The Urban Dao Child.

Chapter 191 - Elemental Spirit Guard

Chapter 191 - Elemental Spirit Guard

Yet Ryu Jinshi could see her. This was definitely not an ordinary human. Ryu Jinshi saw that the tiny girl was shocked in a daze, he said a few words in some language Yang Dao did not understand, but the girl immediately knelt on his shoulder and kowtowed to the screen. She said, "I beg your forgiveness, oh mighty one. Please forgive this ignorant child. I did not know that his holiness is dwelling on the mortal plane. Please forgive me." 

Ryu Jinshi said, "Worry not. Your arrival is a good thing. You must follow the young master from now on. Be by his side and be good. You are to be his elemental spirit guard. Do you accept?"

The girl nodded and accepted the task with great enthusiasm. She was thrilled to have received a task directly from her god. She decided to do it well, Yang Dao almost did not roll on the floor in laughter. This tiny girl was so cute. her porcelain doll face and sparkling eyes were totally adorable and funny. 

Listening to what Ryu said, Yang Dao asked, "Why are you tasking her to be bound with me without even asking her?" 

Ryu Jinshi replied, "Young Master, she has been out of the sacred plane for a long time and she needs to consume source energy. The sylphs and other such creatures are blessed by elements yet they are unable to refine the source energy for themselves without a medium. 

Inside the sacred plane, they rely on a material called, source stone, while out here in the mortal world source stone is the rarest of the rare commodity. She has been stranded here for more than fifty years, I can tell. Her reserves of the source stone are running empty. If you do not support her then she may not be able to make it for a long time. The reason is that you are still growing. 

My energy may be wind source energy, but she will explode into sparkly dust if shared. So, this is to help her and help you." 

Yang Dao nodded and said, "Okay, thank you for the help. Go now, be busy. I am riding on the highway. See you later."

Ryu Jinshi disconnected the call. The boy said to the sylph, "Is what he said about your energy running low true?" 

The sylph nodded somewhat embarrassedly. She asked, "Why did, His holiness called you Young Master?"

Yang Dao thought and said, "Oh, I am the Dao Child they say." 

Ushi froze in her spot. She asked, "You mean you carry the blessing of the four elemental gods?" her voice was a little trembly

The boy thought and nodded. He asked, "Why are you so scared?" he could sense that the girl was scared at the mention of the four elemental gods. 

She said, "Please, I will serve you with everything I have, can you not complain to them about me being naughty?" 

Yang dao asked, "When have you been naughty? Did you do something to me?" the tiny girl shook her head. The boy sighed and said, "Calm down. You did nothing wrong. So how do I help you?"action

The girl said, "You give me a new name, I hope you do not change my name too much, but after I acknowledge the name you have given me, you will become my Master. I will be able to absorb Source Energy as long as I am in your contact."

Yang Dao nodded and with his bad naming skills he said, "I name you Sushi, how about it? Do you accept?" 

The sylph did not know what sushi meant but she knew that the boy did not change her name too much as she asked him. She smiled and said, "I accept the name you give me, my master." 

Yang Dao felt a connection with her. It was something radiating from deep within his body. Shallower than what he felt with Feng Yun and the others but similar. 

She glowed for a bit and then returned to her actual appearance. She flew around Yang Dao in a circle and asked, "Where are we going, master?" 

The boy replied, "Human town a few kilometers away." 

Sushi asked, "Do you need my help?" tentatively.

The boy shook his head and said, "Your wind resistance is already buffing me up. So forget it." 

The sylph nodded and sat down on his shoulder. Sushi said, "Master, is it alright if I take a nap? I have not slept in a long time now." 

Yang Dao did not mind and said, "Will you be fine on the shoulder?" 

His wide shoulder was big enough for him but he was afraid if this tiny porcelain would fall off. The girl said, "I can rest in your hair. Can I?" 

The boy nodded with a smile and let her jump over his head, and she hid in his hair. After one small moment, Yang Dao felt nothing, he started to focus back on the road. A lot of questions were storming his mind but he believed that he will get the answers later. 

He wanted to ask, what was the sacred plane, what was the origin of this sylph, etc etc. 

After two more hours, Yang Dao crossed the town gates. It was a small county, the boy looked around and found a dumpling stall soon. he parked the bike in front and asked the old granny, "Grandma, how do you sell?" 

It has been a long time since any customer talked to the old lady so kindly. Otherwise, people would just call her old lady. She raised her head and found a young boy wearing a helmet, sitting on a bicycle standing in front of her. She had never seen this boy here. So she asked, "Sir, are you new to the town?"

Yang Dao smiled and asked, "Grandma, where am I a sir? Also, yes I am a passerby. My friends will be coming in a few minutes. So, I thought if I can eat some dumplings here."

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