The Undead King of the Palace of Darkness

Chapter 36

Chapter 36: Training

“You don’t need it.”

The sky looked empty save for the twinkling stars. It is the new moon today and also the day when the dark forces are at their weakest.

We never came across any humans after that one instance and our journey proceeded smoothly. We should reach town within a few days as we were making our way through a well- trodden path.

It would be difficult to do any hands-on training once we reach town. After all, I cannot go around displaying my vampiric powers in public.

Near the oasis. We were around the bonfire and I had asked Senri to teach me her combat skills. She carefully considered my request for some time before she answered as such.

I frowned at her in spite of myself which got her flustered and she expanded in a hurry.

“Don’t take me wrong… it’s not that I don’t want to teach you. We are just… too different. Human techniques are only applicable to humans. It won’t necessarily be of any use to you.”

“… but… our appearances are the same. Won’t the application of the techniques be the same as well?”

“Well, maybe for now. But soon it won’t be so.”

There was a grim look in her eyes.

Her smile is rather pretty, but as strange as it may be, her sombre expression was rather alluring as well.

“We, the Death Knights, learn footwork and breath control. Firstly, parry and evasion techniques are drilled into us. Because we can’t afford to let ourselves receive a blow from a powerful vampire.”

I see… that does make sense.

My power increases with the amount of negative energy, which in turn increases the more blood I consume. There are limitations placed on the growth of a human body.

Our bodies may appear similar, but if it is true that disparity between our physical abilities exist, although not completely useless, those skills would assume low priority. When wounds heal in a second, receiving a blow would not really be a big deal.

“Our physical abilities can be enhanced with the power of blessing, but that power is exhaustible. Whereas a vampire’s power isn’t. Be it stamina or physical ability, we, the Death Knights, are always at a disadvantage.”

“It didn’t look that way to me. Neville and Lufry looked incredibly strong.”

“…As I was saying, we always aim to wrap things up quickly. We take the preemptive and strike first and we never fight head-on.”

That is pretty much the same as what I had imagined the differences between vampires and the Death Knights to be.

They always hunted down the monsters in the stories. It was never a fair and square battle like a duel.

I understand that Senri’s combat techniques would not be suitable for me.

However, it still is not enough reason for me to not learn about them.

“A true vampire fights like a beast. They aren’t governed by human principles. I’m sure you’ll understand what I mean… when you evolve into a vampire.”

After saying her piece, Senri gently brushed the dust off her clothes and got to her feet.

Her long, slender figure wrapped in white clothing went well with her silver hair and along with the silver sword casually strung on her hip, she looked like the personification of a holy knight from stories.

She is not on the taller side nor is she of the nominal weight, but even in the battered state resulting from long travel, there was no hiding her gracefulness.

She was enticing enough to make me want to sink my fangs into her neck this instant.

Senri gracefully removed the sword from its sheath. It was a beautiful sword made of holy silver. It may seem decorative at a glance, but I have personally seen her wield it and send many a beast to hell.

She pointed the sword at me and uttered from the other side of the sword.

“That said… I’ll serve as your training partner for a short while. It’s true that your concerns are not unfounded. If you learn how the Death Knights fight, then your chances of survival would indeed become better.”

I would expect no less from her. She seems to have read my thoughts.

I got up to my feet as well. I was not born with a good constitution, but after evolving, I was almost twice as big as Senri. My hand moved towards the machete on my hip, but hesitated. Seeing which, Senri smiled.

“Go ahead. I don’t mind. Don’t hold back. Come at me with all you’ve got. You can’t hurt me as you are now. This is simply… training. I won’t use any skills that unleash positive energy.”

Looks like there is still a considerable difference in strength between us. I suppose I need not worry since she gave me the go ahead after having seen me fight.

I unsheathed the heavy Blood Ruler and imitated her stance.

The imminent taste of battle in the air lit a fire in me.

Let me think. I have herculean strength. I could probably cleave a rock in two if I used my full strength.

