The Unknown God of War

Chapter 299

Chapter 299

Chapter 299

Tang Li was flabbergasted. Disbelief was written all over his face as his mind raced through all the possibilities of this occurrence.

This man, Chu Feng, managed to make the Western Theater Command cooperate unconditionally with just a word. Where did he obtain such immense power? How is this possible?

Tang Li was unable to comprehend this unfathomable matter.

"I've already contacted my old comrades, and none of them have received any news about it. These three hundred catties of wine are solely just for me." Tang Weiguo said, bewildered.

Tang Li's expression worsened.

If that's the case, then there can only be one explanation for this. Chu Feng had obtained all the wine!

What could his background be?

Born in the west fields, currently in his early twenties; capable of mobilizing the theater commands easily just to send hundreds of catties of wine. I'm afraid that there is only one person that can perform all of this!

The Almighty Dragon Soul's God of War!

Tang Weiguo locked eyes with Tang Feng. They could easily see the shock and surprise in each other's eyes.

"It's him! Hah! I should've known earlier. Possessing such power at a relatively young age. Who else could it be? The Tang family has come across a real Dragon!" Tang Weiguo exclaimed.

Tang Sisi did not catch on. She was confused to see the sudden joy on their faces. She asked, "Dad, what are you two talking about? What's the real identity of Chu Feng?"

"Silly girl, he's a noble man that appeared in your life." Tang Weiguo answered with a bold smirk. He tapped Tang Sisi on the shoulder and continued, "You must abide by his advice. Live a life that you desire. You are the one in control to make decisions for your future happiness." Tang Li was flabbergasted. Disbelief was written all over his face as his mind raced through all the possibilities of this occurrence.

Tang Sisi glanced at her father bewilderedly and asked, "Dad, but what about the Fang family?"

"Fuck the Fang Family!" Tang Weiguo swore without holding back. He felt as if a boulder had been lifted off his chest. The grudge that he had been holding in for years suddenly vanished.

He then let out a hearty laugh and said, "The Fang family is nothing in his eyes. He could easily wipe them out single-handedly!"

Tang Sisi was dazed. She felt as if everything that had happened today was just a dream. Everything was seemingly too good to be true. She wondered if Chu Feng was the reason for all of this.

At the Haitang Garden Mansion, Chu Feng took a phone call. He was being told that Tang Weiguo had already been contacted and that the three hundred catties of wine is close to being delivered. He proceeded to give a few orders and ended the call.

He predicted that Tang Weiguo had probably found out about his true identity by now. Despite that, it does no harm now that Tang Weiguo knows. Chu Feng had always thought of him as someone trustworthy.

Chu Feng recollected himself and pushed the door open.

As he stepped into the house, he was greeted with the sight of Yun Muyu and Duo Duo slumping on the sofa listlessly. It seemed that the two of them were on the verge of passing out due to hunger.

"Daddy!" Duo Duo exclaimed. Her big round eyes were glistening as she ran towards Chu Feng barefooted. She proceeded to pounce into Chu Feng's arms longingly and said, "Daddy, you're finally home. I'm starving to death. I'm so hungry that my belly is flat now."

Chu Feng lifted her daughter and kissed her on the cheek. He said, "I'm so sorry Duo Duo. I was busy with some matters today. I'll start preparing dinner right now, okay?"

I indeed spent quite some time over at the Tang family residence. It's almost eight o'clock now. I must've starved my precious little daughter.

"There's no need for that." Duo Duo gently whispered in Chu Feng's ear. She then added, "Daddy, Mommy already prepared a big feast today. She said that we can only dig in once you're back home. Now that you're back, we can finally begin eating now!"

A big feast?

Chu Feng was slightly surprised. He glanced at the delicate and petite figure busying in the kitchen. He

could not help but feel a warmth within his heart.

"Wow! You're finally back." Yun Muyu uttered as she got up from the sofa. She pouted begrudgingly and said, "You have no idea how cruel my sister is. Duo Duo and I had been starving. Yet, she wouldn't let us eat and insisted that we must wait for your return."

Yun Muqing continued, "I'm fine with it, but Duo Duo is still a growing girl. What if she got sick from hunger? You have to lecture my sister that she mustn't starve me anymore, and Duo Duo included."

Duo Duo waved her little fist in the air to protest, agreeing to Yun Muqing's suggestion.

"Well, the food wasn't prepared for you two anyways. Both of you can continue to starve. Just treat it as going on a diet." Chu Feng said jokingly.

At this instant, Yun Muqing, who was still wearing her apron, walked out of the kitchen. He helped Chu Feng with his coat and said in a gentle tone, "You're finally back. The food is ready. Go wash your hands."


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