The Urban Dao Child.

Chapter 157 - Remorseful.

Chapter 157 - Remorseful.

Yang Dao came to the dining table with Lisa following him. She asked, "Young Master, miss Kiya called asking when will you be coming back."

The boy asked, "How come they have your number? Also, did I not tell her that I will be out and it has been only two days."

Lisa said, "That day when the two young ladies came to dinner they exchanged contacts with me before leaving. Also, miss Kiya told me that it was a young lady named Frieda Foster, who asked her to check." her tone was soft and low. 

She did not talk inside the mansion, but now that Yang Dao came and she found none of the servants around. Yang Dao nodded and replied with sign language, that he will contact them after dinner.

At first, Lisa was surprised when the boy started to use sign language, but later she found a maid approaching them she also used sign language and then left to do some work. Yang Dao was getting bored and then his gaze fell on a pair of chopsticks and different cutlery on the table. 

The boy picked up the chopsticks. He held one from the thicker end while one was held from the thinner end. Then he started to clink the chopsticks on the cutlery in a rhythmic pattern. The chopsticks and the utensils turned into a drum set in his hands. He swayed his head slightly and his right foot was shaking up and down as well. 

As the time passed his hands started to move fast, it was unknown when the maids nearby came over and started to sway to the beats, one even had the thing being recorded on her mobile. They all had a smile on their faces. Suddenly Yang Dao asked, "Does anyone know what will happen if Sister Yun caught you like this?"

His and did not stop moving though. The maids however froze. They bowed and said, "We apologize for slacking off, Young Master. We will go back to work. Please, forgive us." 

There were three maids. Yang Dao stopped beating the chopsticks and turned to them. He said, "Why are you guys so scared. Chill. Also, do not worry. My sister is not a beast, you know. She is not so inhumane. You can work and enjoy at the same time but make sure that your enjoyment does not disrupt your job, Okay?"

Listening to him speak so much, the maids were in a daze. The cherry on the top, the guy was smiling, dazzling their eyes. The maids nodded and they all agreed with his words. Yang Dao also told them to tell all the staff in the mansion that it was okay to chat and laugh but make sure you do not overlook your work. 

The maids went away with a satisfied smile and Feng Yun came over with Laohu Bai pushing the food trolley. Yang Dao asked as he chuckled, "Baibai what happened to your face? Why are you blushing?"

Laohu Bai almost did not cry. She said, "Sister Yun squeezed my face when I made mistakes in cooking. You have to ask her for an account Dao." she spoke in an aggrieved tone and pouting lips. 

The boy started to laugh really loud. He said, "Good job, Sister Yun." 

Feng Yun also chuckled looking at him. This made Laohu Bai drink the sour soup and her face became worse. Yang Dao stood up from his chair and walked up to her, after he placed his hands on her cheeks he said, "There there, now I have put a healing medicine on them. They will get fairer and smoother than before."

Then he took his hands back and pushed her to sit down in a chair. Feng Yun also sat down, Yang Dao refused the maid who followed the people to serve the food and did it himself. The three people ate with great satisfaction. Yang Dao praised the soup Laohu Bai and encouraged her to learn more dishes.

The white-haired girl was very easy to please, and his words were more than enough for her to stop being sour and joke around with them. The dao child asked when they were eating moon cakes. 

"Baibai, I left my car at the central command. They asked me to leave my mobile and the other civilian stuff behind. Today they dropped me here directly from the tarmac. Can you take me later to get the car? The keys are with Lt. Gen. Tiberius." 

Laohu Bai chuckled, as she said, "The old man was so scared when he found out about your car, he dared not let a soldier drive it and had it loaded in a truck and delivered here. You should have seen how he returned the keys to me. I will give them to you in a bit."

Feng Yun said from the side, "Also, do you remember the car racing event that the old chief Viktor asked you to participate in?"

Yang Dao nodded to her and the lady continued speaking, "It will be held a day after tomorrow and you can go there if you want to, otherwise I will send someone else."

The boy nodded and said, "I will go, but what car am I driving? Quinn is way too OP for the normal cars." 

Feng Yun said, "Surprise, all in the good time." her eyes leaked a playful glint.

Yang Dao wanted to ask more but knowing that she will not reveal it he set this matter aside. He asked, "What about the lab space?"

Feng Yun replied, "It is done, they came over for some work in the morning, they did some experiments. I had the people not peek at them. The lab space has been set up in Dao technologies office building."

Yang Dao nodded and the three people decided to take a walk outside in the garden. The boy gazed at the beautiful flowers in the garden and was lost in deep thought as he walked. None of the beauties said anything. They just followed him in silence.action

Finally, the boy said, "When I was in that place, such flowers were everywhere. Yet they had lost the sense of beauty to me. The more time I spent there, the more ugly it felt. I guess, just like anything else. Too much beauty begets ugliness."

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