The Urban Dao Child.

Chapter 161 - Gamble.

Chapter 161 - Gamble.

Yang Dao went inside the dressing room and unwrapped the box given to him by Feng Yun. Inside it laid a sleek white and black racing suit. The suit had a dao symbol on it. This made the boy happy, to him the most important thing was that this scheme was matching with his car perfectly. 

He quickly changed into the suit and came out of the dressing room, the car was now pushed outside the pit stop. he gave it a comprehensive check himself and even asked the technicians to make some tweaks according to him like the seat and steering level. The technicians followed his instructions. 

Yang Dao put on a full face mask leaving only his eyes and then he put on the helmet. He heard a voice in the helmet, "Hello, Dao, can you hear me?"

The boy looked around and found Viktor wearing a headset and mic. he gave him a thumbs up indicating that he can hear loud and clear. He sat down inside the car and waited for a signal. A car with yellow lights came from behind. 

Viktor said, "Go, stay ahead of the yellow." 

Yang Dao clicked on the gear switch and pressed the accelerator, the car turned slightly and he came on a clear road, then zoomed past the other pit stops. In a blink, he was on the track and was sprinting ahead. 

Viktor joked with him, "Kid, this one can't dance, be careful around the turns." the technicians behind him were all locals and they knew Yang Dao's skills as a road racer. This joke caused them to chuckle. 

What the old man meant was that this car cannot drift. It was made for speed or to be precise, to display the control over speed. The braking and speed drop was similar to the acceleration. This beast can stop in a second if you command it so. 

Yang Dao was already familiar with the track. His fingers were dancing as he changed his gears. His speed was fast and his turns were crisp. Soon, he met the first person in front of him. This guy was driving in the standard line like a race car driver, but nothing special. Just as they were about to turn, Yang Dao overtook him from the inside. 

The pit crew cheered. Viktor asked, "What if he scared them all off and they refused to race tomorrow?" he was not bothered about the kid. 

The boy was doing good and within 6 minutes he completed a lap. He spoke in his helmet, "Chief, the tires are stiff. I think a set of balanced ones would give me a better grip on the track."

Viktor replied, "Alright keep going and enter the pit stop in the next lep I will have them on stand by." 

Yang Dao replied, "Roger." He kept driving with his mind only focused on the track. 

Just when he was about to enter the pit stop he slowed down a bit, suddenly he made a left turn, a car passed dangerously fast on his right.


The car stopped a stop next to them. The driver did not even bother to react, suddenly Viktor saw a person and he clenched his teeth. At this moment, Yang Dao entered the pit stop. He got out of the car. The boy took off his helmet and walked up to the neighboring pit stop with a smile on his face. 

Viktor wanted to stop him but was stopped by Feng Yun. She said, "Relax, my brother can handle things. You guys change the tires." she was not worried about him at all. If anyone dared to try anything funny, she will vaporize them slowly. 


Yang Dao walked up to the pit stop. His arrival attracted a lot of attention. The technicians had a wry smile on their faces, they all were aware that the pass just now was dangerous but the driver and the crew chief were both such crude people, and they were just responsible for the vehicle and not how they drove it. 

The boy looked at the old man who was chatting with the driver inside the car and said, "Excuse me. Are you by any chance, Simpson Jacobs? Also known as the streak of the race track?" 

His voice attracted the old man, as well as the driver. The old man found Yang Dao quite young. He asked in an indifferent voice, "Are you the one, Mika passed just now?"

Yang Dao replied, 'If you mean Mika as in the driver of your camp then yes." his voice was polite and calm. 

The old man asked, "Why are you here? Do you expect an apology?" his voice carried a hint of sarcasm. He continued, "The track is ruled by speed, you were slow you have no right to complain."

Yang Dao chuckled, "He said, "Old sir, you think too much. I am obviously aware that the track is ruled by the fast. But you don't seem to know that if speed is not controlled, it can also bring death. Then you might as well go and race in the underworld." his words shocked everyone, even Viktor did not expect him to be so straightforward. 

No one has ever talked to him like this. He was about to reprimand him when Yang Dao said, "You better take deep breathes of if your heartbeat also started racing then you might need a fast ambulance. Am I right, you just had a bypass surgery not too long ago. As for the reason I am here. Tomorrow, I will pass your driver, by two whole laps. I will show you what speed actually is.

You might think that everyone has forgotten about it but you know deep inside your heart that just when you rose to the top and claimed the title of the world champion, this same arrogance of yours made you retire early. I just hope you do not teach others what you did wrong."

His words shocked the old man, the surrounding pit stops all heard what Yang Dao said. The driver, Mika got out of the car and took off the helmet. Long hair fell cascading her shoulders. Mika was a girl, and her beauty was close to Genie Jasper. 

She was enraged at this boy, who just came over and insulted her grandfather. She said, "Who are you? How dare you come over here and insult my grandfather? You will regret ever saying these words."

Yang Dao gazed at her and said, "I will make a bet with you. If I could not pass you by two laps tomorrow, I will kneel down in front of you and your grandfather and accept my mistake." his confidence words shocked the people around. They all did not have the guts to make such a bet.

Mika sneered and said, "What is the guarantee that you will honor your words?"

Yang Dao smiled and was about to reply when Feng Yun came over from behind him and placed a hand over his shoulder. She said, "My name is Feng Yun. President of The Phoenix Group. The one who stands in front of you is my younger brother. As for the guarantee. How about we use my company? If he lost and did not honor his words even if he hesitated slightly, you get my whole company. How about?"

Bomber Dao, Bomber Yun, reporting for duty. Her introduction made people shocked and this stake made them almost faint. Some faint-hearted even had to take support of the walls. How much was the net worth of the phoenix group? Trillions. She staked it all like it was nothing. 

Yang Dao did not say anything because he was sure of his skills. Mika was surprised but she was unaware of Feng Yun's identity, she has always dedicated her whole time and effort to racing. She said, "I accept. If I lost the bet then I will be his maid. You stake your everything. I bet mine."

Her grandfather was shocked. He tried to stop Mika but she did not listen to him at all. 

Feng Yun nodded and called her lawyer. The guy came over within thirty minutes. The whole track was silent. Yang Dao and Feng Yun were the only ones smiling. The lawyer came and the two parties signed an agreement. 

Feng Yun did not even read it and signed it as soon as Harvey gave it to her. Harvey can try and do something funny. He will not know how he died. Mika, however, had her lawyer check the agreement thrice. She signed it and the game was on.


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