The Untouchable Ex-Wife

Chapter 551

Chapter 551

Chapter 551

Chapter 551

‘Argh! Every path I see ends in a roadblock! On the surface, it looks like there are many ways to Rome, but in reality, they're all blocked!"

Renee repeatedly sighed, almost driven mad by the problem.

"Mommy, are you unhappy?" Aiden asked worriedly after pushing the door open to see Renee sighing.

"No.I'm very happy.I'm a winner in life with you and Abby by my side.Why would I not be happy?"

"Mommy, stop lying to me.You're clearly forcing your smile, and you blink a lot when you lie.I'm not a three-year-old anymore.I'm almost five, you know? Can you please stop insulting my intelligence?"

"Uh, well..."

Like a thief caught in the act, Renee's smile froze on her face.

After all, with Aiden's intelligence, her poor acting skills were a joke that would be easily exposed.So, she stopped pretending and was honest with Aiden.

"Adie, I've encountered a problem recently and need a little money.We may have to sell Sun Island temporarily to solve this problem.Are you and Abby okay with that?"

Selling the island was her last resort and also the most painful decision she could make.So, she needed Aiden and Abigail's agreement.

"Of course not!"

Aiden replied without hesitation and firmly added, "Sun Island is our home, and we have many happy memories there.We can't sell it, come what may!"

"You're right!"

Renee patted her head and slumped down in her chair.She looked up at the white ceiling with watery eyes and whispered, "I just lost my mind for a bit since I was in a hurry.I'm sorry, okay? I won't sell Sun Island.I'll think of something else."

Aiden pulled on Renee's arm eagerly and said, "Mommy, if you need money, that's easy.I know someone who has a lot of money.Whatever amount you need, he'll give it to you."

"Oh? Who is it? Let's hear it."


Aiden gleefully said as he took the chance to promote the man further.

"Mr.Q is a really nice person, and he's super rich.His treasure house has all sorts of exotic treasures from around the world.If you take just one piece and sell it, you can make a lot of money! "I have a close relationship with him, so if you need money, just let me know, and I'll talk to him.He can solve your problem easily!"

Renee naturally didn't take it seriously and smiled gently.

"Really? Ah, our Adie must be really amazing to know such a wealthy friend."

Aiden pouted and denied seriously, "We're not friends! We just have a special relationship!"

"Haha! How special is it? Can I know?"

"Not for now."

Aiden didn't want his mother to know that Mr.Q was the man he had picked for her until he was done with his investigation.His mother would beheartbroken if Mr.Q turned out to be a scumbag in the end.

"Oh, you rascal.You're always so imaginative and mysterious!"

Renee laughed as she pinched Aiden's nose.She obviously didn't believe a single word the child said.

After all, Mr.Q was a super big shot who was both mysterious and ruthless.He was also known as the Night Demon.

With that said, he wouldn't have the time to hang out with a little kid like Aiden! Aiden was about to argue, but Leia suddenly burst into the room.

Panting for breath, she struggled to get her words out.

"Ren! Something bad has happened!"

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