The Urban Dao Child.

Chapter 28 - Friend.

Chapter 28 - Friend.

Yang Dao rode his bike with a relaxed mind and did not seem to be competing with Icarus for the final finish. Icarus spoke, "Hey, I am also tired. But at least, try to put up some competition here." he was dissatisfied and thought Yang Dao was letting him win in pity.

Yang Dao shook his head and spoke, "My legs are numb. I cannot feel them anymore." his words were not exaggerated. This is his second bike race and he did not resist the wind in the slightest. He was physically fit but never had proper training in bike racing. It was all rainbows and strawberries from the rookie point of view of how hard it could be to ride a bike for 100 kilometers. But when you actually do it, you will wish to cut off your legs and feed them to dogs. 

Icarus glanced at Yang Dao for a second and then exclaimed, "I lost the mountain to a rookie?" he could not believe that Yang Dao was a rookie but then the scene where Yang Dao was having a problem with the rollers flashed in his mind. Then another explanation echoed in the mountain, "FUCK YOU, YANG DAO" Icarus was doubting his life for a second. Then he spoke to Yang Dao, "I beg your pardon for losing my composure but really man, fuck you. You are a beast you know? I have been racing for 3 years and won a lot of events but never imagined losing the mountains to a rookie."

Yang Dao did not take any offense and spoke, "There is a first time for everything." his voice was calm and serene as he glanced at the scenery. Icarus sighed and slowly pulled forward while Yang Dao rested his feet on the pedals and let gravity pull him down. His thighs were really sore. After resting for 20 minutes on the descend Yang Dao turned back to look at the mountain and saw a bus appear around the bend. This was the recovery bus, Yang Dao did not want to be picked up so he increased his speed. 

After 30 minutes Yang Dao reached the back entrance of the university and saw Icarus sprawled on the ground with some students crowding around him. Yang Dao thought they were messing with his acquaintance, so he rode the bike forward. Icarus spoke, "Issokay, cousin, don't worry. I am fine. Just tried from the race."

A man looking like Icarus shook his head and said, "Icarus, I have never seen you like this. Also, Your mom will make me lose a layer of skin if something happened to you. Let's go to the infirmary to check."

Icarus shook his head, he heard the sound of an approaching bike and raised his head to see Yang Dao. He spoke, "Classmate Dao, you are such a pervert. You only fell behind by 3 minutes and 42 seconds. I was expecting a little longer."

Yang Dao spoke, "The recovery bus showed up behind and I was scared so I pedaled faster. Though, now it seems I will be crawling back to the class." he ignored the person standing near Icarus. This person was none other than Mikhail. The president of the rich club. He also did not bother with Yang Dao.

Icarus asked, "Which class are you in?"

Yang Dao replied, "Class One, first year."

Icarus nodded and spoke, "We can ask the others after the completion. Till then you lay down and rest." then he turned to Mikhail, "Mika, I will talk to my friend. You go, I am fine. Also, I lost the mountain to this pervert. He climbed 30 kilometers in an hour." his words shook Mikhail. Riding a flat surface of the same distance is such a time that could be understood but climbing a roundabout mountain road. Only monsters would do that. Yang Dao was a monster in human flesh. 

Yang Dao spoke, "Throughout the whole climb you stuck on my ass like a goober." his voice was low and it was a disgusting analogy. Mikhail tagged his cousin as a monster as well. While Icarus spoke, "You are a goober."

The two began to bicker each other without caring for Mikhail and his cronies around them. Mikhail shook his head and left the place. Soon after he left the rest of the people came back to the finishing line. The Coach and the rest slowed down when They saw Yang Dao speeding up on the descend. They saw Yang Dao and Icarus laying down on the grass bed. Thomas walked up to the two and spoke, "Wake up you guys. The race has finished."

Yang Dao sat up but Icarus still kept laying down. Yang Dao spoke, "Captian, he fell asleep sometime back." then he stood up and walked back to the coach and ask if he could leave now. At this moment Jacob Gust was talking to some of the regular members and asked them to arrange the duties of those who although did not perform well in the race yet want to join the club. Yang Dao did not jump in, silently waited at the side. Jacob Gust spoke to Yang Dao after the rest was done.

"You go to the lockers and take a shower. Their is already a set of spares placed for you all. Then you can go back to class." his tone was calm and composed. Yang Dao nodded and left to the locker room.action

Icarus was still left to lay on the grassbed by the others. Yang Dao found him miserable and filled a glass of water. Then walked up to him, poured all the content on his face. Icarus yelled, "Save me, mom." and he stood up. Yang Dao heard his scream and could not help but laugh. 

Icarus looked at Yang Dao who was laughing at him on the side. He understood that it was this guy who poured water on his face. He spoke, "Damn you, I could have died just now." but his words did not make any difference and he stood up to chase the laughing boy. Yang Dao ran straight inside the club room. Everyone saw them messing around but did not say anything. This was the usual way fresher behaved. Suddenly Icarus stopped in his chase. His eyes landed on a black bike placed on a stand behind the lockers. 

He asked Thomas, who was servicing his bike after Yang Dao used it, "Captain, why do I feel this bike is somewhat similar?"

Thomas understood what he was talking about and without lifting his head he spoke, "It is Dao's. 'Silence', you can guess the rest." his tone was bland and devoid of emotions as he was focused on his bike. His words were like heavenly lightning falling on Icarus. 

He pointed at the black bike and spoke, "Seriously? Why did he not ride this bike then?"

Thomas spoke, "You won't be able to catch him then. Last time I rode with him on a flat and he won. The lead was 10 meters. Also, don't look at his smiling face. That beast can use the fabled fourth front gear."

Icarus screamed as he imagined the scene, "WHAT?" then he calmed down and said, "This monster."

Yang Dao came out of the showers wearing a dark green shorts and a round neck t-shirt. The t-shirt was slightly shiny and had white triangles as big as fist printed on it. On the back of the t-shirt in white print 'KING OF THE MOUNTAINS' was written. Below this title a number was printer, 06. He asked, "Why are you always shouting? Do you know it is illegal to cause Noise pollution?"

Icarus stood in a daze without replying. Yang Dao simply came to a desk and put on his shoes. He took out his bag from the locker and asked Thomas, "Captain, is this locker assigned to me?"

Thomas hummed and Yang Dao nodded then he spoke, "Okay everyone, I will leave. See you in the evening." with that he left and Icarus spoke, "Hey, wait for me. I have to report to the same class as well."

Yang Dao said, "You take a shower first or the whole class will be contaminated." and he left. The rest of the people kept indulged in their own things and Icarus rushed to the showers.


Outside the club Yang Dao was thinking, 'May be it is not hard to mix up with people and have friends.'

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