The Ultimate Husband

The Ultimate Husband In Chinese Chapter 6331

The Ultimate Husband In Chinese Chapter 6331

The Ultimate Husband In Chinese Chapter 6331

The ultimate husband in Chinese chapter 6331

Thought, Yue Feng looked surprised, and said to Liu Yulei: “Oh, girl, what’s wrong with you? Why are you sweating so much all of a sudden?”

“Are you too tired to practice swords just now ? I’m not telling you, how can you find a living person as a target when you practice swordsmanship?”

When he said this, Yue Feng’s face was serious, but he was secretly laughing.


Hearing Yue Feng’s serious lecture, Liu Yulei was very embarrassed and shouted: “You… you shut up…” This man is just a pariah who escaped. It’s really abominable to even make irresponsible remarks to me.

Ha ha!

Facing the scolding, Yue Feng looked helpless, and sneered secretly in his heart, and said, “Okay, okay, I won’t talk anymore.”

He was trapped by the formation, and he was still arrogant? Well, then you can enjoy it slowly.

Liu Yulei ignored him and secretly urged her energy to resist the heat wave around her. However, the power of the formation was not something she could contend with. The more she resisted, the stronger the surrounding heat.

How could this be?

For a time, Liu Yulei almost remembered to cry.

Is it because the swordsmanship that he practiced was not skilled enough, and he forced the use of it just now to change the surrounding environment? That’s not right…. I am only a rank six strength, and I haven’t reached the realm of changing the surrounding environment….

The more Liu Yulei thought about it, the more anxious she became. She didn’t realize that she was trapped in a formation, and this formation, It was the so-called ‘untouchables’ in front of her who deployed it.

Chi Chi…

Finally, the scorching heat around her became stronger and stronger, and she saw that Liu Yulei’s long skirt was instantly burned, and her charming curves were suddenly exposed without any concealment.

Because of the scorching hot breath around, the skin was completely scalded red….


Seeing this scene, Yue Feng was stunned for a moment, and he couldn’t help swallowing secretly, and he couldn’t help feeling emotional.

Although this woman is bullying and disgusting, I have to say that this figure is really top-notch and can be called the best.

Muttering in his heart, Yue Feng stared unblinkingly, silently appreciating it.


At this time, Liu Yulei was already depressed because her long skirt was burnt down, but when she noticed Yue Feng’s gaze and kept staring at her, she was so angry that she said coldly, “You untouchable, close your dog’s eyes. …”

Although he is not a golden branch and a jade leaf, he is also pure and clean, especially under the protection of the master, in the entire Mingyuemen, no one dares to bully him, but at this time, he is looked down upon by this pariah.

This feeling is even more disgusting than eating a fly.


Feeling Liu Yulei’s contempt and anger, Yue Feng was also a little angry, and said with a half smile: “You girl, you are really unreasonable, your clothes are on fire, and I didn’t order them. How can you curse?

” I didn’t mean to look at it, let’s say it again, I just took a look without losing a piece of meat.”

After speaking, Yue Feng looked up and down Liu Yulei, and looked even more wanton.

“You’re courting death…”

Facing Yue Feng’s provocation, Liu Yulei was about to explode with anger. When the attack was activated, a mouthful of blood spurted out.

The pariah looked at me and said nasty things.

What a shame.

At this time, Liu Yulei wanted to slash Yue Feng with a thousand knives, but was suppressed by the scorching hot air around her.


Seeing her vomiting blood, Yue Feng couldn’t bear it, and said, “Miss, you are not young, but your temperament is not small, and you can’t protect yourself. If you want to kill me, I think you should take care of yourself. “


Hearing this, Liu Yulei’s eyes turned black and she almost fainted.

But Yue Feng wasn’t finished, he picked up a few branches from the ground and threw them in front of Liu Yulei: “Good girl, it’s not good for you to be seen like this, hurry up and cover it with branches.”

When he spoke, Yue Feng’s eyes were full of teasing.

“Get out, get out.”

Liu Yulei’s face flushed with anger, and she kept scolding: “Wait, sooner or later I will tear you into pieces.” She is a noble disciple of Mingyuemen, how can she use it? Branches cover….

This pariah is really deceiving.

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