The Unnamed God. I'm really Not a God You Guys!

Chapter 450

Chapter 450: Scheming


I have just escorted this new "master" of mine toward the room where he will rest for the night. 

Then I make my way downstairs to have a word with that old lady. Why in the Water Goddess's name did she make me do all this stuff! 

I feel like vomiting, my jaw hurts, there is this weird smell sticking to my body, but most especially I'm pissed. Was all of this ridiculous play even necessary?! Why couldn't I simply give him a normal massage?! 

Hell, I've already been sweet-talking him perfectly! Every smile of mine, every blush, every meek- "master"! I was doing just fine without her intervention! Annoying granny! 

I still remember that old bat's encouraging gestures. Every time I simply wanted to shout at her: would you give it a goddamn rest already! But no! She was very enthusiastic about it all! 

Part of me felt like quitting while stamping my feet, part of me simply wanted to murder the old bag, but an even bigger part of me realized that I still need her. I head to her room and there she is, comfortably and elegantly sipping tea.  josei

What's with that cool and composed position?! I remember perfectly how depraved she seemed not long ago, and I had to follow her outrageous instructions! Who's the one that even proposed that I….?! *Sigh* What is done is done. 

"Old thing, are you crazy!? Why couldn't you simply shut your trap?!" 

She glances at me coldly. I can see the still fury in her eyes.

"Oh? Are you questioning my decisions?!" 

But for once I do not care about it at all. 

"Yes, I am! What was the point of it all! Fucking tell me! I'm done! You were simply watching on the damn sidelines with that irritating smile of yours! I'm the one that had to satisfy that dumbass! Me! Not you! Now start explaining before I lose my temper!" 

She recoils for a second and then she smiles slightly. 

"Guess you are growing up haha. Finally standing up to me. Alright, this was abrupt but there was a reason for me to do that you know. But before that tell me, what is your impression of them?" 

I take a second to compose my thoughts. 

"The naked one is crazy and probably extremely easy to fool. The other seems pretty stupid, boring, has no sense of direction whatsoever, isn't especially guarded, only has being resistant going for him and is foolish."

After all, my team of rank 3 mages all died to their own magic! All of them except that one possessed! These two never showed a single strong ability!

"Only being resistant you say? That's where you are mistaken. You saw the happenings at the city gates, didn't you?"

"What of it?"

"Then you do remember when he placed his hand in the water barrier, right?"


"Then you also remember that as one of the Head-mages I can remotely control it?"

"Of course, just get to the point!"

"Back then, I increased the water flow to the maximum. The current was so strong that it would have shredded a rank 4 easily, yet he simply remained in there. Let's assume he was only "resistant" as you say. Do you think he could have remained standing in place?"

"Ah?! You mean he was fighting the current?!"

"Indeed. Just from this, we know he has insane destructive power. A power strong enough to annihilate our entire sect on a whim simply by repeatedly flailing his arms around like an idiot. Can you picture such a scene?"

Can I? Of course! But how is this possible there is no way that should be possible!


"Have you ever heard of body cultivators? They are strange warriors that only train their bodies and nothing else. Their favored method of fighting is to take on any and all attacks, get close to their opponents, and slap them to death."

"Then he's…no, they are…"

"No, I think the other one is a Law cultivator. These guys can be extremely strong but also ridiculously easy to figure out. All that one cares about is rendering people naked. We can use that to our advantage."


"Well, for instance, there is an easy way to overcome him. You dress him and he loses all his power. As long as he isn't suspicious of us it shouldn't be too hard, am I right?"

"Ah, I see! Then we simply need to somehow take care of that one…"

"Exactly. Now, do you understand why I had you do all that? Is it even necessary? Perhaps it isn't. But do you really want to take the chance when failure means us dying? Do you?" 

I take a moment to compose my thoughts. It irks me but she's right. The enemy is too dangerous. In a straightforward fight, we are bound to lose. All we can do is bid our time and…

"Right, so what's the plan now?"

"Well, all you need to do is make him at ease. Make sure he trusts you. You want to be the cutest, most naïve, and the most alluring disciple he has ever had. You know what I mean by that, right?"

Sadly I know it all too well. Ah, this is so DISGUSTING! But then I can't help but think of our grand goal. First, we'll dominate the sect and then the world...or at the very least the continent. 

Right now is a good time too. Many sects are bound to have lost lots of ground thanks to the beast tide. We can simply swoop in and finish them all to acquire whatever wealth and treasures they have. 

"Right, you never mentioned how exactly the mission went. Well, badly I'm guessing since you are the only one that came back…and that man's body too I guess."

I start explaining everything that happened in detail. The old woman is especially interested in how I met them, how they fought and how it all came to an end. 

"At least you survived, that is all that matters. Still, this is weird. According to the archives, there were supposed to be powers beyond human understanding in there. Either the records were wrong or..."

"Or they died or escaped before I found them?!"

"Exactly. I simply hope it's the former. Still, at least we'll be getting two new death warriors soon. For anyone else, they wouldn't be that useful, but for us mages, a solid vanguard is especially important."

"Indeed! As long as they hold the front in a war we'll be able to win any confrontation!"

"Yes, exactly. So there may be others like them outside, perhaps some even stronger, but at least we lucked out on compatibility haha."

"I guess. Alright, hurry up with the next part of the plan old woman!"

"Hehe, don't worry. I've got everything under control. Soon they'll both be our slaves."

As I exit, I can hear her creepy laugh. It will all pay off soon. I simply need to be a little more patient. Just a little more...

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