I cannot imagine that it would be something a human being can withstand, but I suppose it should be fine if I curb my power in the event that something happens…I think. My arm would probably break if I stop a swing at full power, but I can heal, so it should not be a problem.

Senri looked calm in front of the monster holding a black machete that looked like it could devour light itself.

I widened my stance and focused on her.

“Here I go!”

“Come at me!”

I should first… test her out.

I pushed myself forward kicking the earth beneath my feet and took a downward diagonal slash at her.

Senri had mentioned that they evade and fend off attacks. Then all I need to do is put enough strength into the attack to render her unable to evade it.

She is strong. A whole lot stronger than me, but I feel like she is not taking me seriously.

Their strong power of blessing is what makes the Death Knights formidable. I still have not thought of a way to deal with their attacks that unleash positive energy, but I should be able to deal with the rest.

Maybe she did not wish to hurt me, for Senri had not put on her protective shield of blessing.

Senri simply took a step backward to evade the machete that had split air. The swing was quite fast, but she had completely… read my move. So she need not even bother to parry an attack of this degree.

I quickly returned the machete to its original place, full of admiration for her, as Senri called out to me in an almost reproachful tone.

“End… I remember telling you to use your full strength.”

“Ehh… ahh… hmm”

“I understand that you’re being kind. However, there’s no point to this whole thing if you hold back.”

You say that… yet, you are not displaying your whole potential either.

We are using real weapons to train. If by some miraculous chance, I end up killing Senri, how would I live my life from that point forward.

She is right that I had not put my all into the attack just now.

I remember the very first time I hunted the beasts in the woods upon the Lord’s orders. If I put my mind to it, I can swing the machete with enough force to rip off my arms. Not even the tenacious body of a vampire can withstand that blow. If a human were to fend off that blow with their sword, they might get cut in half along with the weapon.

Seeing me hesitate, Senri sighed deeply.

As I stood perplexed, Senri gently pulled down her collar to expose a pale neck.

“…Fine. End… if you beat me, I’ll let you drink my blood.”


My eyes were fixed on her pale, almost translucent neck.

My usually faint heartbeat grew stronger. My breath quickly grew ragged and the heat in my head grew stronger.josei

I have never bit down on her neck ever since that first time in the woods. It was just that once.

It was rather pleasant to drink from her finger. However, nothing compares to the feeling of burying my face in her neck and drinking her blood directly from its source. The sensation of her hair brushing against my face, the feeling of her soft flesh against my lips, all of that is firmly imprinted in my mind.

She had asked me not to endure my thirst, but her blood is too precious. I imagine her body does not produce blood that fast either. Considering the fatigue resulting from long travel, I could not ask to drink her blood whenever I wanted.

“That- that’s an absurd proposition…”

We are just training. In response to my words, Senri ran a suggestive finger along her neck. It was a bewitching gesture.

“You want to, don’t you? Vampires, irrespective of age, all tend to prefer to feed from the neck. After capturing their prey, they pin them down and take their time to drain the blood. End… your eyes have turned red.”

What a wonderful proposition. Of course my eyes are red. If I were given the option, then I naturally would want to sink my fangs into her neck.

Even under the best of circumstances, there is no vampire that would not waver upon being tempted by a prey of finest quality.

I licked my lips. I feel like she has me in the palm of her hand and that made me grip the machete harder.

Isn’t Senri looking down on me too much?

I focused, took deep breaths and calmed myself.

“Don’t tell me you’ve grown accustomed to the feeling?”

Senri simply smiled at my provocation.

“Maybe. End, come at me.”

I will have you regret tempting someone as harmless as me.

I shall pin you down, nip your neck and take my time to relish the taste of your blood.

I let the blood lust take control over my body as I kicked the ground hard and lunged at Senri at the speed of a cannonball.

☠☠ ☠

She is fast. No. I suppose it is more skill than speed.

The machete that I swung with all my might was greeted with air. Senri is right in front of me. She is at a distance where I could touch her if I extended my arm and yet none of my attacks reach her.

