The Unrecorded Extra

Chapter 111 Gunter II

Chapter 111 Gunter II

Gunter was born in a rough place, left alone among heaps of plastic trash by his parents when he was only a baby. Luckily, a kind person from the orphanage found him and brought him to safety.

At the orphanage, Gunter found a loving and supportive community. He was given the chance to grow up healthy and strong. The kids there lived together peacefully, like a big family, hardly ever arguing or fighting with each other.

He made friends with the other kids and became someone whom the younger ones looked upon if there were troubles because he was so reliable and responsible at the age of ten.

But, two years later, a big incident, yet not as big as the catastrophe occurred in European countries, namely Germany, France, Denmark, Netherlands, and the other West-Central European countries.

In 2015, numerous portals appeared in those countries, connecting another realm with Earth. Those that came from the portal were dragons.

Mythological creatures that were only found in books and legends. That very creatures were invading the Earth. 

Because the portal's appearance came undetected, heroes and mercenaries were caught off guard. Many Enhanceds and civilians became the victims of the incident. 

Though the incident was solved in a day, the damage had been done.

Not only the European countries mentioned above became the victim, but some other countries across the world were affected such as the USA where Aster lost his family to the wounded dragon that managed to escape from the genocide by the Europe heroes.

"Wait. So, my brother was alive in your world? But, I and my parents were dead?"

Ruby's eyes widened as she heard the shocking news.

"Yes. I was surprised when I found out that you're Aster's little sister. Alive, yet only have a short lifespan."

The orphanage where Gunter lived his life for 12 years was reduced to ash, only he was the survivor. And that was the moment when he was awakened as an Enhanced.

But, without someone guiding him, he had misused his power for criminality. At first, he only stole food from the market. As he grew up, his criminal activity broaden such as robbing banks and money from the rich.

At the age of 17, he got caught by the heroes alike and was sentenced to 3 years imprisonment. As soon as he was released from jail, he was recruited as the hero association's shadow because of his blessing and talent.

He achieved numerous achievements from missions alike in 2 years of his career as a shadow and had a happy marriage with an ordinary human female at the age of 24.

But, two years after his marriage, the higher-up called him for an infiltration mission.

Gunter was becoming an agent for Omega, infiltrating the rank of Dystopia. He managed to become a main member of Dystopia's Top Combat Division commanded by Valka, 8 months after he infiltrated.

In May 2030, one year after he received his mission, Omega's executive that had given him the mission was assassinated, forcing him to abandon his mission. But, that was when his life began to turn upside down.

He was accused of betrayal by the other executives because only the assassinated executive and Omega's vice leader knew about his mission. But, the vice leader had turned a blind eye and abandoned one of Omega's best shadows because he didn't like Gunter in the first place.

In fact, it was the vice leader himself who gave the 'secret mission' order to the executive which he passed along to Gunter. He was also the one who personally sent an assassin to kill that very executive and manipulated the other executives into thinking that Gunter betrayed Omega, telling them that he was a spy from Dystopia.

Gunter was chased by Omega's shadows but managed to escape from their grasp after successfully changing his identity with Valka's help who already knew about Gunter's identity as Omega's spy with a price, that he would come to her aid when she needed it.

Unfortunately, the world seemed to hate Gunter. Misfortune after misfortune kept on raining down upon him.

He found his wife killed by an unknown killer when he returned home, his daughter nowhere to be found on the scene, kidnapped.

That was his turning point. Gunter's sanity had dropped to zero, darkness started to devour him.

"For a month, I tried to trace the killer of my wife and eventually found them. It was my old colleagues, Omega's shadows. I killed them brutally, packaged each of four of their heads, and sent them to Omega's door."

The Ghoster aka Ghost Gunter, said. Somehow, instead of grief, his voice filled with a sense of pride as he told Ruby about his history.

"Is that why you became a villain?"

Ghoster nodded in response and continued telling Ruby his history. 

"I don't know how but, I found out that my daughter was kidnapped by Dystopia's leader, so I couped against them. Maybe Omega's vice lead and Dystopia's leader are acquaintances?"

Until the end of his story, which ended at the age of 44 after succeeding in eradicating the Demons invading Earth and becoming the sole survivor of humanity, Gunter had always had the world in his palm. Heroes, Villains, Demons, no one could stand against him.

Then, he died. But, somehow was alive again as a spirit that was attached to Ruby in the same yet different world with the same appearance as his 25 years old self in 2028, the year when he first opened his eyes as a spirit.

"That's it. What do you th—"

Ghoster couldn't finish his sentence because he caught Ruby crying as soon as he finished telling her his life.

"Hicc… You must have been lonely… being the sole human alive on Earth for three years… hicc…"

Ghoster scratched his cheek.

"Eh. Not really. In fact, I was quite proud of how things went on at that time— woah?!"

Again, before he could finish his word, he was interrupted by Ruby.

Ruby was trying to hug Ghoster's spirit form, but it looked like she forgot that she couldn't touch him. As a result, Ruby fell from her patient's bed and hit the floor quite hard.

"Woah, brat!"josei

Ghoster panicked as he witnessed Ruby groaning in pain on the cold floor, grasping her chest for air. But, there was nothing he could do as he was just a spirit, and no one than Ruby could see or hear him.

Fortunately, the staff members who heard Ruby's desperate groan from the outside immediately tended to her.

The Ustrina Guild was in turmoil because of that accident and had to call healers.

Luckily, nothing significant that threaten her life was happening. Ruby recovered the next week and immediately consumed the Tearfall with Ghoster's help.

"This won't immediately cure you in an instant. So, be careful with your health and condition for a month at the very least."

"I understand…"

With a dejected sigh, Ruby lay down on her bed. 

"When you're fully recovered. I'll start teaching you my techniques and makes you the strongest Enhanced in this world!"

Ghoster, who had become her guardian angel kept his eyes on any intruder as Ruby fell into a deep slumber.

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