The Ultimate Husband

The Ultimate Husband In Chinese Chapter 6772

The Ultimate Husband In Chinese Chapter 6772

The Ultimate Husband In Chinese Chapter 6772

Chapter 6772

“Since it’s a forbidden place, I think it’s better not to rush in.”

When he said this, Yue Feng looked serious.

Most of the bottles and jars on the shelf are Fire Lin powder, and the entire stone hall is also very dry. Such an environment is very dangerous, and a fire will ignite if you are not careful.

Speaking of which, Yue Feng didn’t want to stop him, not for Lingluo’s sake, he just didn’t want to let himself suffer a disaster.


Hearing this, Lingluo was full of disdain, and said angrily at the time: “What is forbidden land, I don’t know how many years it has been in decline, even if it is forbidden land, no one will do anything to me.”

After speaking, Lingluo was cold . A cold glance at Yue Feng: “Besides, what do I do, what does it have to do with you?” The

last word fell, Lingluo was too lazy to talk nonsense, and strode into the stone hall.


Seeing that she didn’t listen to the persuasion, Yue Feng secretly sighed.

This stinky girl is really stubborn, she keeps saying good things, and she suffers in front of her eyes. Forget it, I don’t care about you.

Muttering in his heart, Yue Feng turned around and prepared to leave.


Just after walking a few steps, I heard Lingluo’s excited laughter from the stone hall: “It really is a magic pill, but…it seems to be ineffective.” Wow… excited,

Lingluo was excited.

Luo accidentally knocked over a few bottles next to her, and the fire linal powder inside suddenly filled out. Then, the fire linn powder collided with the sparks from the porcelain bottle, and the fire burned instantly.

bang bang bang….

The fire quickly filled the air, and the bottles and cans on the surrounding wooden shelves also burst, and bursts of fireballs came out.

In the blink of an eye, the fire enveloped Lingluo, and then drowned Yue Feng outside the door.


Feeling the fire around her, Lingluo’s pretty face changed. She didn’t think too much at that time, she quickly activated her skills and deployed a protective film around her body.

“Humph!” After the protective film was deployed, Lingluo couldn’t help but chuckle, her delicate face was full of arrogance: “Just flames, still want to hurt me?”

Lingluo’s Zen Moon Heart Sutra is a kind of cold It is the nemesis of fire.

However, she overestimated herself too much, and, although the fire burned by Huo Linfen was not as good as the strange fire, it was much stronger than the ordinary fire.


In less than ten seconds, I saw that the protective film deployed by Lingluo couldn’t hold it anymore. With the sound of light sounds, cracks appeared on the protective film.

Oops, this fire is so powerful that the protective film can’t stop it.

Seeing this situation, Lingluo’s delicate body trembled, Huarong paled, and her heart became nervous.

It seems that the stinky tortoise is right, there is indeed danger here.

At this moment, Lingluo murmured in her heart, and subconsciously looked at Yue Feng outside the door, and she was stunned again.

Just saw the fire around Yue Feng, the ground was about to burn red, but he was okay, his face was as usual, and he didn’t even curl his hair…


Seeing this scene , Lingluo only felt that her brain was buzzing, almost blank.

This Yue Feng is not afraid of fire?

It ‘s so incredible…


Under the shock, Lingluo calmed down and couldn’t help but said to Yue Feng, “Why haven’t you been burned to death?” The surrounding flames, More than twice as powerful as ordinary flames, even deploying a protective film by himself is fine, but he has nothing to do with it.

It’s really incomprehensible.

At this time, Lingluo didn’t know that Yue Feng was blessed by the red lotus of the law, not to mention the flames caused by these fire linn powders, even the strange fire couldn’t hurt him in the slightest.

Ha ha!

Feeling Lingluo’s surprise, Yue Feng smiled indifferently: “Why should I be burned to death?”

Hearing the rhetorical question, Lingluo murmured for a while, then reacted and continued to ask: “Why do you have nothing at all?” At that time, Lingluo’s eyes were full of curiosity.


Yue Feng took a deep breath, thought about it, and responded, “Maybe because the exercises I practice are related to fire, so I won’t be hurt by the fire.” Of course

, Yue Feng wouldn’t tell her the real situation, so he just made it up. A reason to prevaricate.

Fire-related exercises?

Hearing this, Lingluo hurriedly said: “Quick, tell me the formula!” She is already a seventh-rank strength, and she can practice any exercises very quickly. At this time, it is like learning Yue Feng’s exercises to defend against the surrounding people. fire.

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