The Ultimate Husband

The Ultimate Husband In Chinese Chapter 6730

The Ultimate Husband In Chinese Chapter 6730

The Ultimate Husband In Chinese Chapter 6730

Chapter 6730 Just entering the small courtyard, Li Muchen was shocked when he saw Yue Feng pick up the silver needle.

You know, no matter how much Tianxin Continent is, there is no acupuncture treatment skill, so in Li Muchen’s view, Yue Feng is not treating Gu Qianqiu, but committing murder.

“Who are you?” Dare to be unfavorable to the sect master?

At this time, Li Muchen shouted, then waved a palm and hit Yue Feng.


Li Muchen is close to the ninth product, in the Heavenly Dao, the strength is second only to Gu Qianqiu, this palm urged the eight successful forces, the power is very amazing, just saw the palm power over, the tone of the entire room was extremely distorted.

“Elder Li, don’t…”

At this moment, Feixue’s face changed, and she couldn’t help but exclaim, and then she wanted to stop it, but it was too late.

Crouch! Who is this old man?

Seeing Li Muchen’s palm coming, Yue Feng was taken aback, and there was no time to dodge at that time, so he had to meet it with a palm.


In the next second, the palms of the two collided, erupting with a huge shock, and then, Yue Feng and Li Muchen were shocked back almost at the same time.

After stabilizing his figure, Yue Feng was very depressed.

Fortunately, he has the Fa Ye Red Lotus Protective Body, otherwise, the palm just now, I am afraid that he has been seriously injured, this old man seems to be old, but his strength is very strong.


And Li Muchen was also taken aback, his eyes stared at Yue Feng, unable to hide the shock and complexity.

This kid seems to be ordinary, but he is a hidden master, the palm just now, but it contains his eight- layer skill, but he has nothing to do?

Shocked in his heart, Li Muchen saw the flying snow next to him, and immediately frowned: “Feixue, what’s going on with you?” Someone wants to hurt the sect master, but you don’t stop it. The

words were full of reproach.


Hearing this, Feixue couldn’t help but laugh, and quickly explained: “Elder Li, this is not an outsider, his name is Yue Feng, he is the sworn brother of the sect master, and after the sect master was seriously injured, he also brought the sect master back.

Speaking, Feixue pointed to the silver needle in Yue Feng’s hand: “He is now treating the sect master. “


Hearing these words, Li Muchen calmed down, his eyes burning as he looked at the silver needle in Yue Feng’s hand, and his eyebrows were full of doubts: “Can you save people with silver needles?” “


Yue Feng smiled slightly and explained, “Sealing the acupuncture passage with silver needles can save the life of the ancient sect master.”

Hearing this, Li Muchen was even more surprised, this is the first time he has heard of this means of saving people.

Muttering in his heart, Li Muchen still had to ask, when he saw the trauma in Gu Qianqiu’s heart, he was suddenly shocked: “This… This…” said, he hurriedly gave Gu Qianqiu his pulse.

In the next second, Li Muchen was completely unable to calm down, because he clearly felt that Gu Qianqiu’s heart pulse was completely penetrated, and if he was someone else, it was estimated that he would have died a long time ago, but at this time he still had a breath.

Even so, Gu Qianqiu’s situation at this time was very unstable, not only his face was as red as blood, but his breath was sometimes strong and weak.


At this time, Yue Feng didn’t have time to explain more: “Senior let me apply the needle first, and then explain later.” “Now is the moment of truth, it’s too late.


When the last word fell, Yue Feng shot out like electricity, and several silver needles quickly pierced several acupuncture channels around Gu Qianqiu’s heart vein. After doing this, Yue Feng exhaled deeply and wiped the sweat from his forehead.

Sealed the acupuncture path, the eldest brother’s life, even if it is temporarily saved.

Yue Feng made a quick move, Li Muchen and Feixue only felt dazzled, and when they reacted, they were pleasantly surprised to see that Gu Qianqiu’s face returned to normal.

In the next second, Li Muchen gave Gu Qianqiu the pulse again, and was pleasantly surprised to find that the originally chaotic aura had also become stable at this time.


For a while, Li Muchen stared at Yue Feng, his eyes full of incredulity.

Really let him do it, this silver needle has such an artifact effect, it is simply amazing.

“Little brother!

Shocked, Li Muchen couldn’t help but speak: “What is this silver needle piercing point?” Can you explain the old man’s confusion. “He was once a medical immortal on the rivers and lakes, and he was very obsessed with medical skills, and at this time, he was very curious to see Yue Feng using silver needles to rejuvenate.

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