The Urban Dao Child.

Chapter 313 - Comprehended.

Chapter 313 - Comprehended.

Yang Dao kept on reading the book of death and found out that the reason behind the spirit of death losing his balance was because of the previous Dao Children having a misconception. These guys did not have complete control of their Dao Resonance and thus they feared death as the all-powerful spirit. 

While at the same time they were very friendly to Vita, the spirit of life, who had always been calm and kind to the people she interacted with. Spirits, despite being all-powerful, would lag in some aspects. They tended to believe the words of the outlanders a bit too quickly. 

For example, if you tell an Undine that she is the most beautiful lady you have ever seen. The Undine will blush and get a big head. That being said, the spirits of life and death also had this flaw in their characters. The heavenly balance was displayed here as simply as it could. Even the all-powerful spirits have flaws, so what are you and me. The Dao itself is ever-changing and improving. 

Yang Dao kept on reading the book and found that some of the people were not afraid of the spirit of death, but they believed that the power of negativity was above that of positivity. Thus, to get in the good books of the spirit, they flattered it without any scruples. The deformity in Mortem's character took charge and made him imbalanced. 

Vita tried to advise him but was ignored. Since the two were counterpart spirits, Vita could not do much other than ask him to correct his ways. If she was to fight with Mortem, the imbalance would have escalated and the world could be destroyed before a suitable Dao Child could come and fix things up. So, she endured. 

Mortem took her patience and forbearance for her weakness and started to suppress her. Vita was pushed into seclusion. If she did not react and maintained her balance, she could extend the timeline. It was a gamble, but her gamble paid off. Yang Dao arrived and handled the situation very calmly.

He was neither afraid nor in awe of the spirit of death. After taking control of the spirit seeds, he finished reading the book with ease. He closed the book of life and sat down on the ground with his eyes closed and contemplated on the information he had read. 

The process was tedious and long, but with the patience of the Dao Child, it was nothing. After two days of secluded meditation, Yang Dao opened his eyes. It was said that the eyes were the window to your soul. The glow and dull contained within his eyes were like a verification of the quote. He had mastered the laws of life and death. 

The result was so soon because the process was aided by the spirit seeds. However, since he had just read the book of life. He decided to go and read the book of death. He always believed that incomplete knowledge was harmful. This was something unique about him. Ryu Jinshi stood in the back and he was observing all this. He had sensed that Yang Dao's aura has undergone a significant change. 

However, since Yang Dao had not disclosed it to him, then he would not pry into this matter. Everybody had their secrets. One more thing that prevented him from asking things was that his aloof, windy temperament did not stop the laws he ruled over from going astray. Well, he was not alone in this matter. All the familiar spirits had made such mistakes. 

The thing is that they were using the devices made by the heavens to manage the world. Just like a consumer using a product. They will try to use the product to its best extent, however, they could not fix the problems within the product design. 

Think of a realm like a factory. The familiar spirits are managers. The laws are the products being designed by an existence that even the managers had no connection to. The world becomes the consumer and after the changes in the product over time; the consumer faces the problem, so the manager has to call the designer to fix it. After all, their job was to look after the factory. 

Yang Dao opened his eyes and said, "Ryu, blaming yourself is a vain cause. Learn and improve. Let us go to the death faction. I need to read the book of death. Time is going away." 

His voice was dignified and calm. His temperament has changed from the evasive young boy to a man who could inspire people. His aura made Ryu change his address for the boy, "Yes, Master." 

Yang Dao had always been careful about not being high and mighty in front of people. But after he understood the content in the book of life, he understood that one should remain the same as they have always been, regardless of the result of what the world thinks about them. They can handle things if they go wrong, but hiding your true self will only make things difficult for them. 

Ryu Jinshi led him to the chamber where the book of death was located. Yang Dao did not waste a single moment and started to read the book as soon as he got near it. The speed was fast, but he did not miss a single word. Half the content was as he expected, but he found that some of the Dao children tried to show the spirit of death a lesson, but they were all defeated and thrown out of the world. 

The books also stated the reason for such happening. The Dao Children thought they could just preach how they were the Dao and the Dao was them. but since they did not have control of the Dao resonance in them. The spirit of death did not take them seriously and TADA. They were all defeated and thrown out of the realm itself. 

Ryu Jinshi wanted to sigh when he recalled the stuff he read in the records of the heavens about the Dao children. It was stated in the records that the Dao Child will influence the familiar spirits around him. It also stated that the familiar spirits should arrange it so that the Dao Child should not be disturbed inside the realm because he could enter a state of epiphany. 

Just as he was having such thoughts, Yang Dao sat down on the ground with his legs crossed and he started to contemplate what was written in the book of death. 

The book of life, apart from the records of the past Dao Child visitors also, defined the purpose of life. It said that "Those who live shall live properly by performing their duties, such as involving in secular human life to contribute to the society, avoiding sinful acts, and in the end giving up the secular life and live in seclusion trying to discover themselves. In the end, they can attain freedom from the cycle of life and death."

The book of death also had such a description of the purpose, "Those who indulge in secularism and harm the society, commit sinful acts, and do not repent their deeds from the depth of their hearts will suffer in death to pay the price for all the harm they made. Such people will go through unimaginable pain and only after serving enough time in the depths of the hell will they be given another chance at life to discover themselves and break free."

Yang Dao meditated for a day as he sat down. He was thinking about what is death and what is life if all they are aiming towards freedom from the cycle of life and death, then why was it so hard to do so. The answer was all inscribed within the cycle itself. He concluded that to get ahead in the world, people need money and status, to protect themselves and the things they care about they have to gain power. 

These emotions of a person bound them to a lot of things that stand in their ways to attain Emancipation. Only by giving up these bonds and bounds will they be able to break away from the cycle. Yet, it was not so easy for a human, who has already become a slave to his/her emotions, to give up, and they keep on growing in this quagmire of life. 

Yang Dao opened his eyes again and mumbled to himself, "Why can people not control their emotions when they know what will happen to them if they kept indulging in it?" 

Such questions flooded his mind. Ryu Jinshi said, "Master, emotions are a test set by the heavens. If it would have been easy to attain emancipation, humans would start taking it for granted and thus the need for this cycle of life and death is very important. After all, you might not wish to have everyone to return to the origin and making the world devoid of life?" 

Yang Dao thought for a bit and felt that all the things were now falling in their place. He smiled and bowed to Ryu Jinshi as he said, "I thank you for your guidance." 

Ryu Jinshi was embarrassed and quickly bowed back to Yang Dao, but before he could say anything He said, "Let us go outside, I would like to see if the spirit kings have some real capital or not." 

That said, the two people left the secret rooms to the gathering hall. 


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