The Ultimate Husband

The Ultimate Husband In Chinese Chapter 6251

The Ultimate Husband In Chinese Chapter 6251

The Ultimate Husband In Chinese Chapter 6251

The ultimate husband in Chinese chapter 6251


Seeing this scene, Yue Feng and Ying Kuang both frowned secretly.

Are the hearts of these guardsmen made of stone? So many refugees were turned away…

especially Ying Kuang, who, as a young emperor, cares about the people. Seeing this, he was instantly furious, and he stepped up to the city gate and shouted at the soldiers above, “Open the city gate immediately.” The

voice was not loud, but it gave off an unquestionable aura.

Yue Feng walked over and stood behind Ying Kuang.


In an instant, the soldiers guarding the city gate all focused on Ying Kuang, each with an extremely complicated expression.

Where’s the kid from?

He looks young, but he has a lot of momentum.

The next second, a soldier came to his senses and waved his hands angrily: “Go, go, the city gate can’t be opened, you have to escape and go somewhere else .

Ying Kuang was so angry that he said loudly: “So many people, where do you want them to flee? Are you doing things for the people like this while you’re on military pay?”

Ying Kuang’s eyes turned a little red when he spoke.

I thought I would be able to enter Xuanguguan smoothly, but I never thought that the gates of the city were closed, and the people’s lives were not cared at all.


In the face of Ying Kuang’s reprimand, the soldier chuckled with impatience on his face: “A child is not too small, but he still wants to teach me a lesson? Tell you, this is our general’s order. arrest you.”

In his eyes, Ying Kuang was just a child, and he didn’t need to take it seriously.

At the same time, the other soldiers on the city gate also looked contemptuous.

“Hurry up, kid.”

“Don’t make trouble here.”

“That’s right, don’t even look at where this is…” The

soldier’s mockery, you and I came, and Ying Kuang’s whole body trembled with anger. , Angry: “Arrest me? I’m afraid you don’t have the qualifications.”


Hearing this, all the soldiers were stunned, thinking that they had heard it wrong.

Are you not qualified?

This kid is young and has a crazy tone.

“What’s the matter?”

At this moment, a soldier captain appeared at the city gate, frowning and asked, “What’s the noise?”


A soldier quickly pointed to Ying Kuang under the city gate, He responded, “This kid is making trouble here, and his tone is very loud…” After speaking, he repeated the situation.


Knowing the situation, the soldier captain looked up and down at Ying Kuang, and said coldly: “Boy, do you know where this place is, and dare to make trouble here, have you thought about the consequences?”

When he spoke, the soldier captain couldn’t help but look He looked at Yue Feng behind Ying Kuang.

Ying Kuang was too lazy to talk nonsense, and said word by word: “If I remember correctly, the guard of Xuangu Pass is called Wang Huacheng, let him come out to see me immediately, there must be no mistake.” The

tone was firm and unquestionable.


Feeling Ying Kuang’s temperament, the soldier captain was stunned for a moment, and then sneered: “What a ignorant boy who dares to call the general by his name. Who do you think you are? A royal family member?”

When speaking, the soldier captain His eyes were full of contempt.

The boy in front of him seems to have a good temperament, but he is definitely not a member of the royal family, because I just got the news that after Ji Beiye invaded the imperial capital, the members of the royal family did not have time to escape and were almost slaughtered.

Ying Kuang was too lazy to talk nonsense, and said coldly: “Stop talking, let Wang Huacheng get out.”

“Okay, okay!”

At this moment, the captain of the soldiers was also angry, and sneered: “What a boy who doesn’t know whether to live or die, go, take it out. He took it down for me, tied it to the city gate and showed it to the public, I want to see who else dares to make trouble again.”


When the words fell, several soldiers drew out their long knives, rushed down quickly, and surrounded Ying Kuang and Yue Feng.

Seeing this situation, the people gathered around were all shocked and quickly retreated to the distance, for fear of being affected by the fish pond.

Ying Kuang did not panic at all. Looking at the soldiers who were surrounding him, he shouted loudly, “You guys are bold, I am a relative of the royal family, let’s see who dares to do it.” When the

voice fell, Yue Feng couldn’t help but say: ” As the soldiers guarding the gate, you stopped so many people here, and now you have to take action on a child, is this your duty as a soldier?”

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