“You’re strong… just as vampires would be… it’s been a while since I last fought.”

Her whispering voice grated my ears. The sweet smell emanating from her hair tickled my nose. It willed me to attack her.

I let my urges control my movements but it almost felt like I was fighting an illusion.

She did not move around much and yet evaded me gracefully. For a moment, I was taken in by the illusion that she was dancing around.

The disparity is too great. So this is a second-class ‘Death Knight’. Although I had witnessed the battle between her and the Lord from afar, coming face to face with her strength made me realize the weight of that title.

I did not lose hope. It only fired me up.

Senri’s eyes were following and reading the movements of the dangerous machete that even I have little control over.

I have her within reach. Yet, I simply cannot reach her.

I remember the Lord mentioning that an undead would need to be a vampire at the minimum to be able to fight against a Death Knight.

Vampires have a strong special ability.

They can transform into a wolf, bat or even fog. I don’t know all the details, but indeed I lack power.

I am not really sure if I have better physical abilities and endurance, considering how I am being toyed with.

I heard clear sounds at times. They were the sounds of my machete clashing with Senri’s sword.

However, there was no other response. The two weapons came in contact only for an instant. I reckon she fends off my attack in that instant. What a terrifying skill!

The urge to destroy whispered me to put more strength into my attacks. Whispering that I trample down on her.

I refused to listen to it and retreated a step. Even if I keep this up, none of my attacks will land on her. She is still completely in control.

Think. The only thing I have that an average vampire does not, is the ability to control the blood lust to an extent.

Senri’s eyes opened wide. I made up my mind in an instant.

I smiled and stomped hard on the ground.

This is it. This is something only a vampire can do.

The ground shook. Her stance was broken. I did not miss that sliver of an opportunity and swung the machete diagonally downward with all my might.

A high-pitched metallic clang echoed through the air. I felt strong impact on my hands for the first time.

My eyes widened at the unexpected scene unfolding in front of me.

Senri parried my attack by placing both her hands on her sword. Despite me using my entire strength as a vampire, the two blades were caught in a struggle.

Our eyes met over the crossed blades. I continued to put my strength into the machete as I glared at Senri, when she uttered.

“End… you’re… strong. I was caught by surprise.”

“Didn’t you say that vampires are generally stronger?”

“I’m using the power of blessing to enhance my physical abilities now.”

Now…? Meaning, that she had not until now?

Well, who cares about that. I never imagined I would lose to Senri in pure brute strength.

“Who cares.”

“You’re using one hand, while I’m using both of mine.”

Upon hearing that, I almost reflexively try to grab Senri with my free left hand. As if she had expected it, she suddenly sprung back and put a distance of a few meters between us.

The machete lost its opposition and I was sent hurtling through the air. Senri quietly watched the whole thing pass.

Senri was not even a little out of breath. If this were a real fight, I would have died a hundred times over.

What a horrible disgrace! To vent my anger, I need to drink her blood no matter how.

I cannot call myself a vampire if I fail to reach for what was offered.

I am sure I was glaring at her.

However, she received my glare with nary a fear, sheathed her sword and tilted her head to one side.

“Wanna play tag?”


I flung the machete aside and kicked off the ground. My body shot across the air like a cannonball.

However, Senri was already a few ten meters ahead of me. Her speed felt incredible even to me who possessed inhuman physical abilities.

Upon closer inspection, I could sense the power of blessing on both her feet. I see… so, it is also possible to enhance the abilities of just one part of the body.

They probably conserved power by controlling its application.

Nevertheless, I should have the upper hand in stamina. Senri said so herself.

I stretched my arms forward in an attempt to catch her, and I chased after her like a beast. Senri almost glided out of the way.

I forgot everything as I chased her around the oasis.

The wind brushed past my cheeks. A beast that had come to wet its throat, yelped. However, no matter how much I tried, I could not close the distance between us.

