The Unknown God of War

Chapter 275

Chapter 275

Chapter 275

Yun Muqing's face darkened as she clenched her teeth. She was seething. Those TV shows were the source of her deduction? Her evidence? Art imitates life?

She started to wonder if she was out of her mind too, for believing the drivel that came out of that deranged brat's mouth.

"See? I'm not lying, right? Hah, I’m smart enough to see through it all from the start. I am a hundred percent certain that Chu Feng is that long-lost flame that you've been waiting for!"

Yun Muyu lifted her head proudly and exclaimed, "They say women compensate for their lack of intellect with big breasts. That means, a young flat-chested beauty like me must be blessed with so much intellect that I might as well be intelligence incarnate! A female Sherlock Holmes, if you will."

"Get out!"

No longer able to stand her nonsense, Yun Muqing kicked her out of the room right away.

After she was ejected from the room, Yun Muyu banged on the door exasperatedly while shouting, "You have to believe me! I will prove it!"

Yun Muqing buried herself under the sheets and covered her head. She was in a foul mood. Even though the nonsense coming from Yun Muyu’s mouth sounded like the effects of watching too many soap operas, she had managed to plant a little seed of doubt in Yun Muqing's heart.

Throughout the night, Yun Muqing could not help but play out all of the scenarios in her head.

Is Chu Feng actually Duo Duo's biological father?

If he is, why wouldn't he admit it? Should I forgive him for ditching his family and going silent on us for five years?

If I don’t forgive him, how would I face him and my emotions moving forward?

Yun Muqing was at a loss on what to do. She felt helpless.

"Bastard, what a bastard!"

She angrily snarled to herself as she gave the pillow on the bed a few good kicks, pretending it was actually Chu Feng that she was kicking.

Is he even a man? Why couldn't he be more proactive about it? Why must he make me drown in my own thoughts?

Downstairs, both Chu Feng and Duo Duo were engrossed in a cartoon. He glanced up to the ceiling when he heard the commotion upstairs, and he had an uneasy feeling…

Duo Duo hugged Chu Feng and said with a sweet voice, "Daddy, I think Mommy is angry again. I’m scared.”

"Yeah, it's so scary," said Chu Feng as he nodded in agreement.

For her to lose her temper so easily as trivial matters, he could not imagine how mad she would be if

she found out that he was Duo Duo's biological father. The same "scumbag" of a father that was absent for the past five years and shirked all of his paternal responsibilities.

Chu Feng still had lingering anxiety about the situation and was trying to be as tactful about it as he could. Seems like it's not the right time to come clean with the truth yet.

After having breakfast the next morning, Chu Feng drove Duo Duo to the kindergarten as per his usual routine.

To him, sending his daughter to school was the most important thing in his life. It was the happiest thing he had ever experienced and he would not give it up for all the power and money in the world.

They had an enjoyable time talking and laughing on the way there. As they drew nearer to the kindergarten, Chu Feng was caught off guard at the sudden appearance of a new café nearby. Judging from the size and the decor, it was quite a high-end café. It probably cost a few million yuan at least.

Chu Feng was perplexed and wondered to himself. Are kindergartners nowadays that rich? Buying coffee at this place would probably cost a few hundred yuan. It definitely looked more upmarket than Starbucks.

"Uncle Chu Feng, Duo Duo, I'm here!" greeted Xiao Hu as he waved his arm earnestly. He was standing at the entrance of the cafe carrying his school bag. He said, "Uncle Chu Feng, thanks to your suggestion, I convinced my dad to build a cafe here."

"From now on, we can hang out here and drink milk tea while I copy Duo Duo's homework! We don't need to brave the cold wind outside anymore."

Xiao Hu lifted his head triumphantly as if he was waiting to be showered with praises.

The corner of Chu Feng's mouth twitched a little and his face was gloomy.

Back then, he casually gave that suggestion without thinking. He did not expect the kid to literally fork out a few million yuan to build a cafe.

"You did all this just so that you can copy Duo Duo's homework every day?"

"Yeah, of course," said Xiao Hu as he nodded. He continued innocently, "It's only around five million yuan, just pocket change. All I had to do was save up a few months' worth of pocket money for it.”

Then, he turned to speak to Duo Duo. "Duo Duo, I hired a French baker to make all these desserts and pastries especially for you. They’re your favorite, right? What do you think?"


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