What’s the specific situation?”

I can’t sneak in, but I can hear the sound of a fierce fight.”

After speaking, the disciple recalled and continued: “The gods and soldiers of the Tiantian Supervision did not make any shots. According to my speculation, Brother Feng should be alone with the fight. The Wudang faction started fighting. From the situation at that time, Brother Feng was more fortunate than good.”

This… When

the voice fell, the entire hall was in an uproar, and everyone looked at each other in shock.

In particular, Su Qingyan and Xiao Yuruo suddenly panicked and became anxious.

If something happened to Yue Feng, what should I do?


Sun Dasheng was extremely angry, and slapped him on the table, his whole body trembling with anger: “Made, I just said that there is something wrong with the God King Haotian, he has always been the enemy of Fengzi, how can he suddenly kindly help ?”

Having said that, Sun Dasheng looked at Wen Chou Chou: “Brother Wen, time waits for no one, let’s go to Wudang and rescue Fengzi.

The disciple in front of him shouted: “Call everyone immediately, go to Wudang quickly, and help Fengzi.”

At this time, Wen Chou Chou didn’t know that the battle of the Wudang faction was over, and Yue Feng was also sent away by the Shenxing Talisman.

“Yes!” The disciple responded, turned around and walked out quickly.

After a few minutes, everyone gathered and was ready to go.


However, at this time, a powerful aura came from the distant horizon, Wen Chou Chou and everyone looked at them subconsciously, their expressions changed, and they couldn’t help gasping for air.

I saw that in the sky not far away, thousands of divine soldiers and gods came in mighty spirits. The golden armor on their bodies reflected the golden light, almost dyeing the entire sky into a golden color.

In the front, there are two divine generals and a man wearing a dark blue robe.

The man in his 40s or 50s looked like he had a righteous face, but there was a trace of evil and treacherousness in his eyes.

This person is called Wu Yong, the youngest elder of the Wudang faction. After Prince Aotian was called the head of Wudang, he drew him in. At this time, he has become Prince Aotian’s henchman.


Seeing Wu Yong and the god general of Qin Tianjian appear together, whether it is Wen Chou Chou or Sun Dasheng, everyone is shocked and resentful at the same time.

Looking at the situation, Haotian God King has led Qin Tianjian to unite with Prince Aotian.

Soon, Sun Dasheng was the first to bear it, raised his hand and summoned the Heavenly Axe and glared at Wu Yong: “You Wudang faction, what happened to Fengzi?”


At the same time, the eyes of Wen Chou Chou and the people around them also converged on Wu Yong.


Wu Yong chuckled, his eyes full of contempt: “Yue Feng poisoned my seven ancestors of the Wudang faction, not only has no remorse, but also took the initiative to provoke Wudang, this man is cruel, despicable and shameless, called the hero of Kyushu, In fact, he is the No. 1 scum in the rivers and lakes.”

“Fortunately, the Diligent Supervisor was clean and fair, and helped Wudang avoid catastrophe, but unfortunately the evil thief Yue Feng escaped in the end.” What

he said was justifiable.

Of course, these are the arrangements of the God King Haotian, to tell right and wrong, and to confuse right and wrong. Wu Yong’s words at this time are just to deal with the ugly people and make up reasons.


Hearing these words, both Wen Chou Chou, Sun Dasheng and others were very angry.

Qin Tianjian and Wudang are really shameless. It was clearly Prince Aotian who took Ye Yun and used his identity to control Wudang. Yue Feng went to expose it for justice, but at this time, they became scum in their mouths.

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