The Unique Guardian Beast Master in Cultivation World

Chapter 94 - 94

Chapter 94 - 94: Spirit Devouring Bone Transformation Skill

Chapter 94: Chapter 94: Spirit Devouring Bone Transformation Skill

Translator: 549690339

The Mountain god understood that he had never been harsh on the young man standing before him. He even sent him a dragon robe yesterday. It was his old clothing when he lost his scales during his dragon horn transformation, but with the astuteness of the teen, he should be able to decipher the robe’s true nature.

The robe represents the shed skin from when he cultivated a dragon horn. To him, it was old clothing. However, it’s a rare spiritual object in this world.

In theory, he should not be at unease, but having witnessed many humans over his thousand-year life span, he didn’t have much expectancy from the human race.

Although there were virtuous ones, grateful for a hundred years, some, after receiving grace, looked for opportunities to harm him with weapons, seeking more benefits.

As for the young teenager holding the Sword of Slaying Gods and Slicing Dragons, what kind of person would he be?josei

“Mountain god, no offense intended, my home is just too noisy, and I came to the mountain for some peace,” Feng Qingan said with a slight laugh, noticing tne aecepuve dillerence m me mountam goa.

“Why do you carry the sword?”

This question must be asked. If not, he wouldn’t sleep well, as though an actual sword was hanging over his head.

“This sword was a gift from my older brother yesterday. I really like it, so I carry it with me,” Feng Qing’an answered, seemingly aware of the unsettled feeling the mountain god had.

“I see, while in the mountain, pursue peace and avoid killing,” the scholastically dressed gentleman disappeared with the wind and snow, opening up a clear path before him.

“Black Mountain, let’s go!”

Feng Qing’an looked at the sheathed sword he wore around his waist. He gripped the hilt firmly and applied some force but couldn’t unsheathe it. However, there was no need to explain this to others, it sufficed for people to see he owned the sword.

Holding a sword or not makes a big difference.

Black Mountain let out a long cry, and its steps artfully went towards the warm valley, which had springlike weather in all four seasons.

Feng Qing’an continued the previous day’s activity, leading the wolf pack for soul integration and blood refining. The wolves that had already turned into demons, especially Black Mountain, were the focus of Feng Qing’an’s attention.

[Earth Beast General – Sub Quest: Further Progress] [Requirement: Help the beloved beast to cross a big grade!]

[Reward: “Spirit Devouring Bone Transformation Skill”]

As long as Black Mountain is promoted to the Commander level, Feng Qing’an will acquire a new skill. Allowing the young girl to upgrade to the War General level is easier, but it seems like she is unwilling.

After questioning her once, Feng Qing’an didn’t say more. The Soul Cleansing Spring, the Purple Divine Robe are part of the girl’s heritage. Her extreme weakness at first sight was deliberately suppressed, otherwise, with her potential, she could have already attained a higher position.

As for the reason, the girl hadn’t said, and Feng Qing’an didn’t ask. He would know sooner or later. With regards to the skills, he could simply devote more time to Black Mountain.

On the third day, Feng Qing’an didn’t have anything on him, that sword was left at home. Since he already knew the mountain god was uneasy about the sword, he shouldn’t carry it to the god’s territory. The mountain god had already shown him kindness, and he should know his boundaries.

“After a thousand years of cultivation, my state of mind is nothing more than this!”

At the summit of the Green Mountain, the Mountain god saw the teen riding through the wolf pack reflected in his pupil and couldn’t help a self-depreciating smile.

He wanted something after all, and wasn’t detached from the material world. As the brisk mountain wind blew, the gentleman’s figure disappeared on the summit.

In the spring-like warm valley, Feng Qing’an looked up to the sky as if he sensed something, but he lowered his head again, helping Black Mountain to comb through the spiritual qi within its body, contributing to Black Mountain maximizing the conversion to demon power. [1st Soul Contract: Black Mountain]

[Race: Ghost Wolf] [Attributes: Demon, Beast] [Potential Grade: Lord • Upper]

[Combat Level: War General Upper]

The size of Black Mountain had expanded. Just standing up, it seemed one Zhang tall. Any large wolf with ghost-like eyes would be defenseless, and could be flung away by one paw.

“Black Mountain, continue working hard!”

With Black Mountain’s orderly progress, Feng Qing’an was satisfied. But even then, he didn’t forget to encourage Black Mountain.

“One more step, and you’ll be side by side with that little white wolf!”


Upon hearing this, Black Mountain let out an eager howl. It had always had the white wolf on its mind, especially since its master was backing it up, so it felt more confident.

Only when dusk fell did Feng Qing’an return home. By this time, Feng Shouli and Yin Shi, who got the news, had returned from the county town. There’s no enterprise that compares to seeing one’s son who only comes home once a year.

After his parents returned home, Feng Qing’an didn’t run to the mountains anymore. His room became exceptionally quiet, but Feng Qing’an didn’t mind. He had numerous matters to ponder upon and research.

However, amidst this busyness, he also used the “Sending God Skill” to project his consciousness into the underworld from time to time, chatting with the girl from the underworld and occasionally listening to her singing. The heavenly singing was a form of relaxation and enjoyment for him.

The older brother didn’t stay at home for long. Just after the New Year, on the eighth day of the first month, he returned to the capital accompanied by knights.

Yin Shi was tearful, and Feng Shouli was silent for a long time. The couple realized how far they were from their eldest son. It seemed hard to meet even once a year.

However, the couple’s emotional moments didn’t last long. They quickly got involved in the business, and they continued to create a lot of errands.

Thus, in less than twenty days, Feng’s mansion was left with only Feng Qing’an. Yin Shi had asked if he wanted to invite someone to take care of him, but Feng Qing’an refused. He didn’t need someone looking after him. Besides, if an unfamiliar person was brought in, who knows what would happen if they saw the scenes in the yard in the middle of the night, they might get scared to death.

After discovering his body’s surprising capabilities, he noticed some “little things” that shouldn’t appear in the village.

The radish spirit that pulled itself out of the ground and wandered around at night; the glossy and transparent cabbage that looked like jade; the red vegetable seedlings that grew into trees…

These refined farm products were either stewed by Feng Qing’an or moved into the mountain valley, like the jade-like cabbage. After personally experiencing the effects of these special crops, he also found a way for his parents to eat them. He discovered although they contained spiritual qi, they are much milder than the spiritual items found in the mountains, making them suitable for ordinary people.

After this incident, Feng’s perspective on many things changed because he realized that a carefree act might create monsters somewhere he couldn’t see. If they were benevolent, it’d be fine, but if they harbored malicious intentions, bringing disaster to innocent people, the consequences would be disastrous..

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