The Unknown God of War

Chapter 280

Chapter 280

Chapter 280

"That is mine," said Chu Feng.

"I'm still hungry. Can't I have a bite?" asked Sisi, as she took a big bite from the steak. Suddenly, she blushed. She and Chu Feng were eating the same steak. Did that mean they were kissing indirectly?

Chu Feng gave out a weak smile. All the women he dated were foodies.

He waved his hand and ordered a few more dishes for Tang Sisi from the waiter.

A smile appeared on Sisi's face. She began to gorge herself on the food without any restraint. She hardly had any food when she was busy listening to Chu Feng talking about medical cases.

"Manager! Give me the best private room you have!"

At that moment, an arrogant male voice filled the restaurant's space, disrupting the romantic atmosphere.

Then, an arrogant young man in fashionable clothes walked into the restaurant with a curvy woman on his arm. Behind him was a parade of eight bodyguards in black attires.

The only thing lacking from his obnoxious display was a carving "I'm loaded" on his forehead.

All the customers began to disperse to avoid trouble with the young man.

"Aunt Sisi? What a coincidence!"

The young man saw Sisi right away. He took a glance with his droopy eyes and walked over with a false smile.

"I would never guess our cool, hard-to-get Miss Tang would be dating a man in a restaurant. But, Gee, as I live and breathe!"

Even though he addressed Sisi politely, his words were full of mockery and disdain.

Chu Feng frowned. He wanted to chase away the disgusting man, but he did not want to interfere with Sisi's family affair. So, he remained silent.

"Tang Hao, it's none of your business who I am having dinner with. So stop meddling," Sisi pulled a face, and her voice could barely contain her anger.

Tang Hao, Sisi's eldest brother's son, was only two years younger than her.

Tang Hao was the eldest son's eldest grandson and the legitimate heir of the Tang family. On the other hand, Tang Sisi was an illegitimate daughter, a product of Tang Weiguo's extramarital affair in his later years.

Their statuses in the Tang family were worlds apart. Tang Hao was spoiled by many and had never lifted a finger since young. He never respected Sisi as his youngest aunt and had bullied her ever since they were kids. Therefore, both of them were as compatible as oil and water.

When Tang Hao grew up, he became a good-for-nothing rascal who caused trouble and terrorized the Jiangling circle under the protection of the Tang family.

"If you have so much time in your hand, why don't you spend it on working on yourself and stop causing trouble. Otherwise, all Tang family's fortune would be destroyed in your hand," Sisi crossed her legs and smirked, "Oops! I almost forgot. The head of the family is my brother Tang Feng. It has nothing to do with you. What a shame!"

Tang Hao scowled as Sisi's words hit right at his sore spot.

Traditionally, Tang Hao was the legitimate heir of the Tang family because he was the eldest grandson of the eldest son of the family. However, Tang Weiguo had passed the position of the head of the family to Tang Feng, including family properties that worthed more than ten billion dollars.

This had been a sore subject for Tang Hao and his father.

"Tang Sisi, you are the elder between us. So, I will listen to whatever you say," scoffed Tang Hao.

"But don't you forget you have a marriage engagement with the Fang family of Jiangbei," said Tang Hao suggestively as he pointed his finger at Chu Feng. "Does Young Master Fang know that you are dating another man in broad daylight?"

Sisi's face changed when she heard Young Master Fang's name. She immediately sat up straight.

"What bullshit marriage engagement! The Fang family has no say in what I do and who I want to be with!" said Sisi through her gritted teeth.

"Aunt Sisi, this engagement was arranged by the head of the Fang family. Do you think you have enough power to fight against the Fang family of Jiangbei?" sneered Tang Hao, "Young Master Fang is dreaming of marrying you day and night."


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