The Ultimate Husband

The Ultimate Husband In Chinese Chapter 6734

The Ultimate Husband In Chinese Chapter 6734

The Ultimate Husband In Chinese Chapter 6734

Chapter 6734


Heart said, Feixue took a deep breath to calm herself down, and then prepared to arrange her skirt.

However, at this moment, an anxious shout came from outside: “Sect Master, how is the Sect Master?”


In the next second, the door was suddenly knocked open, and then a charming figure broke in.

A black tight dress, the sexy curves, perfectly presented, the facial features are exquisite and charming, like a flawless work of art, but there is a bit of cold arrogance between the eyebrows, giving people an inaccessible coldness.

It is the red peony.

Although Hong Peony was not a disciple of Gu Qianqiu, because of his shrewdness and ability, he was deeply trusted by Gu Qianqiu, and was previously sent to the imperial capital to assassinate Ji Beiye, and after the failure, he returned to the main altar to recuperate for a period of time.

Half a day ago, as soon as the red peony left the main altar, he learned the news that Gu Qianqiu had been severely damaged, and he was anxious at that time and rushed over as soon as possible.


Suddenly someone broke in, Feixue was ashamed and angry, I wanted to scold a few words, but after seeing that it was a red peony, I suddenly trembled, and on my delicate face, I couldn’t say how embarrassed: “Why are you?”

Red Peony took a deep breath and responded, “I’ll take a look at the sect master….”


Halfway through the words, when I saw the appearance of flying snow, I was immediately stunned, and my delicate face was also extremely complicated.

In the next second, Red Peony looked at Yue Feng next to him again, and was suddenly embarrassed.

This flying snow dress is messy, and it has been torn through such a big gap, is it…. Both of them…. Just doing the male and female things here? You know, half a month ago, Feixue and Yue Feng were caught by the red flower mother-in-law, and finally broke into relatives, which has been spread throughout the Heavenly Dao, and the red peony is naturally clear.

At this time, the situation in front of him had to make Red Peony think more.

“You guys!”

Finally, the red peony reacted, and her delicate face instantly blushed incomparably, and she couldn’t help but say, “You guys just now…”

“Red peony, don’t get me wrong!”

Without waiting for Red Peony to finish speaking, Feixue’s face turned red and quickly explained: “Things are not what you think, nothing happened between us just now.”

“Yes, yes…” Yue Feng was also embarrassed, and then explained: “Feixue was poisoned before, just now the poison passed out, the situation is very serious, so, I will help her detoxify…”


Hearing this, Hong Peony was stunned, and he didn’t believe it at all: “Okay, don’t explain.” “Do you need to tear your skirt apart to get rid of poison?

At this time, in Hong Peony’s heart, he thought that the two were embarrassed, so he refused to admit it.

Recognizing this, Red Peony looked at Yue Feng with burning eyes: “Yue Feng, I don’t know what means you used to trick Feixue into getting hands and let her help you speak, but I warn you, since the two of you are already together, you must treat her well in the future.”

“If you let me know that you are not good to Feixue, or dare to abandon her, I will never let you go.”

When the last word fell, Red Peony’s delicate face was full of seriousness and could not be doubted.

You know, Red Peony and Feixue, when they almost joined the Heavenly Dao, have supported each other for many years, although they are not sisters, but their feelings are better than their sisters.

At this time, in Hong Peony’s heart, he decided that Yue Feng had deceived Feixue with sweet words, so he was very unhappy in his heart, but the matter had already happened, and there was no room for redemption, so he could only say ruthlessly and force Yue Feng to be good to Feixue.

I’ll go…

At this moment, Yue Feng was helpless.

Is this red peony brain a tendon? Just now it was explained, it was to drive away poison, why didn’t she believe it?

“Red peony!”

At this time, Feixue was also crying and laughing, and was anxious to cry: “The two of us are really not…..”


Just halfway through the words, I heard a roar outside, and the wall of the courtyard was slammed down by a strong force, and the dust was everywhere in a flash.

What’s the case?

Hearing the movement, Yue Feng, Feixue, and the three of them were all taken aback and looked towards the courtyard outside.


At the same time, many disciples also arrived.

“What’s the situation?”

“What happened?”

“Damn, the one who is not afraid of death, dares to trespass on the altar…”

All the disciples were furious, and they all looked towards the dust, but the smoke was thick, and they couldn’t see anything clearly.

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