Are we competing in terms of speed now… dammit, if it only was not the new moon today, I would be able to increase my speed even further.

Senri had mentioned that she would be weaker on the stamina side, but she showed no signs of slowing down. I squinted my eyes to find that she was not really running. Her fluid movements barely required her to move her legs.

I am sure that puts a strain on her body. I do not feel fatigue, nor do I breathe, so I will never run out of breath. But despite everything, Senri looked perfectly fine.

I have no idea how she was doing it, but I wonder if that again has something to do with the power of blessing.

She promised she would not unleash any positive energy. How long can she continue to use that skill?

Although I feel no fatigue, I have a time limit. Dawn. There is also the possibility that I run out of power I get from Senri’s blood.

This will not do. I cannot win against her using normal means.

I jumped up several meters in the air. I landed hard and started running on all fours.

Even I was surprised by my behavior. My vampiric instincts insisted I do so.

Logically speaking, my speed should decrease on all fours. However, incredibly enough, I was closing in on Senri. She turned around and stopped short, surprised.

Has she accepted defeat? I pushed my body forward by kicking at the ground, trying to pin Senri to the ground, when she shot up in the air.


That as a metaphor. She really flew up into the sky. Not like how I leapt into air but she was actually levitating.

The power of blessing had gathered at her back to make a set of bright wings… anything goes huh.

“That’s possible?!”

“Unleashing positive energy means converting the power of blessing into destructive power. ‘Wings of Light’ does not require me to do that.”

How… unfair. How is that not unleashing energy?

As I glared at her, Senri’s voice reached me from above.

“True vampires can fly as well.”

Shit. She does not want me to feed on her that much? What is the harm if it only makes her feel good?

Nevertheless, I still have not given up. I cannot morph into a bat, so I can’t fly as yet.

Desperate, I ran towards her and jumped off the ground.

I was propelled into the air, with Senri almost within my reach. But no matter how great my physical abilities are, I still cannot move midair as one would expect.

As I shot up towards Senri who was still a hair’s breadth away, she placed a hand over her mouth and spoke as if she was appalled.

“Wow… do you really want my blood that much?”

“…I can still go on. Just a little longer.”

Senri swooped down from above. Travelling at a tremendous speed, she landed hard enough to set the ground reverberating.

Looks like those wings of light can do more than just fly.

However, she must have exhausted a lot of power. Upon closer look, the wings almost looked like they were on fire and burning energy. Not to mention, if it did not take up a lot of energy, she could have easily made use of them to fly to the nearest town.

Pulled by gravity, I landed hard on my knees.

Senri is within grasp. Just one more step and I should be able to reach her. I got on all fours and lunged towards Senri—.

“Ahh, End?!”

Suddenly I lost all my strength.

Water enveloped my body. That is when I realized that Senri had been standing over the oasis’ surface.

I rushed to extricate myself out of the water. However, my body felt weak as it did in my previous life just before I fell sick.

I finally got to my feet to see Senri heave a sigh of relief.

“Please, calm down.”

“Sen-ri… this is rather unfair.”

Running water is one of the weaknesses of vampires. I was not told that it would be included in the training.

I never had a chance to win to begin with. This is unfair. She has to offer her neck as penalty.

No worries. I will only take a bit of blood–.

As I relayed my objections even as I was unsteady on my feet, Senri uttered ruthlessly.

“Yes. The Death Knights… don’t play fair and square.”

“But that’s…”

I lost all strength and flopped back into the water.

It is true that I had lost my calm. This may just be perfect to cool off, but…

I was sinking into the water like a deadweight when Senri got closer and looked down at me.

As much as I wanted to grab her ankle and say, ‘Gotcha’, my body would not cooperate.

I looked at her with resentment in my eyes, while Senri put on a serious expression.

“That’s the end of training. End… let me tell you something. If you ever happen to run into the Death Knights, don’t think about fighting and just run away as fast as you can. Don’t hesitate to flee even if I were to get caught.”

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