The Urban Dao Child.

Chapter 281 - Test.

Chapter 281 - Test.

The two talked a bit and the call was disconnected. Yang Dao came to the staff room and knocked on the door. Almost all the teachers were sitting inside, sharing morning coffee. They all heard the knock and a dozen pairs of eyes turned to the door. 

Yang Dao smiled and bowed. He said, "Good morning, Professors." 

The teachers loved his polite behavior and all replied to him. Some lady professors were warm to him and even asked him how were his vacations. Yang Dao replied to them all. He asked, "Professor Newton. I have my physics semestral assignment here. Would you like to take a look?"

Professor Newton immediately put down the coffee mug in his hand and said, "Finally found the time?" 

Yang Dao scratched the back of his head. He spoke with a hippie smile, "It is not like that. Physics is tougher than Computer Operations." 

At this moment he heard a voice, "Oh, is Computer Operations such an easy subject? Shall I give you a hard assignment this time around?" 

The voice belonged to Kylie Dew. He said, "I mean, that I am better at Computer Operations than Physics. Thanks to Professor Dew." 

The lady smiled at his words. Suddenly an old man in the room spoke, "Manipulating Emotions. I see Young Dao has gotten proficient in human psychology." 

His words made everyone laugh. Yang Dao smiled and passed him a thin file. He said, "Sir, this is the semestral assignment for Psychology." 

Every student was given a case file to study and then they will have to write a report based on their learnings. When he was busy talking to the old man. Professor Newton was shivering with excitement. He asked, "Dao, have you published this thing anywhere?" 

Yang Dao shook his head and said, "It is better if it does not go out from the national circle. The people may go to war for it." 

His tone was calm but his words shook the whole staff room. One of the young teachers asked, "Is your assignment that serious?" 

Yang Dao chuckled and said, "No, Ma'am. I was joking." 

Everyone calmed down. Professor Newton picked up the file in his hands and said, "Dao, you should come along with me. I still need to ask you for clarification for some things." 

Yang Dao nodded and walked out of the staff room after greeting the people. He knew that old man Newt has called him out on purpose. The topic of his research was related to the research being carried out on the atomic fusion reactor. He had taken some help from RALF, the conclusion and the basic idea were all input by him. RALF had just helped him with the calculation in one night. 

Yang Dao did not question and just followed the old man to his own office. The staff room was a place where these old fellows all meet and share a light bite over some chat. On the way, Yang Dao met a few students, who smiled at him and he returned the gesture.

Smiling at each other as a greeting. The reason they did not yell, HELLO DAO, was because professor newton walking along with him. After a while, the two people arrived at the office of Professor Newton. 

Kiya happened to be cleaning up some things. It was the student's duty to manage the office of the professor they study under. Kiya was like a disciple to Professor Newton so she was responsible for cleaning it up in the morning. She saw Yang Dao beside the professor and almost could not stop herself from jumping in his embrace.  action

She greeted the professor, "Good morning, Sir." 

Newton nodded and said, "Dao, what are you intending to do with this paper, tell me?" 

Yang Dao said, "I study for my own growth. I have a business in computer technology and finance market. So, I do not need to be a famous academian. So, there is no need to publish this paper. You can give me the passing grades, then share this paper with the other researchers with ease. However, I hope they all are loyal people." 

Newton nodded and said, "Don't worry about that. I can guarantee their loyalty. In the past two months, the research has taken a big leap and the progress is stable. The people are all being monitored by the government. So, we do not have to face the problem of defectors. But are you sure you want to give up all the things that come with the publication of this paper?" 

Yang Dao was not an idiot. Obviously, he was aware that the fame and reputation he will get with the publication of this paper will have make a lot of things easier but after careful calculations, he decided to give up the publication because he did not want it anymore easier than this. 

His life was already smooth sailing and he was looking for a challenge that can make him aware of where his limits lie. Thus he decisively sacrificed the publication of this paper. 

He said with a calm face and heart, "Yes, Professor, I give up the publication of this paper. I just wish that the research goes on smoothly." 

Professor gazed at the aloof boy in front of him and said, "Very well, we do this. This paper will be made public after five years. The results must come out positively." 

Yang Dao had no opinions. He did not care about the future, just his present actions were what he was concerned about as these actions were the key factor that determined the future. Kiya was confused with the conversation being held between the two men. 

However, she did not intervene as she was not related to this. Professor Newton sighed and said, "Well, go, you have classes. I will deal with things for you." 

The old man was moved by this action of the young man in front of him. Yang Dao nodded and beckoned Kiya to come along with him as well. he did not care but Professor Newton was aware that anyone who gazed at this paper will have turbulence set off in their hearts. 


On the highway near Jade city, a white SUV was traveling at a high speed. Inside sat three passengers. One of them said, "How long?" 

The driver replied, "Twenty Minutes." 

The car returned to silence. Suddenly, the driver raised the speed. He said, "I sense danger." 

The next moment, three earth spikes popped out from the ground and impaled the feet of the three men. However, they all did not react. 

The man in the back seat said, "Elementalist." in his voice there was no surprise. These three men were hyper humans, sent by the New Dawn. 

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