The Ultimate Husband

The Ultimate Husband In Chinese Chapter 6676

The Ultimate Husband In Chinese Chapter 6676

The Ultimate Husband In Chinese Chapter 6676

Chapter 6676:


Yue Feng breathed a sigh of relief and smiled: “Your Majesty is polite, Ji Beiye is despicable and shameless, provoking a war and destroying the living, even if there is no invitation from His Majesty, I will try to deal with him.” “


As he was speaking, he saw more than a dozen water army generals walking up one after another, one by one, sincerely afraid.

Last night, these generals all received instructions from the city lord, and when they were fighting with Ji Beiye, they pretended to be defeated and fled, so that after they carried out according to the plan, they thought that Qingyun City would be broken!

But as a result, Yue Feng defeated Ji Beiye’s hundreds of thousands of troops with fire, all of which was completely beyond the plan, so these water army generals did not know where to go, so they had to return to the city gate tower and meet the little emperor.


Seeing these generals, whether it was the Little Emperor or the Shaoyang King, their faces sank, and they couldn’t hide their anger in their eyes.

This group of water army generals, who had just fought with Ji Beiye on the river, scattered in less than a round, lost face, and now they dare to come back.

“You guys…”

At this moment, Ying Kuang said coldly: “Are you guilty? “


Feeling the anger of the little emperor, more than a dozen water army generals trembled in their hearts, and then knelt down in unison.

“The subordinate is guilty!”

“Please Your Majesty…..”

Hearing the pleading, Ying Kuang was even more angry: “Kain? In the battle on the river just now, you guys were about to collapse at the touch of a touch, completely disregarding the safety of Qingyun City, scattered and fled, and still want me to be kind?

Saying that, Ying Kuang said to the soldiers on both sides: “Come, drag them all down and behead them for public display.”


Ying Kuang is young, he is decisive and has clear rewards and punishments, and he is not half soft on these water army generals in front of him at this time.

“Obey the order!”

Hearing the order, dozens of soldiers hurried over and surrounded the soldiers.


Faced with this situation, more than a dozen generals instantly turned pale, knelt there, and kept kowtowing and begging for mercy: “Your Majesty spare your life!”

“Spare your life, Your Majesty!”

Hearing the plea for mercy, Ying Kuang did not have half a point of emotional fluctuations on his face.

Seeing this situation, Yue Feng walked over and whispered to Ying Kuang: “Your Majesty, now is the time to use people, it is better to give them a chance first and let them wear guilt and make meritorious deeds.”

Yue Feng’s voice was not loud, but more than a dozen generals heard it, and at this time, Qi Qi raised his head and looked at Ying Kuang tightly, his eyes full of expectation.


Ying Kuang thought for a moment and nodded, “Okay, just listen to Sir.”

Then, Ying Kuang looked at the generals in front of him and said coldly: “For the sake of Mr. today’s face, I will spare you once, and the next time there is such a situation, it will not be forgiven!”

“Thank you, Your Majesty.”

“Thank Your Majesty for not killing, thank you sir.”

The ghost gate closed and walked around, and more than a dozen generals secretly pinched a cold sweat, and then kowtowed in gratitude.

Yue Feng looked at these generals and said seriously: “Don’t be busy thanking first, now I will give you an important task.” Phew


In an instant, more than a dozen generals looked up at Yue Feng in unison, holding their breath, waiting for his instructions.

Yue Feng pointed in the direction of Jiangbei Daying: “Ji Beiye has fled to the north bank, his soldiers have suffered countless casualties, there is no longer a threat, now is a good time to pursue.” You are now ordered to make meritorious deeds and pursue with all your might.

Hearing this order, more than a dozen generals responded in unison: “The subordinates must do their best to pursue the thief.” When

the last word fell, they all walked down the city gate tower and summoned the water army to cross the river in pursuit.


On the other side, the north bank of the river.

Under the care of the surrounding generals, Ji Beiye gradually slowed down, looking at the mess on the river, angry and sad.

Hundreds of thousands of troops, it’s gone.

“Great General!”

At this moment, a general next to him asked cautiously: “What do we do next?” Phew


Ji Kitano took a deep breath and calmed his mood and said, “Treat the wounded and count the number of people.” “Now that the defeat is certain, we can only find a way to preserve the existing strength.

The general answered, walked quickly to the river, and reorganized the troops.

After a while, the general finished counting the numbers, and came back to Ji Kitano and said respectfully: “General Huiyu, we only have 53,000 troops left now…”

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