The Untouchable Ex-Wife

Chapter 543

Chapter 543

Chapter 543

Chapter 543

But Aiden was unusually quiet today, and it was obvious that the little boy was occupied with his thoughts.

Renee could guess that the incident just now must’ve upset the child, and she was instantly distressed.

“Adie, what are you thinking? You’re frowning too deeply. Can you tell Mommy about it?’ Renee asked gently.

She had raised her two children in a more relaxed fashion, giving them the leeway to do whatever they wanted to do. She never interfered with their natural progression and rarely lectured them.

The only thing she required from them was that if there were anything that made them unhappy, they would have to tell her at the first opportunity and not conceal the thought.

So, while Aiden acted like a cold child, he was still willing to share his thoughts with Renee.

He looked down at the ground and pouted before looking up with wet, round eyes at Renee and said, “Mommy, is it because I’m not good or smart enough? That’s why all those uncles and aunties didn’t like me and drove me away, huh? Is that why they didn’t want me to attend that kindergarten?”

Renee’s clenched her fist tightly after she finished listening to her son.

Sure enough, Aiden was unhappy because of what had happened.

Her heart tightened momentarily, and she cautiously replied, “That’s impossible, Adie. You’re such a smart and well-behaved boy. They must be blind to not see your worth. It’s okay. We’ll just find a kindergarten that will welcome us, okay?’

“Mommy, you don’t have to coax me. They don’t welcome us because I don’t have a daddy, right?”

“Um. Well…”

“So, I was just thinking about this daddy thing… Even though it’s not much use, there are still some benefits to having him, right? Take today, for example. If I had a daddy, even if he was in a completely vegetative state, our family would still be considered normal and whole, right? Then we’d meet the criteria for Monte Perry’s admission, wouldn’t we?”

“Well, that’s the logical reasoning…’ Renee replied with a nod, and her heart tightened even more.

Even though she was already strong, there were many instances in which she couldn’t make up for what her children lacked, no matter how hard she tried.

Sometimes she wondered if she should find someone to marry so that, at least on the surface, Aiden and Abigail would have a father and wouldn’t need to face the discrimination they faced today.

However, marriage wasn’t a simple matter. Once there was a legal relationship, there would be pain involved. It would harm the other party, herself, and she didn’t think she could overcome the hurdle in her heart right now.

Otherwise, she would have already married Liam!

“That’s okay. I know what to do,” Aiden said as he brightened up. He seemed to be in a better mood as he dug into his pasta happily.

Renee was confused, but she asked with a smile, “What are you up to?”

Aiden said seriously, “I can’t attend Monte Perry Kindergarten because I don’t have a daddy. To solve this problem, I just need to find a daddy for myself, right?”

“That’s true. Do you have any suitable candidates in mind?”

“Of course! I’ve been choosing for many days, and someone has already qualified! Not only can he be my daddy, but he can also be your husband!” Aiden gloated smugly.

Renee took the child’s words for granted and said, “That’s amazing! Our Adie is the greatest! I’m looking forward to it!”

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