The Ultimate Husband

The Ultimate Husband In Chinese Chapter 6524

The Ultimate Husband In Chinese Chapter 6524

The Ultimate Husband In Chinese Chapter 6524

The ultimate husband in Chinese chapter 6524


When they arrived, dozens of guards took a deep breath when they saw the situation in front of them, and their anger rose up one by one.

“Bold assassins, catch them quickly!”

“Do you think of this as your own back garden? Come here if you want to? You will be spattered with blood on the spot today.

” Fight with several assassins. In their opinion, their numbers are dominant, and it is more than enough to deal with a few assassins.

However they were wrong.

Bang Bang Bang…

In the fierce battle, I saw a few assassins, their figures were like ghosts, and their figures kept moving back and forth in the crowd. Within seconds, more than a dozen guards fell in a pool of blood.

What the hell!

Seeing this situation, Yue Feng was secretly shocked, and at the same time a little anxious.

Obviously, the last time the assassination failed, the other party did not give up. These assassins are so powerful that these guards can’t stop them, and their strength has not recovered, I am afraid they can’t help.

At the same time, Princess Yiyi was also panicked, her delicate face was full of tension, and the several maids guarding her were even more frightened and trembling, almost unable to stand.

“Don’t be afraid, princess, I’m here.”

At this moment, Nie Hongxue bit her lip tightly, her eyes flashing with determination: “I won’t let them hurt you.”


When the words fell, Nie Hongxue’s strength exploded, pulling out his long sword and heading towards several assassins.

Seeing this, Princess Yiyi’s body trembled, and she couldn’t help shouting, “Sister Hongxue, don’t…” The opponent’s strength is so strong that Sister Hongxue alone can’t stop her.

In a hurry, Princess Yiyi wanted to call Nie Hongxue back, but it was too late.

At this time, Yue Feng was standing beside Princess Yiyi, and his expression was extremely solemn. Although Nie Hongxue was powerful, he was afraid that he could not stop the other five masters.

We must find a way…

In anxiety, Yue Feng saw a few shivering maids behind him, and suddenly he had a flash of light, pointing to a maid who was about the same size as the princess and said, “Quick, change your clothes with the princess, Hurry up…”

Now the situation is critical, Yue Feng can’t help, so he wants this maid to pretend to be a princess and divert the attention of those assassins.

Hearing Yue Feng’s words, the maid was stunned for a moment, then she understood and quickly changed into Princess Yiyi’s gauze. Although she was very nervous, it was her duty to protect the princess.

After changing, Yue Feng said to Princess Yiyi: “Princess, hurry up and hide.”


At this time, Princess Yiyi was in a mess, and she had no idea at all, she nodded immediately, and in Yue Feng’s Under the signal, he hid in the soft curtain.

Seeing her hiding, Yue Feng didn’t have time to think, grabbed the maid’s hand and jumped out directly from the window sill on one side.

The moment he jumped out, he saw a black shadow in the shadow outside.

What Yue Feng saw was really Xing Tiance.

After discussing with Yue Feng before, Xing Tiance had been hiding near the palace, secretly protecting the safety of Princess Yiyi. As soon as he heard the movement, he rushed over immediately.


At this time, seeing Yue Feng pulling a woman and rushing out, Xing Tiance thought it was a princess and hurried up to meet him.

Without waiting for him to approach, Yue Feng quickly said: “The princess is inside, you hurry in to protect, this is fake, I will divert the attention of those people.”

When he said this, Yue Feng was not as anxious as before.

The real princess is hidden, and Xing Tiance is by her side, so it should be foolproof.


Hearing this, Xing Tiance responded and quickly rushed into the bedroom.

Yue Feng didn’t stop, pulled the maid, and quickly rushed to the back room, while running, pretending to shout: “Quick, go this way.”


At this time, several assassins had already suppressed Nie Hongxue, and they were about to rush into the bedroom. Hearing Yue Feng’s cry suddenly, he immediately looked over.

The next second, seeing the gauze on the maid, several assassins mistakenly thought it was a princess, and were shocked.

“Oops, the princess escaped.”

“Come on!”

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