The Ultimate Husband

The Ultimate Husband In Chinese Chapter 6427

The Ultimate Husband In Chinese Chapter 6427

The Ultimate Husband In Chinese Chapter 6427

The ultimate husband in Chinese chapter 6427

Hearing this, Qiangwei frowned and looked at Yue Feng up and down: “They? You and them are not a group?”


Yue Feng couldn’t help laughing: “You followed them just now, can’t you see it?”

Qiangwei tilted her head and thought for a while, and she suddenly realized, yes, among those Jiangyang robbers, there seems to be no such person in front of her, she thought to herself, Qiangwei She couldn’t help but ask, “Then who are you?”

When she said this, Qiangwei lost her previous nervousness, but she was still very angry.

This person and Huang Shihu are not in the same group, so I don’t have to worry about it anymore, but thinking about being held by him just now, I can’t tell the fire.


Yue Feng scratched his head and replied with a smile: “I am a disciple of Mingyuemen, and I am responsible for taking care of the secret realm.” Of course, I can’t say my true identity. Only the identity of ‘, Mingyuemen disciple’ is more reasonable.

It turned out to be a disciple of Mingyuemen.

At this moment, Qiangwei suddenly nodded, but looking at Yue Feng’s eyes, there was still a bit of displeasure, and said: “Those people are the famous Jiangyang robbers in the rivers and lakes, killing innocent people indiscriminately and doing all kinds of evil.

” Jie acupoints, I want to kill these scumbags and eliminate the harm for the rivers and lakes.”

At this time, Qiangwei’s delicate face was righteous and dignified, and her tone was unquestionable.


Yue Feng couldn’t help laughing secretly, but his face was serious: “These robbers from Jiangyang, when they arrive at our Mingyuemen, let me deal with them, and you don’t care.”

This woman is really interesting, and a person actually vowed to deal with Zhan Wuji and them. Not to mention that Zhan Wuji can’t take action, even the few Jiang Yang robbers around him, I’m afraid you can’t deal with them.

Thinking to himself, Yue Feng continued: “You stay here first, and I will come back to let you go after I finish.”

After that, Yue Feng turned around and walked out of the side hall.

At this time, Yue Feng was in a very depressed mood. He originally wanted to cultivate and recover in this sunflower secret realm, but he never thought that Zhan Wuji would break in with a few thieves from Jiangyang.

Not only that, but there is also a woman who does not know the heights of the sky…

But Yue Feng is not worried, there are many organs in this palace group, as long as they are used properly, it is easy to deal with people like Zhan Wuji.

Speaking of which, if Yue Feng’s strength is restored to the peak, he will not take Zhan Wuji in his eyes at all, but his strength has not fully recovered yet. Facing the peak state of Zhan Wuji, coupled with Huang Shihu and others, there is no chance of winning, only Can proceed with caution.


Seeing Yue Feng turn around and go out, Qiangwei was in a hurry. At that time, she wanted to go out, but found that the acupuncture point was taped, and she couldn’t move at all, so she could only shout anxiously: “Come back quickly, give me a solution. Point…”

When she shouted, Qiangwei was indescribably angry.

This person is not only rude, but also a little conceited. He is just a disciple of Mingyuemen. Would that be the opponent of Huang Shihu’s gang?

However, where is Yue Feng’s figure outside the door?


on the other side, in front of the main hall.


After everyone rested for a while, Zhan Wuji opened his eyes and slowly stood up and said, “Okay, that’s almost it, let’s start investigating.”

While speaking, Zhan Wuji looked around the entire hall, thoughtfully.

Everyone in Huang Shihu also stood up and began to investigate around the hall.

Yue Feng, Li Suqiu, and the Great Elder had fought here before. At that time, the corpse was only taken out, and the blood was not cleaned up, so it was quickly discovered by several Huang Shihu.

“There is blood here…”

“There is also here, it seems that someone fought here before…”

“It should be an internal dispute

at Mingyuemen…” After discussing, Huang Shihu went to check the walls around the hall again. , and soon found a secret door in the wall.


At this moment, Huang Shihu was very excited, and said to Zhan Wuji: “Boss, there is a secret door here, it seems that there is a mystery inside.”

Hearing this, Zhan Wuji immediately came over and saw The dark door was dark, and he frowned immediately and said, “Go in and investigate.” Saying so, Zhan Wuji did not rush in, but let Huang Shihu take the lead.

For Zhan Wuji, Huang Shihu and these people are just free subordinates, and they don’t worry about their lives at all.

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