The Ultimate Husband

The Ultimate Husband In Chinese Chapter 6457

The Ultimate Husband In Chinese Chapter 6457

The Ultimate Husband In Chinese Chapter 6457

The ultimate husband in Chinese chapter 6457

Made up his mind, Yue Feng took advantage of Li Suqiu’s crowd to search around, showed his figure, and quickly left the secret realm.

Outside the secret area, Yue Feng did not stop at all, avoiding the mountain patrol disciples of Mingyuemen, and quickly descended the mountain.


After going down the mountain and completely leaving the boundary of Mingyuemen, Yue Feng breathed a sigh of relief and walked towards the southwest. He clearly remembered that when Li Suqiu brought him here, there was a small town more than ten kilometers southwest.

Yue Feng thought about it, first go to the town to see, stop for a while and then make plans.

Ten minutes later, when Yue Feng arrived at the town, he saw that the town was not big, with only one street. However, people came and went very lively, but this liveliness did not reflect the prosperity of the town, but gave people a desolate feeling. .

Among the pedestrians coming and going on the streets, most of them are people who cannot escape, dragging their families with their families, and looking tired…

What makes Yue Feng more sad is that there are many people who have escaped. In order to survive, they have to Sell yourself cheap.

I saw that at the entrance of the main street of the town, there were a lot of people who fled, frightened and gathered together, waiting for the rich family to buy.

In front of these people, there was a rich disciple standing there, judging these people like he was shopping for vegetables. Beside him, there are a few servants, who are flattering from time to time.

“Master, stay away, these people are too dirty.”

“Yes, let’s go to other places to have some fun.”

This wealthy disciple is called Liu Dong, the only son of the wealthy businessman Li Yuanwai in the small town. Without learning and skills, relying on the wealth of the family, he often bullies the village.

Hearing the words of the attendant at this time, Liu Dong frowned and said: “You all shut up, my Liu family is also a big and famous family in the town, my father always said that I didn’t study well, and he was embarrassed everywhere. , I’m going to do something meaningful today.”

After speaking, Liu Dong looked at the fleeing people in front of him, with a high attitude: “These people are so difficult, I buy one back, it can be regarded as helping the common people, Isn’t that right?” The

voice fell, and several of the attendants looked at each other and nodded quickly.

“Yes, yes…”

“Young master is really broad-minded, I might as well wait.”

Hearing the compliment, Liu Dong showed a hint of smugness, and then pointed to a girl in the crowd: “You…stand Get up and let this young master take a look, if it is pleasing to the eye, I will buy it from you.” As

he spoke, there was a hint of slyness in Liu Dong’s eyes.

In fact, Liu Dong, a playboy, had no intention of helping these fleeing people at all. When he came here just now, he found that the girl was beautiful and beautiful. It was deliberately said in a grandiose



The change in Liu Dong’s expression was all seen by Yue Feng. At this moment, he laughed secretly and looked at the girl following the eyes of everyone.

I saw that the girl was wearing a coarse blouse, and her face was dirty, but her facial features were beautiful, especially her big eyes, which showed aura.

On the ground behind the girl, lay a dying middle-aged man, who was probably suffering from a serious illness and would not live long.

The girl’s name is Chun’er, and the middle-aged man is her father. The father and daughter depend on each other and have been living in Qizhou City. It was only a day before that Qizhou City was attacked by Ji Beiye, and the father and daughter fled with the people. On the way to escape, the father’s condition worsened. , so Chuner is like selling herself to save her father.

Hearing Liu Dong’s words at this time, Chun’er stood up timidly.

Tsk tsk ….

At this moment, Liu Dong looked at Chun’er up and down, his eyes lit up, and he tut tsk admiration: “Oh, it seems that this young master has good eyesight, he is really a beautiful embryo, haha. .”

I saw that although Chun’er was in rags, the rough blouse couldn’t hide her charming figure in the slightest.

For a time, Liu Dong couldn’t wait. When he bought it and went home, he must enjoy it….

Hearing Liu Dong’s words, Chun’er panicked, but in order to save his father, he still held back the humiliation.

“Okay, not bad.”

At this moment, Liu Dong calmed down and asked Chun’er with a smile, “Girl, how much did you pay for it?”

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