The Unknown God of War

Chapter 244

Chapter 244

Chapter 244

"Let's just forget it. If all they have is a general ward, then a general ward it is. We can save a bit of money there anyway," Zhou Lie said loudly from one side. "It's better to save that bit of trouble."

After all, he still had to undergo his operation and recuperate in that hospital. His life was basically in their hands. He could not afford to fall out with the hospital staff.

He could only bury his grievances.

Chu Feng frowned. He could tell something was off about the situation.

It stood to reason that a nurse was just a nurse. No matter how powerful she was, she would not dare drive patients out of their ward in public. However, she was domineering and arrogant outright, as if she had nothing to fear.

She must have someone backing her.

"Ah, isn't this Uncle Zhou? What a coincidence! Why are you in the hospital? Is it uremia or cancer?"

A rotund man with a fleshy face walked over with a simpering smile at that moment. He was decked in gold and silver, and a cagey flunky shadowed him.

The Zhou family's expressions changed drastically.

They could barely believe that Li Dafu had gotten out of prison.

Chu Feng's eyes flickered with a cold gleam, and he trained his gaze on Li Dafu. "You'd better have

nothing to do with this matter. Otherwise, I will make sure you bear all the consequences."

Li Dafu unwittingly shuddered, and then he immediately grunted coldly. He said with a sneer, "Chu Feng, what are you talking about? Uncle Zhou and I are friends from the same town! Why would I harm him?"

As the Zhou family scoffed at his claim, Li Dafu immediately waved his hand and asked, "Nurse Zhang, what's the matter here? This patient is an old acquaintance of mine. You have to take good care of him. Is that understood?"

With the emphasis on the words "take good care", it was evident that he had meant something else entirely.

"I understand." The chubby nurse corrected her arrogant posture right away and gave a bow.

"Mr. Li, you are a friend of our director. As long as you request it, we will do our best to arrange it for you."

"That's good!" Li Dafu laughed delightedly. "You have great potential."

The Zhou family's expressions were all gloomy as they gritted their teeth at the scene.

With how everything had played out, it was clear that it was Li Dafu who had purposely played dirty tricks to trip things up for them.

Right then, a thirty-something year old doctor wearing a pair of thick beer-bottom glasses came over and pointed to Zhou Lie. He said, "Zhou Lie from Ward 32, please sign here and prepare for the


Chu Feng frowned. "Who are you? Where's Senior Doctor Zhao?"

Senior Doctor Zhao was the best surgeon in the hospital. Chu Feng had specially arranged for the doctor to lead the operation.

Although Chu Feng had already requested that Fu Nanhua assist with the operation, he still hoped that with Senior Doctor Zhao leading, it would double the success rate.

The doctor pushed up his glasses and said impatiently, "Senior Doctor Zhao is temporarily caught up with something, so I will take over this operation. Allow me to introduce myself. I am Dr. Liu from the Department of Neurology. Although I have no surgical experience, have 80% myopia, and severe Parkinson's disease, I am still a doctor with a conscience."

"I will lead your father's operation. If anything were to go wrong, neither I nor the hospital would be held accountable. It will be at your family's own risk. But of course, the cost of surgery and treatment must all be paid up."

He strutted nearer and threw an operation form at them. "If you agree, then sign it. If you don't agree, then you can go ahead and wait slowly. Within the next two months, I will be the only one in this hospital who can perform the operation."

The Zhou family was furious when they heard that. What is this? How is this reasonable? They're playing with people's lives!

Li Dafu stood to one side, so beautiful that nothing could dampen the ear-splitting grin on his face.

There was no doubt that all of this was thanks to him. With his useful network of relationships and vast amounts of money, he was sure he could take down Chu Feng, who was just a powerless man to him.

Hahaha! You thought you could fight, boy? Watch as I corner you till you have nowhere to go!

On the inside, Li Dafu was secretly delighted, but on the surface he played sarcastic. "Chu Feng, why are you still standing there in a daze? Sign it quickly, otherwise Uncle Zhou's leg injury will be problematic. "

"Hahaha..." Both the doctor and nurse also laughed gloatingly.


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