The Unknown God of War

Chapter 291

Chapter 291

Chapter 291

A bucket of cold water was splashed onto Tang Weiguo according to an order. The water splashed all over the place, causing Tang Li and the others to flinch while throwing curses.

Tang Weiguo was soaked as he shivered from the cold.

"Now's the chance!"

At that moment, Chu Feng's eyes glinted and his hands were agile. The needle in his hand was instantly pierced through the acupuncture point near Tang Weiguo's heart.

His movements were steady and precise.

The next second, Chu Feng pulled the needle out carefully and patted Tang Weiguo firmly on the back.


Tang Weiguo's eyes jolted open and his face was flushed in red. Then, he spat out a mouthful of blood, which smelled fishy. His chest began to shrink rapidly.

The old man groaned and blacked out.


"Mr. Tang, are you alright?"

The Tang family rushed toward him full of concern. The doctor in the room was also in a panic as he

grabbed his equipment to resuscitate Tang Weiguo.

Tang Li was beyond enraged. He pointed at Chu Feng and yelled, "He killed the old man! Someone, hurry up and arrest him…"

"Hold it!"

Just when the Tang family was making a scene, Fu Nanhua stopped them. He then rushed towards Tang Weiguo and read his pulse. He was in joy.

"The old man's cyst and pus had been removed, the operation was a success!"

Professor Yang was in shock, he hurried over to Tang Weiguo and examined the blood and pus he spat out. The samples were then sent to be tested. A bucket of cold water was splashed onto Tang Weiguo according to an order. The water splashed all over the place, causing Tang Li and the others to flinch while throwing curses.

Everyone in the Tang family heaved a sigh of relief. They were feeling exhilarated as if there was a newborn in the family.

Tang Li was the only one who was still in distress. He had an unpleasant look on his face. He then unwillingly said, "This is impossible. If he was cured, then why is the old man still unconscious? It's Chu Feng who killed the old man."

"Mr. Tang was suffocating because of his cyst all night. Now that he's recovering from a serious illness, he needs to rest well to replenish his strength." Chu Feng said lightly. He then added, "Why do you

seem quite down despite Mr. Tang recovering from his illness?"

"I… I… Get lost!" Tang Li felt his heart tremble as he felt accused.

Soon enough, Tang Weigup started to snore as he slept soundly. This made Tang Feng and the others feel overjoyed.

"Get Mr. Tang a new change of clothes and let him rest. I'll prescribe him some medicine to replenish his blood and energy. Make sure he takes them for a month."

Chu Feng packed his needle and wrote down the prescription proudly.

Tang Feng held onto the prescription with both his hands, as if it was something valuable. He was in ecstasy. "Alright. Someone, please let Mr. Chu have a rest and make him some tea."

Tang Feng was a little excited. "My apologies, Mr. Chu. I need to excuse myself to take care of the old man."

Chu Feng nodded his head. This was human nature as it showed that Tang Feng was a loyal and filial son.

Ten minutes later, Professor Yang walked out, his face in bewilderment. "The report is out. All of the lung infections had been cleared. Not only was the old man's heart still intact, but all of his organs were also fully functioning. The operation was a success."

"This is truly amazing!"

It was like what Chu Feng said, any illness can be cured with just a needle if modern medicine was useless.

This was simply astonishing.

"Mr. Chu, you must tell me. How did you do it?"

"Also, why did you need to splash cold water onto him?"

Professor Yang tugged on Chu Feng's clothes, full of eagerness. Fu Nanhua and the other doctors were also full of curiosity. All of them were all ears.

Chu Feng did not have any bad impressions of Professor Yang and the others, therefore he told them the reason.

"It's actually a very simple concept. It was because of thermal expansion and contraction."

"Under extreme cold, the blood flow will be slow. Since Mr. Tang's cyst was too close to the heart, it was prone to cause heavy bleeding. Thus, in this way, the blood flow to the lungs was reduced, greatly reducing the risk of heavy bleeding."

"Moreover, after splashing cold water onto him, Mr. Tang will start to shiver. When he shivers, the bones and muscles will start to contract. Therefore, the position of the cyst will be revealed more clearly."

"Hence, that was the opportunity to pierce the needle into acupoints to release the pus and blood. Then the cyst will be removed. The patient will be healed eventually."

"So that's why!"


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