The Ultimate Husband

The Ultimate Husband In Chinese Chapter 6309

The Ultimate Husband In Chinese Chapter 6309

The Ultimate Husband In Chinese Chapter 6309

The ultimate husband in Chinese chapter 6309

Ji Beiye was very angry at this time.

Mad, this Nuliha just wanted to die because he dared to talk to me like that because he was the commander-in-chief of the Hu people.


Seeing this situation, the soldiers next to him were all too daring to come out. The atmosphere is also extremely solemn.

Feeling Ji Beiye’s anger, Nulihajiu woke up completely, and was even more annoyed in his heart.

Good you Ji Beiye, you robbed me of the woman you sent me, and you went back on your word.

The more Nuliha thought about it, the more angry he was, so he planned to turn against Ji Beiye, but he finally held back. You must know that the Hu soldiers in his hands were only 100,000 people, and the gap between them and Ji Beiye was too great.

More importantly, if we cooperate to attack Qizhou City right now, if we really turn our face, it will not benefit anyone.

Thinking of this, Nuliha suppressed his anger and forced a smile on his face: “What the general taught is that he drank too much tonight, and his mind was confused.”

“I will apologize to the general now.” The

last one The words fell, and Nuliha bent down at Ji Beiye and gave a military salute. However, in his eyes, there was a flash of coldness.

Seeing his apology, Ji Beiye showed a trace of contempt on his face: “Hurry up and go back to rest.” When the voice fell, Ji Beiye didn’t look at Nuliha, turned around and approached the camp.


Nuliha responded, but secretly hated her teeth.

Ji Beiye, you wait for me. Today’s humiliation will be returned tenfold in the future.

Thinking to himself, Nuliha turned around and said to the guards: “Let everyone rest and stop searching.”

“As ordered.”

After a few minutes, the entire camp returned to calm.

But Nuliha was so aggrieved, he returned to his tent and drank suffocating wine alone.

Soon, a confidant learned of the situation and walked into the tent and said: “General, then Ji Beiye went back on his word and robbed the woman given to the general. This is completely despising us barbarians. This tone, let’s swallow it like this. Is it?”

“Of course I can’t be this vicious right now.” Nuliha took a sip of wine, and his eyes flashed with resentment: “When I find an opportunity, I will settle the account with him.”

At this moment, Ji Beiye is on his side.

Ji Beiye just lay down and was about to continue to enter Wenrou Township, but a soldier shouted outside: “General, it’s not good…”


At this moment, Ji Beiye was furious: “What’s the matter?”

The soldier stood outside the tent and said with sincerity: “That lady’s body, no…. is gone. It should be the Qizhou city guard. The army sent someone to steal it.”


Hearing this, Ji Beiye’s face turned dark, and he scolded: “What a bunch of waste, can’t you see a corpse?”

The army camp of hundreds of thousands of troops was quietly stolen by someone. It’s so embarrassing.

However, Ji Beiye quickly calmed down and said coldly, “Order the soldiers on patrol to strengthen their guard and attack the city early tomorrow.” The lady’s body was originally used to deal with King Shaoyang.

During the day, King Shaoyang was stunned by vomiting blood, and his goal had been achieved, so the lady’s body was useless, and if it was stolen, it was stolen.

Without King Shaoyang sitting in Qizhou City, the battle will be successful tomorrow.

“As ordered.”

On the other side, Qizhou City.

After Yue Feng got the Tiger Talisman, he readjusted the defense deployment of the entire Qizhou City, and then went back to his room to rest.

Bang Bang…

The next morning, Yue Feng slept soundly, and there was a knock on the door: “Your Excellency Yue Feng, wake up, Ji Beiye’s rebels are calling out outside the city again, Your Majesty, please Discuss countermeasures in the past.”


Yue Feng responded, got up and washed quickly, and then rushed towards the city gate.

After arriving, I saw Ying Kuang and all the generals waiting above the city gate, all with solemn expressions on their faces.

Outside the city, Ji Beiye’s army gathered at the foot of the city gate, with long knives brimming with amazing momentum.


At this moment, when he saw Ying Kuang above the city gate, Ji Beiye raised a trace of contempt at the corner of his mouth, and laughed loudly: “King Shaoyang can’t do it anymore, now it’s your turn, you stinky boy, do you take the seat in person?”

“Hurry up and surrender to Kaicheng, or you won’t be able to save your life when I break through Qizhou City.”

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