The Urban Dao Child.

Chapter 145 - Behind Enemy Lines.

Chapter 145 - Behind Enemy Lines.

Yang Dao and the other two changed into more casual clothes according to their cover. They all were then sent to the airport where they boarded an Airforce high altitude scouting aircraft. The plane was as big as two commercial airliners; it was painted black.  action

Yang Dao sighed, "G10 Megalith. This thing can actually fly?" 

Carole chuckled, and so did Tony Jose. They also had the same expression when they first saw this aircraft. During the time they commuted here, Yang Dao found out that both his companions have handled some assignments in the past so they were not complete noobs. While Carole specialized in interrogation. Tony was an expert in disguises and he was also a marksman.

Yang Dao was assigned as the captain of the team during the briefing period. He showed his skills of observation and reasoning inside. The two people were dissatisfied earlier, but they were tamed immediately. 

Yang Dao revealed flaws in their plans while he also fixed them. As the three people sat inside the behemoth, it growled and move. Despite the soundproofing, they could hear the loud sound of the engines. 

It was estimated that the journey will take them 13 hours. They will be skydiving at noon. The country they were going to be a Chain of islands, It was called the Garden Islands. This nation was the hub of the rich and willful to come and squander their money. 

This nation had 20 islands around the biggest island. Every island had its own specialty, Casinos, hotels, discos, sightseeing, Etc Etc. Except for these, they also had animal sanctuaries, and something the entire world wanted to peek inside, research centers. 

The thing about these research centers was that even the citizens of Garden Islands were not allowed on the island dedicated to them. The world never found out what they were doing there. The security was so tight that even research personnel were not frisked twenty times before they enter. 

This was the target of the spies, who were reported missing in action. Yang Dao recalled all the information he was provided by the old General. There were five agents posted here. All of them missing. 

Their names were; 

Jackyl Tryst, a 25 years old male. Cover - Botanist in the Garden island Universities, had a lot of contacts with people in high places. Specialties - Just like carol he was an investigator. 

Edgar Floyd, a 23 years old male. Cover - Security personnel in Research Islands. Specialties - investigator.

Liliana Drummer, a 26 years old female. Cover - Police office on the island nation. Specialties - Marksman. 

Andromeda Jones, a 29 years old female. Cover - Travel office manager. Specialties - Tech expert. 

Dillion Hanks, a 25 years old male. Cover - Security officer in one of the biggest casinos in the nation. Specialties - Vehicle expert and getaway guy.

These five people were placed in positions where they can monitor the different activities in the whole country. They provided some information regularly but suddenly they vanished. This happened two days ago. They were tipped that a consignment of research samples would sail out. 

They went to intercept and did not return. The tip came from a verified asset. Yang Dao was provided with a list of assets and their contact numbers as well. They were given a time limit of three days to locate and investigate the case. If they were captured by the enemy, they will be abandoned by the nation. Plus they were all illegally infiltrating the Garden Islands. 

This place was a den of the rich and cowards. They paid a lot of money for their security. If these big names sniffed that, Jewel Nation was sneaking in their paradise. It will escalate the situation too much. 

The reason the three people were not sent in by regular ways was that Garden Island was too secure for the three to sneak out of the web until they get out of the place. It was as if you are constantly monitored. The citizens all had to wear mini cameras when outside. These cameras are more terrifying than CCTVs. You can imagine the network the people have. 


The red bulb inside the plane turned green. Carole said, "Let's go, we are here."

Yang Dao stood up with a parachute tied to his back. He said, "I lead, you follow? Wing formation?"

The other two nodded, and the hatch opened. They took a small run and jumped from the opening. Yang Dao was in the center while the other two followed him on both sides. The altitude was twenty-five thousand feet. Almost at the edge of the stratosphere. 

They wore casual clothes, cold and lack of oxygen hit them hard, but suddenly a warm blanket of air enveloped them. Yang Dao bent the surrounding wind. The conditions eased a little. They quickly descended the sky. It would be boiling during the daytime, so nobody would look up at the sky when the sun was raging overhead. 

They choose to land in an animal sanctuary. This place was not visited by humans who came here for parties and plundering their wealth. As for some tourists, they all don't have spare attention on their hands, as they were all busy making videos and clicking pictures. The place they landed on was a swamp area. 

Three parachutes vanished inside the thick cover of green. The kids rolled them up and hid the bags in the bushes. Tony Jose said, "So now what?"

Yang Dao spoke up, "Heck into the Citizen monitoring network. Extract the clues of our agent's meeting with the assets. Locate the asset, Interrogate the truth out of them."

Carole nodded, "We need a place to operate. The old safe house may not be actually safe." her voice was wry. 

Yang Dao said, "Locate a cheap hotel, fill it with money, operate from there. Or look for a poor family. They might be in need." 

Tony shook his head and said, "Rich people, I never get what they are thinking about."

Then they vanished into the woods.

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