The Ultimate Husband

The Ultimate Husband In Chinese Chapter 6239

The Ultimate Husband In Chinese Chapter 6239

The Ultimate Husband In Chinese Chapter 6239

The ultimate husband in Chinese chapter 6239

Thinking to himself, Yue Feng said with a smile: “Why do you hate that Ji Beiye so much?”

In Yue Feng’s cognition, although the child in front of him is a little prince, although he is a royal clan, this The rebellion had little effect on his identity.

After all, after passing Xuangu Pass and seeing King Shaoyang, he can still be his own little prince, enjoy the glory, and have no worries about food and clothing.

At this time, Yue Feng didn’t know that the other party was the young emperor of the Dayan Dynasty, not a little prince at all.

“He killed my people.”

Hearing the question, Ying Kuang clenched his fists and said ruthlessly, “I’m going to take my…”

He wanted to say, “I’m going to take my throne,” but suddenly thought of Qu Feng Yi’s advice, he immediately changed his tune and said: “How can I not hate it if I want to rob our royal family for hundreds of years?”

Yue Feng smiled and nodded: “Well, that’s right.”

Gu Gu…

just saying With that, Ying Kuang’s stomach screamed, and for a while, a bit of embarrassment appeared on his resentful little face.

Seeing his appearance, Yue Feng couldn’t help laughing: “You’re hungry, sit down first, and I’ll go get something to eat.” The voice fell, and Yue Feng walked directly towards the woods beside him.

When passing through the woods just now, Yue Feng noticed that there were many pheasants inhabiting it.

Soon, Yue Feng beat two pheasants, found a mountain spring to wash and peel them, and then started to roast them on a gas bonfire.

When walking in the rivers and lakes, Yue Feng was cared for by Xiao Xi. Xiao Xi has unique skills in cooking. She often cooks some unique delicacies.


After a while, the surface of the two roasted chickens was golden brown and oily, and a fragrance filled the air.

Smelling the fragrance, the greedy worm in Yingkuang’s stomach was instantly hooked up, and he couldn’t help but exclaim: “What a delicious roast chicken.”

“Here it is!”

Yue Feng smiled, took one and handed it to him: “Hurry up and eat.”

Ying Kuang was unceremonious, not too hot, he took the roast chicken and ate it up, his mouth was full of oil, and he didn’t forget to praise again and again: “It’s really fragrant, it’s even better than the Imperial Palace’s ‘Eight Treasure Chicken’. It’s delicious.”


Hearing this, Yue Feng was stunned and couldn’t help but say: “You are a little prince, can you still enter the palace to eat imperial meals?” The

imperial meals are exclusively provided by the emperor, and Yue Feng is very clear about this.

Oops, missed the point.

At this moment, Ying Kuang froze holding the roast chicken for a moment, then his head turned quickly, and he said lightly: “I am a royal family member, what’s the fuss about eating the imperial meal in the palace?” After

speaking, Ying Kuang changed the subject: ” How did you make this roast chicken?”

“Aren’t you always watching?” Yue Feng smiled and said slowly, “There’s not much skill in making this kind of wild roast chicken, as long as the heat is well controlled. .”

Said, Yue Feng wiped his pocket, feeling a little regretful: “It’s a pity that there is no seasoning, cumin or something, otherwise it will be more delicious.”


Ying Kuang was very curious: “What is cumin?”

Yue Feng scratched his head: “It’s a seasoning.”

“Never heard of it!”

“Uh… maybe you don’t have it here.”

The two chatted while eating, and after a while, the two roast chickens ate cleanly.

After washing his hands on the edge of the mountain spring, Yue Feng squatted down and said, “Come on, I’ll help you disperse the congestion on your feet. Otherwise, you can’t bear to walk with blood blisters all the time.

” Ying Kuang took off his shoes and performed acupoint pressing techniques. After a while, Ying Kuang felt that his feet were much more relaxed.


For a time, Ying Kuang looked at Yue Feng with indescribable admiration.

In the past, when I was in the palace, I was injured and bleeding while playing. It took several days for those imperial doctors to treat them. The person in front of me just pressed his feet a few times, and the blood blisters disappeared…

It was incredible.

With admiration in his heart, Ying Kuang was even more convinced that Yue Feng was someone who left the way of heaven.


At this time, Yue Feng stretched his body and said, “Let’s continue on our way.”

Ying Kuang responded and was about to get up.


But at this time, I heard footsteps coming from the woods, and then a group of people rushed out quickly, each with a knife in their hands, and their expressions were vicious.

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