The Unnamed God. I'm really Not a God You Guys!

Chapter 530

Chapter 530: Cultivating Gu


This human was strange. No, this being. Actually, I have no idea what he is. He seemed like one, but he was obviously a god. 

When he called the fire, I felt it. I felt this primal fear invade me. I found myself shivering. Funny for a Gu like I. Gus are feared and evil. Compared to him, I am nothing but a small insect. 

At first, I was confused and surprised. The first thing he did was pet my head. There was no disgust or nervousness. He did it as if such action was natural. I can't get his smile out of my head. 

Wait, no. Right now is not the time for that. I need to focus on my current task. I cannot waste the gift he left me. I sit cross-legged, and I begin to cultivate. It takes me a long while to take the right posture, but I manage. (Centipede problems) 

I need to remember exactly the feeling that coursed through me when he patted me. It was a special kind of warmth. Usually, I should abhor such a thing as a creature of darkness, but it didn't negatively affect me.

I need to remember this feeling, this power. There was this serene sensation. It felt as if anything was possible with it. It felt amazing!

I sit and I meditate. I'm doing my best to achieve it. This is hard. It is similar to trying to see something that is invisible. You know it's there but knowing won't help. 

Back in the earth realm, I was so powerful, but here I am worthless. This is my only chance to change my fate. Otherwise, the next time that asshole of a god comes back I'll be damned. 

This whole practice technique goes against all that I have ever believed in. If it didn't come from him, I wouldn't even have tried.

It's weird how he convinced me. I think it was his whole demeanor that really did the trick. He was confident but didn't seem arrogant. He seemed so sure that I'd be able to become a deity. 

How crazy is that idea? How crazy is it that I actually believe it ?! I'm not sure but I'd say a lot. So I just keep at it. Even when there isn't any obvious progress. Even when I feel the smaller Gus crawl all over my body. 

I remain steady like that. For how long? I'm not sure. All I know is that it feels like an eternity. It feels as if the whole world had time to transform and change. I slowly feel my power becoming stronger and stronger. 

It's a weird feeling. How am I becoming stronger? I'm not even sure. I think I am, but I can't describe it. Then, eventually, I feel that I am that close to succeeding. 

I can feel something around me. Before, I didn't notice it, but now I realize that there is divine energy everywhere. I understand it. Still, there is something amiss.

I can feel its presence, but I'm unable to interact with it, akin to an illusion. Or perhaps, am I dreaming? 

It shouldn't be possible for a Gu to dream. Then again, so many things are supposed to be impossible for one such as I, and yet here I am. 

I can feel the discomfort of feeling that I am very close to the journey's end, but still so far. I slowly open my eyes. 

Somehow, the small crawling Gus are all exactly where they used to be. Did they remain perfectly still? Am I the one going crazy and losing my perception of time itself? I'm not sure. Does it even matter? 

I feel so very close to succeeding. Just a small push. I see all the Gus around me. Should I eat a few? It won't do much, but it may just be what I require. 

Should I? They are so defenseless. They are but smaller beings at my mercy. Morality is useless. Why should I be affected by that being's words?! 

I open my maw wide and then I…. close it. This is weird, but I can picture him shaking his head in disapproval. For some reason, I dislike that sight. Why?

We barely talked. I should not care one bit. Then why? Ah, I know. Because it was fun meeting him, it was the most fun I've had in ages. 

This short meeting was great. Somehow I get the feeling that should I follow my nature, I may one day become his enemy. I can't help but shiver as I picture fighting such a monster. 

That is when I decide not to mess with the little ones. It is also when I decide what I want to become. I want to become the eternal Gu. The one that will keep struggling until he succeeds the one that…

That is also when it finally clicks. I can feel it all. Power gushes into my body endlessly. What was blocking me was my mindset. The hesitation was preventing me from completing my transformation. 

That is when I understand. There are no good or wrong paths, only ones that we choose and ignore. It is that simple. I chose this one in order not to fight him in the future. 

Just as I am done evolving, I can't help but let out a triumphant roar. One that would normally announce to the world that a new deity is born. Well, no one hears it because I am stuck in this realm. Or am I? 

That is when the entire realm begins to ripple. Suddenly a small shadow appears in the middle. One that soon sheds the mysteriousness and reveals its youthful appearance.

The newcomer is but a kid that likes to play with bugs. The one that calls himself the Eternal Gu Breeder. Talk about weird timing. He comes forward.  josei

[You'll submit, won't you? You were strong in the Earth Realm, but against me, you are nothing.] 

I do not even bother to answer. 

[Playing mute, are you? It doesn't matter. You will remain stuck here until you submit. Wouldn't you want to go on a walk sometimes? All you need to do is swear allegiance to me. Simple, isn't it?] 

I hate this cocky kid. That's when he comes nearby and even starts kicking my body while laughing. He comes so very close. I slowly position myself above him, my maw right above his head. 

[Trying to intimidate me? Please, how dumb are you? Should I make your leash even smaller? Perhaps even more painful?] 

He's grinning, showing a sadistic smile. 

[I'll just …How?! This isn't possible! Where is it?!]

He has noticed that I am free. But it's too late. Before he can react, I am already gobbling this asshole up. At first, he's scoffing. But then, he feels it. I have attained divinity too.

[No! Stop! AHHH--] 



Ah, it is only now that I realize how wise that being was. Why eat Gus when I can eat deities. Let us start the hunt, shall we?

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