The Urban Dao Child.

Chapter 166 - Accident.

Chapter 166 - Accident.

Yang Dao entered the fray once again. The reason for his speed was not that he had a faster car or something. But his control over time. Saving a lot of seconds on how to get around on the track was his boon. 

Also, he was not racing for any price, it was just for fun and teaching Mika how to be careful. The guy this time was even more bizarre than the last time. While the people were slowing down on the curves even more than before Yang Dao was pulling up his usual speed.

Some guys were even scared off by him. A few drivers even asked their crew chiefs if Yang Dao was someone their age. This guy ran the track as if he was some old monster with tonnes of experience behind him. 

As the race progressed Yang Dao passed them all once more. He was now driving behind Mika, who was in half a lap ahead of the rest. She heard the sound of someone approaching her. they were both on the 50th lap. The boy behind her has cut down the lap time to a shocking four minutes fifty seconds. 

She saw the time board near the starting line when she made a pit stop. This time she did not have any time to chase after the guy, It was a straight stretch and Yang Dao slipstreamed behind her, and just when his car was about to touch her tail, he turned out and passed her. 

The girl almost could not believe how he did that to her. She tried to catch up and suddenly when they were turning around the corner. She found that she could not slow down as fast as she wanted. The track was slippery and she had rarely raced in rains. The break timing was not correct and her car got off track. 

Yang Dao was sprinting ahead and he heard a crashing sound behind him. He asked Viktor, "What happened?"

Viktor replied, "Mika crashed, the car is flipped, she is pinned." 

Yang Dao had a bad feeling in his heart. He also moved his car off the track and stopped there. he got off the vehicle, threw his helmet back in the car, and ran to where Mika was pinned down under the car. 

His actions shocked the people. Never did a driver rush back to save an opponent.


Icarus stood up and said, "That is dangerous, that car is leaking oil."

Feng Yun said, "Calm down, Dao can handle it."

Laohu Bai also in a calm tone, " He is a special recruit. He has this much skill." she actually wanted to say that 'DAO CAN KILL YOU ALL AND YOU WILL NOT EVEN KNOW HOW YOU DIED'

The rest were calm, but below inside the pit stop. Viktor was yelling on top of his lungs.



Yang Dao reached the red car, he asked, "Mika are you awake?" his voice was loud. 

He heard a voice, "Yeah, but I cannot get out." the voice was weak, evidently, the girl was hurt in the crash.

Yang Dao said, "Brace yourself. I will flip it over." 

Inside the car, Mika felt that the voice was familiar, but she did not seem to recall who it belonged to. Well, she did not pay attention to the dao child earlier. (HOW SINFUL)

Yang Dao outside was unaware of this and squatted down. He took a deep breath and clenched his jaw. With a grunt, he lifted the car slightly. 


A tremor ran across the audience, everyone was struck silent. The minimum weight of an A1 car is seven hundred and forty kilograms. This guy lifted that, even if it is by inches, this is too exaggerated, right.

Ryu Jinshi mumbled, "He is not using the source energy inside him. Yun, did you not tell him about this?" his low voice did not hide the harshness.

Feng Yun did not reply, she did not direct all the important points to the boy. But yang Dao did not let her be the target of the rest.


Yang Dao had his eyes closed and sensed that the source energy was flowing to his arms slowly. He decided to give it a try. He urged the source of energy to move inside his arms faster. Suddenly, the strength in his arms increased exponentially. He grunted, "Humph,"

The car was lifted more. Mika could see that the car was being lifted by just one person and the black and white attire of the person made her heart shiver. She was about to get lost in her thoughts when she heard a scream. 


Yang Dao had lifted the car onto its sides. He said with a wry smile on his face, "Can you undo your seatbelt and try to climb out?"action

When he sensed that the car was balanced on its sides he let it go. Mika nodded and tried to undo her seatbelt but it was jammed. She said, "It won't come out." she was scared now. She had her helmet open and can smell the oil leaking. She said to Yang Dao, "You go away, please. This is about to explode."

Yang Dao shook his head with a sunny smile and said, "May I try?" without waiting for her reply, the boy stuck his hand in the cockpit, he held on to the seat belt joint. With a deep breath, he pulled it. 


Mika had no time to react when she was pulled out of the car. Yang Dao held her like a princess and walked away. She wanted to turn back and look at the car when she heard a warm voice, "Don't look back."

The girl became obedient all of a sudden. Her heart was almost exploded. She had never felt anything like this. The two had walked a little further when the lightning flashed. Followed by it the car exploded. 

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