The Ultimate Husband

The Ultimate Husband In Chinese Chapter 6527

The Ultimate Husband In Chinese Chapter 6527

The Ultimate Husband In Chinese Chapter 6527

The ultimate husband in Chinese chapter 6527

A few assassins just now, their minds were always on the princess. In addition to the darkness of the night, they didn’t pay attention to Yue Feng’s appearance. At this time, when they looked closely, they found that the man in front of them was exactly the Yue Feng the leader was looking for.

What the hell!

At this moment, when he heard the words of several assassins, Yue Feng was immediately confused.

What are these assassins looking for from me?


At this moment, there were more and more guards outside, and the shouting kept coming.

“The fire is about to go out!”

“The assassin must not be allowed to escape.”

Hearing the movement outside, the assassin at the head knew that there would be no delay, and immediately made a decision: “Take this person back to his life first.”


As soon as the words fell, several other assassins nodded, then swarmed up and tied Yue Feng Wuhua.

Yue Feng wanted to resist, but he was too weak and had no strength at all, so he could only be arrested.

“Let’s go!”

After helping Yue Feng, the assassins headed hurriedly rushed out, heading towards the outside of the palace. Several companions took Yue Feng and followed closely behind.


At this moment, Yue Feng was both annoyed and depressed.

I thought that I had used a trick of ‘stealing the sky and changing the sun’ to keep the princess’s safety and everything would be fine, but I never thought of it, and finally put myself in danger.

That’s when the fire on the road leading to the wing was finally extinguished.

“Quick, catch the assassin!”


At the moment when the fire was extinguished, hundreds of guards shouted and rushed to the wing, but the wing had been burnt to ruins, where is the assassin’s shadow?

At this moment, Princess Yiyi rushed over, surrounded by Nie Hongxue and several guards.

“Where’s the assassin?”

Nie Hongxue’s delicate face was full of solemnity when she came to the front: “Have you caught it?” Just now, in the fierce battle with the assassin in the bedroom, Nie Hongxue’s strength was drained, and her face was pale now.


Hearing the question, the surrounding guards bowed their heads in shame, and then one of the guard captains whispered: “The assassin… the assassin has run away!”

Run away?

Nie Hongxue frowned, feeling very annoyed, these assassins are really hateful, they come as soon as they want, they leave as they want…

Princess Yiyi doesn’t care much about the assassins, she always thinks about Yue Feng’s safety, and she can’t help saying: ” What about Mr. Yue Feng?” The

voice fell, and the surrounding guards looked at me, I looked at you, and then all shook their heads.


Seeing this situation, Princess Yiyi became anxious and stomped her feet: “Then why are you still standing there? Why don’t you look for it?” When she spoke, Princess Yiyi’s delicate face could not be concealed. anxious.

If it wasn’t for Yue Feng’s wisdom and let a maid change clothes with him, I am afraid that he has been captured by the assassin now. It can be said that Yue Feng saved him.

More importantly, Yue Feng is resourceful and far-sighted, and he still needs his help to deal with Nuliha, and no matter what, he can’t let anything happen to him.

“Yes, princess!”

The guards responded and hurriedly searched around.


At this moment, Nie Hongxue couldn’t help but let out a sigh. If something happened to this Yue Feng, it would be troublesome. This man is almost omnipotent. With his help, the princess will have a chance to bring down Nuliha. With three longs and two shorts, let alone the princess sitting on the throne, it would be difficult to avenge Wang Khan.

Thinking to herself, Nie Hongxue gently comforted Princess Yiyi: “Princess, don’t panic, Mr. Yue Feng is so talented, he will definitely be fine.”

“There are still people here!”

Just as she was talking, she heard someone shouting With a sound, everyone hurried over and saw that among the wreckage of the wing, the maid who had previously pretended to be a princess was lying there with her eyes closed, and she was still in a coma.


Seeing this, both Nie Hongxue and Princess Yiyi were shocked and had a bad premonition.

The maid was the only one left. Obviously, something happened to Yue Feng.

For a time, Princess Yiyi was so anxious that she was full of worries.

Yue Feng, don’t let anything happen to you.


Nie Hongxue reacted, sighed lightly, and said to the surrounding guards: “You all immediately search the entire royal court, looking for the whereabouts of Mr. Yue Feng, remember, do it in secret, don’t disturb the people of

Nuliha. ” ..”

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