The Unknown God of War

Chapter 255

Chapter 255

Chapter 255

Yun Muqing could not believe how unreasonable they were when they demanded that she hand over her sales order to them.

So, Yun Muqing smiled and said, "I won't give this sales order to you." She continued, "Oh yeah, I feed my family with my hard earn money myself. I never received any help from you. If you want the sales order, negotiate the terms and work for it yourself."

"You…" Yun Xiaoyue was furious as she slammed the desk and yelled, "You ungrateful scum! We were blind to help you all those years ago…"

Yun Muqing was pretty upset when she heard that, so she scoffed and said, "I need you to tell me what exactly have you done to help me in the last five years, Xiaoyue? What have you given me? Have you ever asked me if I was fine or encouraged me when I was feeling down?"


Yun Xiaoyue was flustered and was completely speechless when Yun Muqing said that.

Yun Muqing wanted nothing more than to get revenge for her exile from her family. They should be joking to expect her help.

Chu Feng looked proud when he glanced at Yun Muqing.

It seemed to him that his foolish little wife was finally bold enough to fight back then.

Suddenly, Yun Jiaqiang who had been silent the entire time said, "Muqing, everything I do is for your own good. You have no idea how vicious the infighting is within our family. Our family's test is very risky and you have no one by your side. It's only a matter of time before something happens to you with such a huge order."

Yun Jiaqiang threatened, "Things will only get worse for you. Look, even if I never came for you today, more people would approach you in the future. They might not be as gentle as I am to you. Why don't you just hand your order over to Xiaoqing and get her promoted instead. You have a child and should really spend more time with your family. Wouldn't that be better?"

Yun Xiaoyue crossed her arms and scoffed. She felt entitled to Yun Muqing's sales order. This was just like how she would take eighty percent of her total sales commission in every sale she closed. She felt that Yun Muqing was ungrateful if she refused to give her that.

Yun Muqing scoffed and was so furious that she could not utter a single sound at the moment.

Even if she never brought up how Yun Jiaqiang exiled her from the family five years ago, she could not believe that just by him claiming that he meant well and expected her to hand over her sales order she worked hard for them.

She was impressed by how talented he was at twisting words.

Suddenly, Chu Feng began to clap as he said, "I'm really thankful for you both for putting on such a good show. Thank you for showing me what being shameless and unreasonable meant."

"Chu Feng!" Yun Xiaoqing yelled and continued, "Our family is having a conversation right now. Who do you think you are to interject in our conversation?"

Yun Jiaqiang scoffed and said, "That's right. I am Muqing's uncle and we're related. Do you really think that I'd hurt her? I am doing this for her own good!"

"Muqing, as long as you're willing to give Xiaoyue your sales order, I will be willing to give you a hundred thousand Yuan as compensation." Yun Jiaqiang explained confidently.

"A hundred thousand Yuan? This entire order is worth five hundred million Yuan. Even if the commission is only worth ten percent, she should still be getting fifty million Yuan. Oh, and that's not all. She should be compensated with all kinds of company bonuses and see some growth in her career in the future too."

Chu Feng continued, "So, is this really what you mean by being related to her and doing everything for her own good?"


Yun Jiaqiang was speechless when he said that.

Feeling cornered, he finally decided to drop the facade and yell at Chu Feng, "Scram! This is our family's matters and you are in no position to intervene. Who do you even think you are?"

Yun Xiaoyue was furious as she pointed at Chu Feng and said, "Yun Muqing, is this how this scum of yours speaks to my father? Don't you understand respect?"

"He's no scum, nor is he a stranger. He is my husband." Yun Muqing replied.


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