The Unknown God of War

Chapter 259

Chapter 259

Chapter 259

Their family had been neglected since Yun Jiaming, her husband, had his leg amputated after a car accident. Li Fenglan, who was arrogant and vain, had to bear with being looked down upon.

Now, her daughter was about to be promoted to director with an annual salary of several million. That made her very proud, and she could not wait to show off in front of her relatives and friends.

The surrounding relatives smiled and nodded. The atmosphere was jovial and relaxed.

"Mom, I… I won't be promoted to director. The deal was given to Yun Xiaoyue," Yun Muqing said, averting her gaze because of embarrassment and guilt.

"Wh… What?"

In an instant, the relatives whispered to each other, and Li Fenglan's smile froze. "What did you say? Say it again," she said while staring at Yun Muqing.

Yun Muqing took a deep breath. "I wasn’t promoted to director. The position should be going to Xiaoyue instead. Dad, Mom, I'm sorry…"

Boom! The unexpected news was like an exploding bombshell. The relatives’ expressions changed instantly, and they began to say nasty things.

Li Fenglan felt like she had been struck by lightning. Her face turned pale, and she fell to the ground with a thud.

"Mom! What's wrong, Mom?" Yun Muqing immediately went over to help her mother up.

Yun Jiaming was even more worried because he could not move away from his wheelchair. "Fenglan! Somebody call an ambulance!"

"How disappointing. I've wasted my money coming here for nothing."

"I should’ve known this. How can their family make a comeback? Let me tell you, Fenglan’s daughter became pregnant before marriage and was thrown out of the household. Tsk tsk…"

"Let's go. We shouldn’t involve ourselves with these people and risk offending Xiaoyue. She comes from an influential family."

"Yes, yes. Let's hurry to Xiaoyue's house, she has been promising since she was young..."

The relatives, who had been flattering and fawning over Yun Muqing earlier, dispersed in the blink of an eye. No one paid any attention to Li Fenglan, who was still on the ground.

People were fickle like that. They only cared about their own benefit and never about those in need.

The relatives and friends left to curry favor with Yun Xiaoyue, who would soon be promoted. Why would anyone care about Li Fenglan, who had passed out on the ground?

Later, Chu Feng helped her up. Using the medical skills from the Collection of Mystical Healing, he stimulated several acupuncture points, causing Li Fenglan to slowly come to.

"Mom! Are you okay?" Yun Muqing asked worriedly.

"You… You wretch! How did you lose the promotion when it’s already in the bag? Why are you so useless?" After Li Fenglan woke up, she began yelling and cursing without showing gratitude to the person who had helped her.

"You’ve embarrassed me in front of so many relatives and friends. How am I supposed to face them again? I'll be the punchline to every joke! I might as well die!"

Yun Muqing lowered her head and bit her lip, feeling aggrieved.

Yun Jiaming felt sorry for his daughter. He said to Li Fenglan, "That’s enough. Don't hold it against your daughter. What’s the big deal about the promotion? There’ll be another opportunity."

"Shut up, Yun Jiaming! If it weren’t for you, none of this would’ve happened to us! We’re bullied and trampled because you’re useless!

"Look at your elder brothers. They both live in villas and drive expensive cars, while I'm stuck with you in this run-down estate. Their wives are all decked out in gold and jewelry and can gamble to their heart’s content. What about me? My clothes are three years old, and the jewelry I have is from my wedding.”

Li Fenglan cried and wailed like an old cat whose tail has been stepped on, "What am I doing if not for our family? I’ve done all this so people will respect and admire us. It’s all over now. It’s all over. Boo hoo…

"Why must I be so unlucky? I’ve never had a peaceful day after marrying you. I have to take care of a

useless cripple, and I have a daughter with no future. Oh, god, what sins have I committed to deserve this?"


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