The Urban Dao Child.

Chapter 321 - Learn.

Chapter 321 - Learn.

After the discussion with the elders of the Undine race, the elders became eager to implement the new ways suggested by Yang Dao. However, they dared not neglect the duties of a host. How can Yang Dao not see this? and said, "At this moment you all are exercising your self-control. Your nature makes your heart and thoughts move forward, but it is can still refrain." 

His voice had turned ethereal as if hypnotizing the Undine Elders. They all sensed a strange calm washing over their restless thoughts, making them firm and calm. The surrounding water had a slightly colder temperature than the normal Undines. 

This was nothing more than an indication that they were now calm. The undine elders did not know when they had changed their fishtails into human limbs and were kneeling on the ground. When they recovered, they all had reverence in their eyes. The target was Yang Dao. The boy was also not too hard on them. He waved his hand and let them go on to deal with the things they had in their minds.. 

Ryu Jinshi wanted to stop them and say something using his mental energy, but he was stopped by Yang Dao. The Dao child waved his hand and said, "The spirits all follow the commands of nature. These commands are not something we can intercept until we have become one with nature. Let them go, or you will stand in obstruction of nature's course." 

Ryu Jinshi bowed and said, "As you command, Master." 

The three people were then provided with two guards to move around the territory and sightsee. Yang Dao was very fascinated by the necklaces and other things. He bought some. The shopkeepers were aware of his status and wanted to waive the cost to him, but Yang Dao did not budge and only accepted the gifts after the payment was accepted.  action

The masses were enthralled to see the emissary of the heavens be buying the mundane things. One man could not help but came forward to ask him, "Sir, will you have any use of these back at your heavenly palace?" 

The boy was taken aback, then he chuckled. The people thought that the guy was offended but the young man replied, "I have yet to get the qualification to get inside the Heavenly palace. Also, even if it is the heavenly palace, mundane things that bring you peace are not mundane." 

The people were confused for a bit, but after a few seconds the mist cleared and they understood what he meant. They all bowed to his receding back. They comprehended that if something can bring you peace, true peace, then it is not a mundane thing and can be placed in the heavenly palace. Peace is priceless and cannot be judged by monetary value. 

This washed away their doubts about the Dao child. Well, they thought that the person was buying it all just for the sake of farming some goodwill. Absurd, when had the Dao child missing such things as goodwill. Now that the person was acting genuinely, their respect grew. 

The reason Yang Dao did not take things for free was that he was not such a person. Secondly, he did not wish to owe favors to anyone for such trivial things. The knowledge of four laws had made it clear to him that the cause and effect in the world will someday come forward and become his biggest obstacle in the path to move forward. 

Ryu Jinshi understood was he was thinking and said, "Master, if you do not form bonds or connections then that will also be a flaw in your way to ascension." 

Yang Dao nodded and said, "I understand that Ryu, but is it necessary for me to make connections with everyone. I have the four of you. My friends in the mortal world. The reason I am not eager to have any bonds in this place is because of the limited travel. What if I need help or they need my help? I cannot intervene in the laws of the world too much or the catastrophe may elevate." 

That said, the three people continued walking among the sand streets of the Undine region. Yang Dao asked, "Where can we try to eat some food?" 

Only Salamanders were carnivorous among the spirits, the rest all consumed vegetables. Sounds odd but the closer they were to nature and given the conditions the three species lived, vegetables were abundant in bulk and sprint was only for the fire species because they were all warriors. They needed to be stronger than the rest of the species. 

However, it was not just eating all and anything, they would just eat the beasts that are closed to their lifespan found inside their territory. Despite being the beasts of brute force, they all had a warmer side. They were very united, and they loved their families. Yang Dao heard all this from the babbling Sushi and was shocked. His first impression of the Salamanders was that of a warrior hungry for battles. 

Sushi laughed so loud that it attracted the Undines around them after she heard what he thought of the Salamanders. Ryu Jinshi also had a faint smile on his face. The master still had a long way to go and learn that a book must not be judged from its cover. Although he would not do so every time, a slip sometimes was necessary to make him regain his stability and become even better. 

Yang Dao was not a person to flinch his neck back when it came to learning things. His attitude to learning about everything came to him as an innate feature of his persona, embedded deep inside his origins. The Dao was ever-changing and thus the Dao child was also changing as he learned about things. 

The boy completed the tour of the territory faster than he expected. By the end of the day, he said to Ryu, "We need to wrap things up fast. I have been here for 6 days now. Which means six weeks have gone by. I need to get back home." 

Ryu nodded and said, "We shall go to the Gnome territory today. After you are done there, we can head to the Salamanders and go back home. How about?" 

Yang Dao thought about it and then nodded. He said, "What I learn here is not that immersive. All the things in this realm teach you how to be in line with nature. How to use nature without damaging it beyond the point of repair. I saw how the Undines repaired three buildings with the dust they collected during the hollowing. 

They did not dump it away like us. They have no garbage here, they eat seaweed and it tastes delicious. The means of communication has also taken from nature itself. Even if they use sea animals for transport, they are not harsh on them. While humans think that if they own an animal, they can do anything. 

I have learned the importance of the change in the human mindset. The governments and politics, the businessmen and the profiteers. These people will always exist. After all, we need the good to be balanced by the bad, but they need to stop the exploitation of nature and the morale of humanity. The supreme beings of the world, yet are the cause of the world's destruction. 

After going back, the first thing I will do is..." 

He chatted with Ryu Jinshi in-depth about his future goals and the picture of the world he had in his mind. The azure dragon was also very patient, and he guided the boy calmly. Sushi was allowed to wander around the vicinity on her own. What the two men were talking about was not heard by the surrounding people, as they had cast a barrier. 

If they let the knowledge of other realms influence this world, it will be a catastrophe. Ryu Jinshi said, "Master, you can leave the people that can be reformed to us, however, I suggest that when you go back, you begin to clean up those tumors that cannot be cured." 

Yang Dao nodded. He was not a sissy when it came to killing people who were not willing to re-correct themselves. He said, "I will be carrying out hits all over the world then. Also, you need to train me. The reason I have not made any move now is that I do not have control over my killing aura. On the mission back to then, the guards could sense me. It was because they were all trained and had better senses. If I was to encounter another Elementalist, it would have been a lot more complicated."

Ryu Jinshi nodded and said, "You have been trained by the military, so you can operate in a team with no problem. However, acting as an assassin is a different thing. I will take you to the battlefields of the freedom country, both the hidden ones and the world-known. There you will accumulate the experience and the control you seek."

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