The Ultimate Husband

The Ultimate Husband In Chinese Chapter 6540

The Ultimate Husband In Chinese Chapter 6540

The Ultimate Husband In Chinese Chapter 6540

The ultimate husband in Chinese chapter 6540

Seeing their reaction so big, Yue Feng was stunned.

It turns out… Wuyinmen has always been in contact with Nuliha…

Thinking about it, Yue Feng slowly raised his hand, motioned the two to stop, and said slowly: “Since Nuliha is so unjust, then let us and His cooperation also ended. That’s why I released Yue Feng.”

Speaking of which, Yue Feng’s tone became colder: “Also, we can’t just sit back and wait.”


Hearing this, the two cronies nodded again and again.

“The leader is right, we can’t sit still.”

“Nuriha, this white-eyed wolf, actually wants to destroy our Wuyinmen, and he must not succeed.”

For a time, the two were filled with righteous indignation, and the more they talked, the more excited they became.

Afterwards, one of them stepped forward and said respectfully, “Leader, what shall we do?”

“I just thought of a plan!”

Yue Feng thought about it and responded, “Nuriha has now controlled the entire royal court, and his subordinates There are more than 100,000 troops, we are definitely not opponents, so we must find a way to lead him out.”

“The leader is right!”

“Yes!” The

two nodded in agreement.

Yue Feng breathed a sigh of relief, looked at the two of them and continued, “Wait a minute when you send someone to the General’s Mansion, and say that we captured Yue Feng, who should have been escorted there, but this Yue Feng is seriously injured and it is not suitable for Move, so I can only ask him to come over in person.”

“When the time comes, let’s ambush here in advance, only after Nuliha arrives, kill him on the spot, so as to avoid future troubles.”


Hearing this plan, the eyes of the two cronies lit up and were excited.

“Good strategy!”

“The leader is really resourceful, this is a good way, haha…”

Under the admiration, one of them thought of something and couldn’t help but say: “But, that Yue Feng has already been released, in case he is enslaved Ha’s subordinates caught it, didn’t our plan fall through?” The

other also frowned secretly.

At this time, the two guards didn’t know that the ‘leader’ in front of him was pretending to be Yue Feng.


Seeing the two of them worrying, Yue Feng smiled secretly and said, “No need to worry about this, Yue Feng has already left the royal court, and Nuliha’s subordinates can’t catch him.”

Hearing this, the two A little more at ease.

At this time, Yue Feng was too lazy to talk nonsense, and waved his hand: “Okay, it’s not too late, you go to prepare, send someone to Nuliha as soon as possible, this matter is very important, you must not go wrong. Do you know? “

Yes, chief!” The

two guards responded in unison, and hurried out of the hall.

Watching the two leave, Yue Feng called the others again, and after some deployment, he sat on the chair and closed his eyes to rest.

Time passed by minute by minute.

“Mother, do you want me to come in person for this trivial matter?” I

don’t know how long it took, there was a scolding voice from the secret passage outside the hall, and then, Nuliha, accompanied by a few guards, swaggered. walked in.


Hearing the movement, Yue Feng exhaled softly and opened his eyes.

At this time, Nuliha sat carelessly on the chair in the hall, and said to Yue Feng: “Boss Yan, you are becoming more and more unreliable in your work at Wuyinmen. After that kid Yue Feng, do you still need me to come in person?”

Nuliha’s face was arrogant when he said this.

This idiot…

Yue Feng scolded secretly and said lightly: “General, don’t be impatient, the assassination of the princess is indeed our fault, but this Yue Feng is indeed in a special situation.”

“When we arrested him at that time. , This man fought hard and was seriously injured. Because the injury was too serious, with our ability of Wuyinmen, we can only temporarily let him not die, but if we were to send him to the General’s Mansion, I am afraid that he would lose too much blood and die on the way, so we had to Let the general come in person.”


Hearing this, Nuliha frowned, and then said impatiently: “Okay, as long as people don’t die.”

After speaking, Nuliha looked around: “Where are people?”

“General wait! Yue Feng responded ,

and ordered to the two people at the door: “Bring people in.” The

two responded and walked out quickly. After a while, they walked in with a man covered in blood.

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