The Ultimate Husband

The Ultimate Husband In Chinese Chapter 6487

The Ultimate Husband In Chinese Chapter 6487

The Ultimate Husband In Chinese Chapter 6487

The ultimate husband in Chinese chapter 6487

Nie Hongxue did not go to the lake to drink water, but sat quietly on the horse, watching Yue Feng thoughtfully.

When the princess is present, it is definitely not possible to do it directly.

I have to think of another way to test this man.


At this moment, there was a strange sound from the grass next to her. Nie Hongxue turned her head to look, and saw a grassland scorpion, crawling quickly in the grass.

Got it!

Seeing this prairie scorpion, Nie Hongxue’s eyes flickered, and she suddenly had an idea in her heart.

The prairie scorpion is very poisonous. Once it is stung, it will die soon if it is not treated in time.

Nie Hongxue thought about it, using this prairie scorpion to test Yue Feng, if the other party responded quickly, or killed the prairie scorpion, it would prove to be a hidden master.

If not, even if he is stung, Nie Hongxue has the antidote to ensure that he will not die.


After making up his mind, Nie Hongxue jumped off the horse lightly without any hesitation, and the scabbard instantly lifted the prairie scorpion and landed behind Yue Feng.

Nie Hongxue shot quickly, Princess Yiyi and the surrounding soldiers did not notice.

However, Yue Feng could see Nie Hongxue’s every move clearly.


At this time, Yue Feng was very depressed when she saw that she had deliberately picked the grassland scorpion behind him. This woman must be crazy. In order to investigate my identity, she even brought a poisonous scorpion over.

Thinking so in his heart, Yue Feng remained calm and waited for the changes.


Soon, the grassland scorpion followed Yue Feng’s feet and climbed onto his back.

Seeing this scene, Nie Hongxue bit her lip lightly and looked at Yue Feng’s eyes with incomparable seriousness. This person didn’t react at all, could it be that he was being too cautious?

Forget it, wait a minute!


At this moment, Yue Feng pretended to be terrified and called out: “What is behind me? Lords, help me take a look.”

Since this woman wants to play, I will play with you.


Hearing the shout, the surrounding soldiers immediately looked over. Seeing the scorpion on Yue Feng’s back, he suddenly exclaimed.

“Oh, what a big prairie scorpion.”

“Don’t move around, be careful not to get stung.”

“This thing is the most poisonous…” Under the

exclamations of everyone, Princess Yiyi was also taken aback, exquisite His face was full of fear, and he said to Yue Feng, “Don’t move, there is a scorpion behind you.”

Nie Hongxue looked calm and quietly observed Yue Feng’s reaction.

“Princess…” Sensing Nie Hongxue’s gaze, Yue Feng deliberately made a panicked look, and shouted,

“Save me… I am the most afraid of these poisonous insects.”

At that time, Yue Feng also pretended to tremble.


Seeing Yue Feng’s reaction, Nie Hongxue frowned secretly.

Could it be that he is too suspicious, this person is just an ordinary person, not a hidden master at all?

Princess Yiyi was kind in her heart and couldn’t bear to hear Yue Feng’s cry for help.

“Sister Hongxue.”

At this moment, Princess Yiyi walked over quickly, bit her lip lightly, and said to Nie Hongxue: “Go and save him, this person is already sick, if he is stung by a scorpion again, I’m afraid No life…”

“Princess, don’t panic.”

Nie Hongxue nodded and reassured: “With me here, he will be fine.” After

saying that, Nie Hongxue dismounted lightly and walked slowly towards Yue Feng. Originally, he planned to help Yue Feng get rid of the scorpion, but when he was about to approach, Xiu Mei frowned again.

This guy really has a problem.

She seemed nervous, but she didn’t even have a drop of sweat on her face…

Noticing this, Nie Hongxue said to Yue Feng calmly, “You don’t have to be afraid, as long as you don’t actively threaten it, it won’t sting you. .”

While speaking, Nie Hongxue deliberately slowed down.

This person dares to conceal his identity, it is really hateful, let him eat a little bit of hardship.


Seeing Nie Hongxue say this, she didn’t rush over to help, but slowed down. Yue Feng couldn’t help but scolded, this woman is really cruel, she wanted to sting me by poisonous scorpions…

Even if I doubt my identity, You can’t do it like this, it will kill people.

It was at this time that the grassland scorpion on its back raised its scorpion tail high and stabbed Yue Feng on the back.

“Oh!” When the

pain came, Yue Feng exaggeratedly shouted, and quickly shook the grassland scorpion off, then fell on the grass, and shouted in fear: “I was stung, I am dead, I am going to die.. ..”

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