The Unnamed God. I'm really Not a God You Guys!

Chapter 523

Chapter 523: Alright, Here Is The Plan...

Current status: Running for my fucking life.

Current enemy: Some old guy from the Sun Sect that really wants us dead. 

Options: Negotiate (Not) Run or die. 

This is ridiculous. So he thinks my companion killed Sun, except he didn't. Now he wants our demise. I've tried talking. I've tried yelling. But no matter how much I scream for him to cease fire just to hear me out, he doesn't care. 

He keeps the onslaught going. His spells are silent. The only saving grace is that it all comes in a straight line. I have no clue how he does it, but my friend manages to warn me in time every solar ray. 

I feel like I have cheat codes right now! How is he so perceptive? I don't know! If anyone told me that he somehow managed to learn how to predict the future while breeding Gus, I'd believe it. So I'm running, my friend is guiding, and an old man is trying to roast us. 

Not gonna lie. At first, I fear for my life a lot. But then my friend tells me something amazing. The man's ultimate attacks cannot be used while running. Apparently, it's the same for all mages. If he stops to prepare something stronger, we'll escape. 

This brings us to this current situation. I'm unable to outrun him, and he's unable to catch up. 

[So what do we do now? Any idea?] 

My companion seems extremely worried. 

"At this rate, we are screwed. How much longer can you keep running? In the worst case, just drop me and I'll try to slow him down." 

There he goes again with his idea of self-sacrifice. This is so dumb. Then again, I understand where he comes from. Since he's the one hunted, that would normally increase my chances of survival by a lot. 

[Don't worry about that. I can keep going for-] 


I promptly avoid. I was wondering why the attacks had stopped for a short while. He was probably trying to make us lower our guard. 

[But yeah, I can keep going for long.] 

"There is just one thing I'm worried about."


"I don't think this is his maximum speed. Chances are it's the maximum speed he can keep up without hurting himself."

[You mean he has a trump card he could use to catch us?!] 

"Very likely. He's probably waiting for you to tire. But once we come closer to safety…."

[He'll force a fight?!] 


Goddamn, this is troubling. This old man is a peak Rank 4. Just his regular spells pack so much power that he's been crystallizing the entire path till here. Can I even survive that head-on? Doubtful. 

Perhaps I can, perhaps not. In any case, there is no way that my companion will be able to. The small fruit fly would instantly get vaporized from the heat. I can't let that happen either! Do I just try and go in melee range when that happens and beat him up? 

[Does he have any close-range attacks?]josei

"Yes, I believe he can turn the entire area around him into a dead zone."

Well, fuck! This means I'll have to somehow find something to throw at him. Wait, what if…

[Is there any river on our way?] 

"None, why?" 

There goes my golden shower attack plan. This is a Boss level opponent right there! If I just do one shot, there is no way I'll be able to win a fight.

Illusion magic can't work if there are no living beings nearby. Plus, I'd need ones that are strong enough to compete with that monster. The chances of that happening are really low. I'll keep my eyes open, but…

I can always try to grab rocks and throw them as hard as I can, but chances are he'll either move out of the way, I'll miss, or he'll just destroy it all with another energy ray. 

If only I had the ability to use something like that too. I would just turn around, blast him, then resume running. Of course, it can't be that simple and…. wait! I've just had an idea. One that is a stretch for sure but may actually work. I can't help but grin as I picture my new plan. 

"Did you figure out something?"

[I'm not sure. Perhaps. Either it will work, or it will fail phenomenally. If you have a plan, you better share it.] 

"*Sigh* If this monster was that easy to deal with, someone would have long gotten rid of him. There is no way anyone that holds the position of sect master can be weak. Even in the smaller sect, they tend to show unusual power, needless to say in the top-notch ones."

[Why can't they be weak?] 

"Because they know better than to paint such a big target on their back. Once a sect is established, other sects either try to control it, destroy it, or ally themselves with it. Now, if the sect master is weak, it often ends up really badly for him." 

They know better, is it? I almost blush out of embarrassment. I guess what I did is pretty crazy by this world's standards. I'm not sure whether to be ashamed or be proud of myself for managing to actually get people to join me. 

"Careful, we are about to come close to the dangerous area."

[Is there a village nearby?] 

"Yes, a small one right next to the border."

[They have metallic items, right?]

"Probably. Why?"

I instantly veer toward it according to his directions. It apparently isn't that far. 

[Alright, here's what we'll do.] 

As I proceed to whisper to him my genius plan, his face changes. He looks dumbfounded, then looks at me weirdly before sighing. 

"There is no way this is going to work."

[I think it could succeed. Plus, it's our last chance at this point. You know what to do, right?]

"Indeed. Before we proceed, I just want to say it has been a pleasure knowing you."

[Why are you assuming we'll die! Screw that negative thinking!] 

"*Sigh* I'm just a realist on that one." 

[Agree to disagree.] 

We finally reach the village. I throw him in there. Then I turn toward the old guy chasing us. He looks REALLY scary. Well, normal overall but the light emanating from his entire being reminds me of all the deadly spells he threw my way earlier. He growls. 

"You think you'll be able to stop me? How ridiculous." 

[I wanted to avoid a fight. Really. If it can't be avoided….I'll show you never to underestimate The Unnamed God Sect!] 

Why did I say that? Calming my own nerves. Giving myself courage. Here goes nothing…

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