The Unknown God of War

Chapter 251

Chapter 251

Chapter 251

Chu Feng stood up as he gazed into the distance. He could see all the pain and challenges that Yun Muqing and Duo Duo went through when they were expelled from their family five years ago. Throughout those years, they solely relied on each other to keep their lives going.

Chu Feng was wrought in guilt and remorse. Yet, a sliver of tenderness could be felt from within.

Now that I've returned, I'll never let you two suffer the slightest grievance anymore.

"I made a promise to utilize all this glory I've gained to protect the two of them for the rest of their lives. This is just the beginning," Chu Feng uttered.

After leaving the bar, Chu Feng headed to the hospital to visit Zhou Lie.

Zhou Lie was recovering from the surgery. He had been receiving treatment provided by Tang Sisi. Moreover, Ma Sanyuan's men were patrolling outside the hospital to ensure his safety. Chu Feng was certain that he can set aside his worries.

After staying at the ward for some time, Chu Feng returned to Haitang Garden Mansion together with Yun Muqing. He finally had some time to take a break. Thus, he decided to reward his beloved daughter with some treats.

Chu Feng displayed his talents in cooking and served a table full of delicacies.

Yun Muyu and Duo Duo were amazed by the display. They then proceeded to scuffle over the food.

Duo Duo held on to Chu Feng's wrist, feeling aggrieved. She pouted her lips so much that one could hang a coat on them.

"Daddy, Aunt Muyu snatched my drumstick again. Hmph, bad Aunt Muyu!" Duo Duo complained.

Chu Feng lifted Duo Duo to comfort her. He spoke to Yun Muyu in an annoyed tone, "You're already a grown-up. Why can't you let her have it? She's still a child, you know."

"That’s exactly why I can't let her have it." Yun Muyu replied.

Her lips were all oily as she munched on the drumstick. She continued to say, "I'm teaching Duo Duo about the cruelty of society, that you can’t trust anyone."

She then added, "If you’d wanted to eat this drumstick, you should’ve been ruthless and quick-witted. Duo Duo, you ought to learn a trick or two from Aunt Muyu. Understand?"

Duo Duo was on the verge of crying as she witnessed Yun Muyu swiftly eating the final piece of chicken on the plate.

"Learn a trick or two from you? Is she supposed to learn to shamelessly crash at someone else's house, contribute nothing, and snatch a kid's toys and snacks? Is she supposed to learn to be flat- chested and malnourished like you? Is she supposed to learn to be single ever since birth, unable to get into a relationship, just like you?" Chu Feng criticized Yun Muyu.

Yun Muyu instantly felt her fragile heart crumble into pieces. The drumstick in her hand was no longer tasty.

That bastard not only stabbed me in the heart multiple times, he even rubbed salt all over my wounds!

"Ah, Chu Feng, you little bastard, you're done for!" Yun Muyu exclaimed.

Yun Muyu extended her claws and dashed toward Chu Feng as if she was trying to eat him alive.

Chu Feng made a run for it. The living room was filled with liveliness.

Duo Duo held a drumstick in one hand, waved her chubby little hand, and cheered, "Go, Daddy! You’re the best!"

The scuffle came to an end when Yun Muyu depleted her final ounce of strength. She sat on the dining table begrudgingly, feeling unsatisfied, then transformed her anger into her appetite and began chowing down.

Duo Duo rubbed her round tummy, feeling triumphant and appeased.

"Ah, it feels great to not fight over food with Aunt Muyu." Duo Duo mumbled.

Yun Muyu rolled her eyes, though she was amused.

"By the way, Sis, the family appraisal is in three days. How prepared are you?" Yun Muyu asked while eating.

Yun Muqing was feeling slightly dejected. She sighed and said, "As always, not a single deal. Looks like I won’t be promoted again."

"Are the members of the Yun family oppressing you? Those assholes have gone too far," Yun Muyu said, indignant.

She added, "Sis, you've been giving it your all for these past few years. Yet, all your efforts were shamelessly snatched by Yun Xiaoyue and the others. You've been doing all the dirty work, but they’re only giving you five percent of the dividends, and they’re the ones getting promoted. What a bunch of assholes! Based on your abilities and seniority, you're more than eligible to become a director. Yun Xiaoyue and the others have been keeping you in a low-tier managerial position for two years. They're doing this to exploit you, and they're afraid that you'll surpass them.”

After hearing all of that, Yun Muqing kept her head low and sighed helplessly.

She was fully aware of the things that Yun Muyu just said, but she could not change a thing. She was expelled from the Yun family, lost her stake in the company, and her father and uncle put in a lot of effort to secure a job for her at the Yun Group.

She knew that the Yun family was leeching off her, exploiting all her hard work and efforts. However, she could only grit her teeth and trudge on for the sake of Duo Duo.

Even though she received only scraps, she needed the money.

Chu Feng felt fury welling up inside of him as he had just heard all of that for the first time. Yun Xiaoyue forced Yun Muqing to kneel at Yun Villa back then. Chu Feng lectured Yun Xiaoyue about that, but it seems like she had forgotten about it. Yun Xiaoyue is truly vicious.

It seems like I ought to teach her a lesson.

"Don't worry about it. Just do your best this year. I can assure you that the director position is yours for the taking." Chu Feng said to Yun Muqing in a calm yet confident tone.


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