The Urban Dao Child.

Chapter 222 - Unshakeable.

Chapter 222 - Unshakeable.


Kaya heard Terrence commanding Yang Dao to kneel outside and reacted, "Commander Terrence, this is not your naval forces. This is the special forces, other than the reporting superior officer, only the Minister of Defence, and the Premiere may punish a soldier. You are none of them, please be mindful of your behavior." 

Her voice radiated a strong gloom. She did not like this guy to be pursuing her as a love interest. To her, this guy was a brother she grew up with, yet he had to come over to the cantonment and act like this. Yang Dao said nothing but stood still. The leopard cubs beside him were growling at Terrence with hostility. Sushi had them staying back or things would have escalated real quick. 

The man in the Navy uniform heard this and frowned. He said, "Kaya, don't be angry. It is just as a junior this boy is not very disciplined." he blamed Yang Dao instead. 

Kaya clenched her jaws and was about to speak when Yang Dao asked, "Permission to confront, Commander Kaya." 

He was asking for her permission to face this guy. His insensitive behavior had pissed Yang Dao. Kaya did not want to be with him and that should be the end. Yet it was apparent that this man was clingy and how he commanded Yang Dao to kneel just now displayed his self conceitedness. 

Kaya would have hesitated earlier but now she nodded and permitted Yang Dao to face this person on his own. Yang Dao said, "Thank you." then he turned to the man and said, "When Commander Kaya introduced us, I saluted you following the military code of conduct. Then I only spoke up to my superior officer. You commanded me to kneel and called me indiscipline. 

If not because of the rules and regulations of the army and the fact that you are a superior ranking officer, I would have acted immediately. A man who cannot even discern whether his own actions are right or wrong should not point his fingers to the others." his words were sharp and clean. 

Other people in the building were passing by and after hearing Terrence command Yang Dao to kneel, they all stopped to watch the reaction of this boy. However, not only did the boy not apologize, but he also countered the person. They all nodded inside their hearts. This should be the attitude of the special forces. They were not as vast as the Navy and other two main forces, but the quality was better and the things they dealt with were difficult as well. 

The special forces had a motto, 'Never start a fight but if there is a fight, never back down.' Yang Dao did not start it. What he did earlier was to clear the situation and help Kaya let out the suffocation she held inside. Who knew this man was so narrow-minded. 

Terrence wanted to say something, but he had no words left for a comeback. He was fierce at the way this boy spoke to him. He was about to lose it completely when a cold voice sounded, "What is going on here?"

Everyone froze from the deterrence of the voice. Yang Dao smiled faintly but stood at attention immediately. The person who had just come over was none other than Laohu Bai. She wore her military uniform and looked very sharp. 

Yang Dao saluted her crisply. Laohu Bai gazed at him, and her stern gaze softened. She said, 'At ease, Captain." 

The boy parted his legs a bit and held his hands behind his back. Laohu Bai asked, "Commander Kaya, report, what happened here." 

The rest of the Special Forces officers stayed silent at attention. They were all scared of this white-haired beauty also known as The White Death in the forces. 

Kaya saluted and said, "General. Commander Terrence came over to meet me. During the meeting, I found out that he has romantic emotions for me, so I asked Captain Yang Dao to help me. The result was that Captain Yang Dao conveyed my refusal to Commander Terrence.

Commander Terrence thought he was out of line and asked Captain Yang Dao to kneel. When you arrived Captain was confronting the Commander with logic." 

Laohu Bai nodded and said to Terrence Lewis, "Commander Lewis, you are a dignified officer. You should respect others and yourself. Since Commander Kaya has no such feeling for you, why do you insist? Do you want to push her out of your life so much?" 

Her words clarified the fact to Terrence that his actions and help will definitely make Kaya go away from him. The man did not want that. They were still childhood friends, you know. He said, "I understand Commander. I shall go back."

He wanted to leave so easily, but how would Laohu Bai let it be. She said, "Commander Terrence, you waltzed inside the cantonment of Special Forces and even asked my officer to go outside and kneel. You should at least apologize to him." 

Terrence clenched his jaws tightly. He took a deep look at Laohu Bai, who looked at him with utter indifference. He found the girl had no fluctuation in her eyes. He could only turn back to Yang Dao and said, "Captain, I apologize for my behavior just now." 

Yang Dao nodded and said, "I understand, Sir." that was it. After this, Terrence left the building and headed back to wherever he came from. Laohu Bai snapped at everyone, "Get back to your stuff. The show is over." 

A loud yes sounded, and the people scattered. Yang Dao smiled and said, "I did not know, Babi to be so strict." 

Laohu Bai smiled brightly. After walking over to him, she placed her arm over his shoulder and said, "Let's go. We have a lot to talk about. Also, Kaya, you really need to be straight when dumping people." 

As soon as there was no one, they became frank and informal with each other.

Kaya blushed and said, "Boss, that was not my boyfriend. So, I hesitated." 

Yang Dao said, "You practice the earth element, no Senior Kaya?"

Kaya nodded. The boy said, "Be soft but stern. See, look at Baibai. The earth is like that. Calm, patient yet unshakeable." his brief sentence shook Kaya, sending her into a state of enlightenment directly. 

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