The Unrecorded Extra

Chapter 100 Yet Another Fire Girl II

Chapter 100 Yet Another Fire Girl II

"Huh? That voice isn't Zia's…"

As he heard the girl's voice and lunatic laugh, he was convinced that the girl's identity wasn't someone he knew.

He immediately focused back his attention on his own fight with the goblin guards.

Using his Clairvoyance, he received information about the goblin guards. They were all ranked <E->, unlike their king who was ranked <D+>.

Knowing the goblin guards' rank, Zio was confident he could defeat them all with his current abilities.


One of the goblins lunged for an attack but Zio quickly decapitated it with a quick slash to its neck.

"Come at me, you greenie things."josei

Zio continued his onslaught, his speed giving him so many advantages against the goblin guards.

Despite their numbers, he swiftly killed them one by one, leaving a trail of defeated foes in his wake. His fluid, acrobatic movements and precise strikes were living proof of the neverending training of his dual wielding talent.


As the last goblin guard fell lifeless to the ground, Zio turned his attention to the ongoing battle between the girl and the goblin king.

The goblin king was taller than him, so it was obvious that it possessed an intimidating aura that sent shivers down Zio's spine and formidable strength.

It swung its weapon with a ferocity that matched the girl's attacks.

"Should I help her?"

The girl looked like she had the upper hand against the goblin king. But, Zio noticed the girl's heavy panting on each of her attacks. 

The girl was exhausted, she would soon lose her advantage and be overwhelmed by the goblin king. And so was Zio, he would soon lose the effect of the speed-enhancing potion, so he was unsure of how he should proceed.

He used his Clairvoyance to gather information before he decided to do anything. As he already knew the goblin king's information, Zio was using Clairvoyance on the girl instead.

[Name: Ruby Ustrina (♀)

Age: 16

Race: Human

► [Stats]

Strength: E → D+ (Enhanced)

Agility: F+ → D+ (Enhanced)

Intelligence: D-

Stamina: G → D+ (Enhanced)

Magic: D+

Charisma: F+

Luck: C

► [Hidden Stats]

Perception: A

Mental: A

Potential: SS

Health: F-]


Zio almost choked himself to death due to the shock he got from seeing the girl's stats.

'SS-rank potential?!'

Though he promised himself not to be surprised again when seeing something beyond the logic, this one was an entirely different case.

'Who in the world is she?! Ruby Ustrina?!'

As he screamed her name inwardly, he suddenly recalled the familiarity that rang from her name.

'Ustrina… Ustrina… Where have I heard it before…?'

A few seconds later, Zio clasped his hands together as he remembered the name's origin.

'Ah! Yes. It's the name of one of the villain characters… but…'

But, the character that Zio knew was not a girl. And his power wasn't something related to fire and sword. So, who was this girl? Another case and entity that was the same as him?

'I don't know but, I can't let someone with SS-rank potential die here.'

As he sensed an opportunity, Zio rushed toward the goblin king, using his about-to-wear-off enhanced speed to close the distance rapidly.

'Fuck it!'

With a swift maneuver, he leaped into the air and brought his daggers down upon the goblin king, aiming for a vulnerable spot.

However, the goblin king anticipated his move and managed to parry his attack with a bone shield despite that the goblin king's attention was drawn toward Ruby.


The impact sent Zio stumbling backward, his daggers clattering to the ground. Undeterred, he quickly regained his footing and prepared for the next assault.

But, the potion effect had worn off. Though, he didn't seem to mind it as he realized the goblin king had weakened.

Ruby, noticing Zio's arrival, seized the distraction to unleash a powerful attack.

With a mighty swing, her flaming sword broke through the goblin king's defenses and struck true.

The goblin king let out a bellowing roar of pain as the flames engulfed its body.

But, despite being burned alive by the flames, the goblin king stood firmly, asserting his dominance through his roar.

"Haha! Good, good! You should be this 'lively' for someone titled as king of the goblin!" Ruby yelled in an excited voice.


The goblin king knew he wasn't going to live for long because the flame drained its life every second, so he fought back with desperation.

Its attacks became more frenzied, but Ruby and Zio fought together as a seamless unit even though they didn't have any experience as a team.

Zio used his speed, though not as fast as when his speed was enhanced, his original agility and speed were enough to dodge the goblin king's attacks, while Ruby delivered powerful and fierce slashes.

Finally, with one last coordinated combo, they unleashed a devastating blow.

Ruby's flaming sword burst, increasing the intensity of the flame. It sliced through the air, leaving a trail of raging fire in its wake. 

The swing connected with the goblin king, reducing it to ashes and ending its reign before it could even experience the sweet life as a king.

Silence fell upon the remnants of the goblin hideout as the flames slowly subsided.

Ruby and Zio stood victorious, their bodies covered in sweat and dirt, but with triumphant smiles on their faces.

The goblin guards lay lifelessly, and the once-mighty goblin king was no more.

As they caught their breath, Ruby turned to Zio, her stares were sharp and her voice was filled with aggressiveness with a bit of humility.

"I don't know who you are but thanks for the assist."

Zio sheathed his daggers, his face unchanging, deviant of emotions as he cautiously stared at Ruby.

"Don't mention it, I just happened to be here."

"Oh really?"

Ruby approached closer toward Zio. At that moment, Zio raised his guard instinctively because of the aura Ruby emitted.

"Anyway, boy. Have you seen a goblin with gold skin around this camp?"

Her old-fashioned speech manner made Zio stunned in surprise. She was a year younger than him but she spoke to him as if he was the younger one and that Ruby was someone who had lived for a long time.

Ignoring the matter of her speech manner, Zio shook her head in regret at Ruby's question.

"Are you looking for the Golden Goblin too? Too bad, I already killed—"

Before Zio could finish his words, he saw the girl standing wobbly. Her legs were weak, shaking so much that she might crumble at any moment.

"Hey, are you oka–"

Again, his word was interrupted and he was caught off guard by what the girl was saying as she fell forward toward Zio.

"Catch me… brother…"

Her voice also changed. No aggressiveness was found in her voice now. It was pure, clean, and a bit hoarse because of the tiredness she had.


Zio's eyes slightly widened as he caught the girl in his arms. Her weight was as light as a feather. He could sense the exhaustion emanating from Ruby's trembling body which eventually calmed as she fell unconscious in his arms.

"Did she just call me brother?" said Zio, his eyes full of concern yet also suspicion.

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