The Unnamed God. I'm really Not a God You Guys!

Chapter 445

Chapter 445: Incredible Power!

There she is, showing that chilling smile of hers. 

Whatever she did she knows she has the situation under control. How or why I ignore it, but I can sense her confidence. She's showing a domineering presence, her back extremely straight. 

"It's too late already. The deed is done. How about it, if you guys kneel before me right now, I may just decide to spare you!"

Then I look toward my companion, and we start whispering…  *Very furiously whispering* 

[Hey, what do we do?] 

"I'm really not sure what she's trying to accomplish… but I'm pretty sure she's bluffing. "

[Fair enough, good luck my friend.] 

"What do you mean good luck?!"

[I'll have you test that theory of yours right now.]

"Why would I do it? Do you think I have a death wish? It's the God of Order's power we are talking about here!"

[And? I thought you were so strong that he couldn't kill you?] 

"Alright, alright, I lied! He could have if he spent all his energy on me, but he had bigger fishes to fry!" 

[Wouldn't she just be getting power from that one toe remnant? You'll be fine!] 

"It could actually be worse. That toe was just a guardian, the seal and altar could very well contain more power! Even if she can't kill me, sealing me for a long time wouldn't be an issue. I don't want to go back to this life! It's unbearable! Without a body, there is no way I can be naked at all! It's all just…"

[Okay, okay, I get it. So, what do we do now?]

"How about we attack on the count of three?"

[Sounds good.] 

"1….2…. 3..!"

[Why aren't you moving?] 

"Why aren't YOU moving?!"

[Because I'm following your lead obviously.] 

"What? Who's the one that said something about being a cool and handsome protagonist?"

[No comment.] 

"That's what I thought!"

Okay, this is bad. As much as we are bickering this woman is just looking at us as if watching a good show. 

She shows no trace of nervousness at all. Right now we have three choices. Either we do a frontal attack, try to negotiate, or run as far as possible without ever looking back. 

[How about we each go our separate ways and…] 

"In your dreams haha. You seem not to realize the situation you are in right now! Either you submit to me, both of you, or I will employ force to make you guys regret ever opposing me in such a way that you will wish for death but it will never come for…"

She's still going with her torture speech! How motivated is she toward that whole thing?! 

"Psst, is it me or she's trying to buy time?"josei

[Ah! You're right!] 

She's totally bluffing! We both dash toward her to beat her up, my companion half a step behind me. I naturally do the only logical thing to do.

I slow half a step too….but so does he! What a failed emperor! Then we reach her and then happens an epic fight…not!

A bitchslap later, she's out cold, falling like a puppet having its string cuts. 

[That's it? What about the super-strong power she was talking about?!]

"See! I told you she was bluffing!"

[Said the guy hiding behind me all this time.]

"That's a detail. Ah, how about you go search the possession of these other guys while I watch her?"

He does have a point. I turn over the 6 mummies. In their pockets, they have a few rations and a gourd each, nothing else. But! There is an upside! 

Da-da-da-da! Acquired old robe! Got rid of naked debuff! 

Ah, this feels great, I finally feel human again. I'm munching on nuts while heading back inside. That's when I notice…Why is our prisoner naked?! 

[YOU! Why did you do that?!] 

"What do you mean? Ah, wait! YOU! Why are you wearing a robe! Remove this right now!"



That's when we hear her grunting and slowly opening her eyes. 

"W-where am I? I was going to the mountain and then…Ah! What have you done with me?!"

[*Sigh* how you lost your clothes is not important right now. Tell us why you came here exactly. Don't leave anything out!] 

She seems to be looking around in confusion. After a while, she seems to resolve herself to the worst.

"*Sigh* Destroying this altar was supposed to give one incredible power. I guess this was all a farce. I guess that explains why there were no guardians at all."

"Naw, that's because the kid killed them all."

[What do you mean killed them all?! These lunatics killed themselves!] 

"So anyway, little lady, what was the purpose of destroying the altar exactly? To get the power of the God of Order, right?"

"What? No, apparently the God of Order has sealed plenty of powerful Devils in there. Anyone freeing them would be able to have any wish granted and …"

I and my companion look at each other baffled. Then we can't hold it anymore. 



Now she's looking at us puzzled, so puzzled in fact that she has forgotten all shame concerning her current state. 

[This has to be the biggest fail ever.] 

"I quite agree with that. Ah, lady, tell us all about these powerful Devils! How awesome are they?"

"They say the most impressive of beings once were sealed here for angering the God of Order himself. They were all overlords of their region and…"

She stops, apparently spooked by the big-ass smile of my companion. But then he ushers her to continue. 

"Legends say they all wielded world-defying abilities, thus why they were targeted in the first place. They were supposed to be biding their time for their glorious return one day. Alas, it seems my information was wrong." 

[I mean if you consider growing a beard heaven-defying Haha!] 

"What about having a friend?"

[Hey, don't diss him! He's part of my sect now. Plus do you think he's really that simple?] 

"Yeah, you are right…"

"W-what are you guys talking about?!" 

[Well, long story short you came too late. The beings down there already escaped.] 

That is when I point at us both. 

"Y-you freed them?!"

"Naw, you are clearly mistaken, little lady. We ARE these beings Haha."

[Why do you think we were in the village? You think we were wandering there for fun?!] 

She then widens her eyes and a second later she's bending on the floor in a submissive pose. 

"Please, accept me as your disciple! I'm very sorry about everything! I was trying to free you guys from the very beginning!"

On one hand, she tried to kill us, on the other hand, she may prove useful and we didn't suffer any real harm. 

Also, I gotta say having a naked girl kneeling at my feet doesn't feel half-bad…Ah but if she thinks we'll just forgive her she's dead wrong! Now, what should we…

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